Luo Guangyu rubbed his eyes and determined that the scene in front of him was true. His chin almost fell to the ground.

"Elder Chengyan slapped the cultivators in the early days of immortality, but he flew out. How could this be possible?" Luojunya was stunned, like a ghost in the daytime.

Luo Ruge was as numb as a chicken.

Not to mention these people, even Lei Qianren, who was the party concerned, looked confused and could not figure out what the situation was.

"Crouching trough! When did you become so powerful that you can't even compete with the immortal realm?" Optimus stopped and exclaimed.

Lei Qianren turned his eyes. "Don't you know what strength I am? I can fight against the middle of the immortal realm! If the immortal realm is full, I will fight."

In the eyes of all the people, Luo Chengyan got up from the ground in confusion, looked left and right, and said angrily: "who! Who dares to meddle in my business? Get out of here!"

The crowd then realized what was going on. It was not that Luo Chengyan could not hurt Lei Qianren, but that at the moment just now, someone secretly helped Lei Qianren.

Su man, Lin Panpan, Lei Qianren and others guessed who this person was almost immediately.

"Little brother!" Su man looks happy. After all these years, she can't change her name to Lin Chen.

"Dad!" Linpanpan and Lintian looked happy.

"Sect leader! It must be the sect leader." Optimus excites.


There was no movement or even any spatial fluctuation. A human figure appeared in the public's sight like a ghost. Who else could it be, not Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Lei Qianren, Qingtian and the blood demon and said with a smile, "you three have not gone out for training this time. Your strength has been improved a lot."

Looking at Lin Tian again, he asked, "how is it? Is the injury serious?"

Lin Tian stood up straight, like a little man. He shook his head and said, "it's not serious. It doesn't hurt at all!"

"He deserves to be my son of Lin Chen. He has a hard bone." Lin Chen laughed.

Lin Tian smiled happily on his small face, as if he had been greatly praised.

At this time, the onlookers almost blocked the whole street. After seeing Lin Chen, the dense crowd burst into bursts of pleasantly surprised shouts.

"City Lord! Here comes the city Lord."

"Now, these guys are finished! If you dare to make trouble here in our global city, you will have to give them some pain."

"Not only did you beat young master Lintian, but you also dared to insult the wife of the city Lord. In any case, this matter can't be solved."


Lin Chen had just left the pass. He realized that there were immortal strongmen fighting here, so he came to have a look. He didn't know the details of the incident. However, he soon learned about it from the words of others, and his face became a little gloomy.

Luoruge, luojunya and others already knew that the young man who suddenly appeared was the master of the global city. The reason why Chengyan uncle flew out just now was because of this guy.

"It's impossible that the city master of this kind of city could beat Chengyan uncle out of the air. But the scene just now was clearly not an illusion. What was it? "

Luojunya was suspicious and looked up and down at Lin Chen. He secretly said that if he judged from his appearance, he didn't look much older than himself.

"Are you the master of this city? Hum! Do you want to die? I don't care what small means you used to plot against uncle Chengyan, but you should make it clear that even the leader of the Yuding Dynasty should respect me! As for you, a small city master -"

After luoruge regains consciousness, she stares at Lin Chen with her eyes high, intending to intimidate the other party with her own identity. As a result, Lin Chen interrupts her before she finishes speaking.

"When the leader of the Yuding Dynasty sees you, he should be respectful and respectful. It's none of my business? Let alone the Yuding Dynasty. Even if all the forces in the West are afraid of you, it has nothing to do with me. If you come to our global city, you should abide by our rules. If you don't abide by the rules, you should be punished!" Lin Chen said coldly.

"You don't belong to the Yuding dynasty?"

Luo Ruge guessed something no matter how slow he was, but immediately sneered:

"I don't care whether you belong to the Yuding dynasty or not! I'm a royal family from the central region of the supreme god domain. Whether this place is under the jurisdiction of the Yuding dynasty or not, if you dare to provoke me, I will kill you!"


Lin Chen disappeared in situ and appeared in front of Luo Ruge.

"What are you doing?" Luo Ruge was so scared that she sat on the ground.

Lin Chen said faintly: "can't you kill us? Since you are so powerful, how can you be scared into this appearance?"

The onlookers burst out laughing and looked at Luo Ruge with disdain. They just felt that these guys were the flowers in the greenhouse, just like the second generation ancestors who used to bully people based on their parents' backgrounds.

And this kind of person is the most despised!

"You, you -"

Hearing the laughter of the crowd, Luo Ruge's face turned blue, looked at Luo Chengyan and shouted, "Uncle Chengyan, hurry up and clean up this guy! He definitely used some unorthodox means just now. As long as you are careful, he is definitely not your opponent!"

Luo Guangyu then said, "that's right! This guy is just a small city Lord. It's impossible -"

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Luo Chengyan did something that made everyone dumbfounded. He roared angrily at Luo Guangyu, ran quickly to Lin Chen, fell down on his knees with a plop, and said in a trembling voice:

"I have seen the supreme!"


His kneeling seemed to press the pause key of time and space, and the picture was frozen!

Luo Ruge, Luo Guangyu, and Luo Junya were buzzing in their minds, just like another group of wild horses galloping in their minds. They just felt dizzy.

"Have you seen me?" Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at him, but he had no impression of the man. He thought they came from the middle of the country. He should have seen himself before.

Luo Chengyan hurriedly said: "at that time, at the meeting of the 'Taiyi divine domain' Divine City, many people from the divine domain gathered together. I had the honor to witness your true face."

Linchen immediately understood that what the other party said should be that after the "Taiyi divine realm" had an accident, the three superior supreme divine realms, including the "Jingyue divine realm", proposed that all the supreme divine realms jointly discuss how to divide the "Taiyi divine realm" territory.

He asked, "which supreme god domain do you come from? The 'boundary moon god domain', 'Ming Huang God domain' or 'Tai Wu God domain'?"

Hearing this question, Luo Chengyan almost lowered his head to his chest and said: "we are not from the three supreme god domains, but from the 'cangtuo God domain'."

"The middle supreme realm?" Lin Chen said.

Luo Chengyan's face was very embarrassed: "next... The next god realm, our God realm, there are three supreme masters in all."

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