Lei Qianren didn't seem to hear Luo Ruge's threat, and said to the bystander, "what did this woman do before?"

When they came back, Lin Tian was injured and didn't know the details.

After hearing this, Lei Qianren looked at Luo Ruge and said, "did you kick with your right leg? In that case, cut off your right leg."

With these words, he walked towards luoruge step by step.


Luojunya's face changed. Although he also knew that he and others had made mistakes first, in his mind, he also thought it was a small thing. The lives of ordinary people were not worth money at all.

It would be absurd for a child to cut off Luo Ruge's leg.

He and the woman beside him rushed to Lei Qianren to stop him.

"Hey! Boy, your opponent is Lao Tze!"

Before luojunya rushed to Lei Qianren, a low voice like a beast came into his ears. His body like a fierce beast stopped him, and Qingtian's fist the size of an ordinary man's head hit him!

In an instant, Luo Junya judged that the other party and himself were the same to prove the great perfection of the Taoist realm.

However, the other party's breath was obviously the same as his own, which was the great perfection of the Taoist realm, but the terrible pressure almost made him unable to breathe, and his legs trembled uncontrollably, as if there was a huge mountain pressing on him.


Qingtian hits Luo Junya with a fist and blows him out.

The woman who rushed to Lei Qianren with Luo Junya suddenly stopped and looked frightened. When people wondered what was going on, they saw her seven orifices gushing blood at the same time, like an open tap.

No matter how she controlled it, seeing blood in her body was like having self-awareness and going crazy, rushing towards her body.

A beautiful demon like figure appeared behind her. It was the blood demon.

The blood demon took a dagger in his hand and patted the woman on her face. Suddenly, the woman flew out and fell on the ground. She was already unconscious!

"This -"

Luojunya was shocked when he saw this scene.

Luo Ying, like herself, is a man who is as beautiful as a demon. His breath is also a man who is a great success in preaching!

The two of us, who are both witnesses to the perfection of the Taoist realm, were defeated by people of the same rank in an instant?

This made him unwilling, but at the same time, a strong sense of powerlessness emerged.

"Are you... Are you crazy? Don't mess around! Otherwise, you will regret it. If you dare to cut off my leg, I will let all of you bury with me!"

When Luo Ruge saw Lei Qianren coming step by step, she looked at the onlookers and found that these people had sneers on their faces. Her heart was creepy. She just thought these people were crazy!

As I said clearly, I am a royal family from the central divine realm, and my great grandfather is the supreme. Don't these guys hear me?

Just before Lei Qianren came to her, when she was about to start, the space in front of Luo Ruge was distorted. A tall and thin old man with white hair came out of the distorted space.

"Uncle Chengyan!"

At the sight of the old man, Luo Ruge's fear disappeared and she cried out with joy.

Luo Junya breathed a sigh of relief. He had long guessed that he and others were going out for training for the first time. In addition, Luo Ruge's identity was much more noble than that of ordinary Luo family children. The clan should send someone to protect him secretly.

'Uncle Chengyan is a secret message in the heart of immortal.

The great perfection of the territory is more powerful than the leaders of the Yuding Dynasty. In such a city belonging to the Yuding Dynasty, no one can be his opponent. We are all safe, but with the character of Luo Ruge and Luo Guangyu, we can never give up. " Luo Jun

"Uncle Chengyan, you've been following us secretly! Then why did you wait until now? You should have done it earlier. There's no chance for these countrymen to be rampant."

Luo Ruge was discontented and did not fear the elders in the immortal realm.

Luo Chengyan snorted coldly, "why wait until now? Naturally, it's to make you suffer a little. In order to avoid always thinking that you are from the middle and have a noble status, you can walk across the West. The west can't be compared with the middle, but those who are better than you can't count."

He looked at luojunya: "once you lose the protection of the Luo family, you will not be able to fight with the rank monks! In terms of talent and foundation, you are countless times stronger than ordinary monks, but in terms of actual combat experience, you have not faced a real crisis of life and death so far. Why should you fight with those who climb up on countless corpses?"

Luojunya was said to be ashamed.

Although luoguangyu was covered with blood and looked terrible, he was hurt mainly by flesh and did not faint. He stared at Lei Qianren with a bitter look on his face and said to the old man: "Uncle Chengyan, you are right. We are too self righteous. We have learned a lesson from today's events!

But these guys, who dare to hurt our Luo family, even cut off Ru Ru's leg, must not let them go! "

"It's natural."

Luo accepted the banquet and nodded. The Luo family was beaten in a subordinate city of an immortal Dynasty in the West. It would be very humiliating to hear about this. He must make the other party pay a price.

"The upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked. Snakes and mice are not good! It's obviously you who started first!" Lin Panpan said angrily.

Luo Chengyan looked at his nose and heart. He said lightly, "it doesn't matter who started first. What matters is that you will pay the price if you beat the Luo family."


Lei qianblan shot in an instant, and the whole person turned into a ray of thunder. In an instant, he came to Luo Chengyan.

"How powerful can you be in the early days of immortality, and how can you rival me as a great perfectionist of immortality? A mayfly can shake a big tree, and you can't measure your strength!"

Luo Chengyan was faster than Lei Qianren. He disappeared in front of Lei Qianren and appeared behind him. His right palm turned over. The golden light flashed in his palm and hit Lei Qianren on the back.

"Be careful!" Su man's face suddenly changed.

"Uncle Lei!" Lin Panpan and Lin Tian are all frightened.

Optimus and the blood demon didn't say anything, but rushed to Lei Qianren in an instant to help him. Their speed was very fast, but it was very slow compared with Luo Chengyan's shooting speed.

Lei Qianren, who has always been good at speed, didn't even have time to turn around. He just reflected that the other party's palm had fallen on his back.

"It's over!" Lei Qianren's heart sank.

Luo Ruge and Luo Guangyu are proud.

Next second.


A human figure flew out backward. To the later people's silly eyes, this figure was not Lei Qianren, but Luo Chengyan!

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