Qiuhaomiao nodded. He knew that the other side was obviously a method of motivating the general. However, it doesn't matter. A supreme realm peak can't turn the world upside down in the face of the two of them.

Like to think carefully?

Then I will help you!

Only Lin Chen looked at the tall and thin middle-aged man who rushed alone and felt a little depressed. I really let you two go together!

Before the tall and thin middle-aged man rushed to Lin Chen, his body turned scarlet like a bloody liquid. If it was like a raging wave, he would swallow Lin Chen.

At the same time, Lin Chen felt that the blood gas in his body was affected, and the blood actually had the feeling of breaking through blood vessels and gushing out of skin and flesh.

"The law of blood?" Lin Chen is a little surprised.

"Jie Jie! Yes, it is the law of blood. You will soon understand how foolish it is to dare to provoke me."

In the blood rush, the strange laughter of tall and thin middle-aged people came out.

The next second, Lin Chen was drowned by the blood storm. The blood was shining with cold rays, like countless sharp blades mixed in it.

"Lin Chen!" Seeing that Lin Chen was instantly submerged, the heavenly concubine was scared and screamed.

"It seems that I think too much of this boy."

Qiuhaomiao's eyes were filled with disdain. He thought that the boy and the woman seemed to have some relationship. It was possible that the means were extremely powerful, but he was a waste.

The blood frenzy washed away from Lin Chen and ran for a distance. After stopping, he turned into a tall and thin middle-aged man.

He turned to look at Lin Chen. In his mind, Lin Chen was already riddled with holes. If he didn't want to keep him for questioning, he could have killed him just now.

Lin Chen was still standing in the same place. He was covered with a dark armor with golden scale like veins. The dark flame leaped on him and looked at the tall and thin middle-aged man with puzzlement:

"What kind of warm-up exercise are you doing to tickle me?"

"You --!" The proud look of the tall and thin middle-aged man solidified.

Qiu Haomiao's pupil contracted. Now he finally understood why Lin Chen was so easy to be attacked because he didn't pay attention to the tall and thin middle-aged people at all.

Hard shoulder the opponent's blow, and then ask him if he is tickling himself!

It's unimaginable to be so arrogant and confident!

The heavenly concubine was shocked and looked at Lin Chen's eyes, which were colorful.

"That's right! Just now it was just a warm-up exercise. You have a lot of skills. It would be boring to lose to me if you were so simple."

The tall and thin middle-aged man sneered, "next, I want to use real means. I want to see how long you can hold on to me!"

Lin Chen smiled. This guy was trying to save face. He was obviously mocking him. He was acting as a step.

When the tall and thin middle-aged man saw Lin Chen laughing, he became even more angry. He saw the space behind him twisted and developed stars. Blood rivers flew out of the stars and converged on him.

The rich smell of blood fills the world!

"Ten thousand ghosts and Demons prison!"

The tall and thin middle-aged man gave a cold drink, and bursts of Yin wind appeared out of thin air. In the cold and gloomy space, the temperature dropped again, and countless evil spirits howled from the tall and thin middle-aged man.

Immediately, countless blood red ghosts rushed out of his body and rushed to Lin Chen.

The breath of each ghost is very terrible, which is comparable to the monks in the later period of the supreme realm.

"Kill kill -"

These ghosts spit out words, but there is only one word "kill" from the beginning to the end. Their voice is extremely sharp and full of anger. They are almost tearing people's eardrums.

The heavenly concubine standing in the distance felt dizzy. The sound of these ghosts was like a long needle pierced from her ear. Severe pain came from her head and soul at the same time.

A violent and murderous mood grew in her mind.

She was terrified. She was not the target. She just couldn't bear the sound of ghosts from such a long distance. If she replaced Lin Chen with herself, she would be dead before those ghosts came to her!

Lin Chen glanced at the heavenly concubine and saw that her face was in pain, but she seemed to have no problem holding on for a moment. His mind moved, and the dark wings appeared behind him.

A huge, hideous and monstrous beast appeared on him.

"Roar -!"

Too candle roared, deafening.

"These two things are both treasures. It seems that they are the same set? There are many good things on this boy. The Lord of the Earth City? I'm afraid there are other hidden identities besides this one!"

Qiuhaomiao looked at Lin Chen's "Taizhu magic armor" and "Taizhu magic wings", and thought to himself that he didn't know whether these two things could be used by himself. If not, he would let the "great freedom deity" take them away, but he must give himself some benefits.

In his view, everything on Lin Chen already belongs to him, the winner.

Next second.

Qiuhaomiao could not calm down.

"Flame spirit demon body!"

Lin Chen whispered, his body turned into a dark flame, and his breath soared rapidly.

The "sky shadow boots" on Lin Chen's feet usually look like nothing special, but with the power of the world flowing into them, a powerful energy wave is spilling out at the moment.

"The devil's footsteps of the nether world!"

The "magic wings of Tai candle" behind Lin Chen fanned, his voice was still in place, and the figure had disappeared.

Under the influence of "sky shadow boots" and "Tai candle demon wings", Lin Chen, who performed the "dark devil trace step", was so fast that the tall and thin middle-aged man could not see clearly. He easily flashed through the ghosts that rushed at him, as if he were walking.

Before the tall and thin middle-aged man could react, Lin Chen kicked him in the chest.


His eyes bulged, his mouth spattered with blood, and he flew backward.

Lin Chen caught up with him again at the speed that made him scared to death. The Xuanyuan gun appeared in his hand, and with a roar, the Xuanyuan gun hit the middle-aged man's chest.

The middle-aged man let out a scream and sank into his chest as he fell down.

"You would be dead if you didn't have to save your life and ask you some questions." Lin Chen said coldly.

PA! PA! Snap——

The sound of applause rang out.

"Awesome! It's really awesome. I really didn't expect you to be so awesome at the top of the supreme realm. I thought I was too cautious. Now it seems that it's right to be cautious. After all, if you capsize accidentally, your life will be lost!"

Lin Chen turned around and saw Qiu Haomiao looking at him with a smile on his face, still clapping, as if he had encountered something worth celebrating.

His eyes became alert. If something went wrong, there would be demons. Under normal circumstances, qiuhaomiao saw that his strength was far beyond his expectations, and he could never clap his hands in turn!

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