"You still seem to think that you, not me, will win in the end?" Lin Chen was startled and suspicious, but he was calm on the surface.

The heavenly concubine saw that Lin Chen beat the tall and thin middle-aged man in a short while. She was so happy that she almost cheered. When she saw Qiu Haomiao's reaction, she was also a little vigilant.

Qiu Haomiao's whole body is full of golden energy, and his skin is full of golden radiance. He is like a gilded Buddha, emitting a mountain like, indestructible pressure.

The terrible smell came from him. For a moment, Lin Chen and the tall and thin old man lying on the ground changed their faces.

"The supreme realm is perfect! When did you break through to the supreme realm?"

The tall and thin middle-aged man was so shocked that he even forgot the pain for a short time. The information in the teaching would never be wrong. This guy is definitely a supreme peak.


Maybe he was the peak of the supreme realm before, and just recently broke through?

Thinking of the uncontrollable ecstasy on Qiu Haomiao's face when he saw him before, the tall and thin middle-aged man immediately guessed.

"A few days ago, I just broke through to the supreme realm of consummation, and I haven't had time to tell you." Qiuhaomiao looked at the tall and thin middle-aged man lying on the ground and smiled.

The tall and thin middle-aged man was angry. He thought he was a three-year-old child. Obviously, he had a guard against the gods and wanted to leave a card for himself!

However, the current situation is not a time for infighting. He didn't have a good way: "now that you have reached the perfection of the supreme realm, then hurry up and give me a good meal! Take a breath from him, he is clearly the peak of the supreme realm, but he is so powerful that his history must be very complicated. And 'Xuan'

"Huang Dian" probably has something to do with the rate. Before, it was just playing the fool. "

"Don't worry. I will save his life and use it when 'chaotic blood gourd Vine' is really mature. I can't kill him now."

Qiuhaomiao's face was smiling. He thought he was in control of the whole audience. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the pale face of the heavenly concubine. He looked up at Lin Chen, but found that Lin Chen was still calm and frowned.

"Why, do you think you have any chance of winning?" Qiu Haomiao said coldly.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "I just feel a little boring. If you are as useless as this waste, it will be really boring. Since you are the supreme perfection, it can't be better!"

The tall and thin middle-aged man lying on the ground was so angry that his teeth itched. For the first time in his life, he heard that someone called him a waste. But he had no way to refute it. Who made him lose in the blink of an eye!

"It's another boring way to excite people. You want to disturb my mood? It's ridiculous!" Qiu Haomiao didn't take Lin Chen's words seriously at all.

Hard spoken, right?

Then I'll break your mouth!

I don't think you have a hard tongue!

The golden light on his body became more and more bright, just like a hot sun. Just when he was about to shoot, the flower on the top of the blood red vine in the distance burst out a more dazzling golden light, shot into the air, and merged into the distorted space!


Great movement, like a volcanic eruption!

The temperature, which had been extremely cold, rose sharply in an instant.

"What's going on?"

Lin Chen was not frightened when he found that Qiu Haomiao was the supreme perfection. Instead, he was startled by the sudden burst of golden flowers.

Qiu Haomiao showed a look of ecstasy and looked at the golden flowers above the blood red vine. He saw that while the golden light column spurted out, the golden flowers were blooming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

According to this trend, it is estimated that it will bloom completely in less than a quarter of an hour!

"What is that?" Lin Chen has seen the gourd in the golden flower, and his face is full of curiosity. The imperial concubine beside him stamped her feet in anger and scolded in her heart: "this fool! You don't care what it is. When the other party was distracted and looked at the light column just now, it was clearly the best chance to sneak attack. If you succeed, you may be able to overcome the strong with the weak and become a laugh

To the last person.

This guy not only doesn't sneak attacks, but also takes the initiative to talk to the other party to refresh his mind. Are you so curious? This is an enemy whose supreme realm is great perfection and whose realm is above you! Even if you are really curious, you will try to win and ask again! "

Qiu Haomiao turned around and jokingly said: "for the sake of your being the nourishment of 'chaotic blood gourd Vine', it is all right to answer your question.

It is called 'chaotic blood gourd Vine'. It is a very strange life. You can also think of it as a chaotic strange thing. The significance of its existence is to produce 'chaotic blood gourd' when it is mature. "

When Qiu Haomiao said this, the bloody vines began to gasify. After a while, they turned into scarlet airflow and a vortex, converging towards the flowers in the center.

The gourd inside the flower and the mouth of the gourd with two thin fingers are like a black hole. At an eye popping speed, the gourd crazily absorbs the blood flow formed by the change of blood colored vines.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen also completely understood what Qiu Haomiao meant.

In the end, the blood red vine seems to be the nourishment of its fruit. It is true that the meaning of its existence is to produce this fruit.

"The 'chaotic blood gourd' is valuable in two ways. One is that if it is properly refined, 'chaotic blood gourd' can become a supreme treasure; the other is that when 'chaotic blood gourd' is mature, vines will become 'chaotic blood gourd wine' inside.

'chaotic blood gourd wine' is not only a top-level wine that ranks top in the whole universe, but also valuable. It can be used to improve the state of practitioners. It is especially suitable for breaking through bottlenecks. Its effect is stronger than the supreme god pill.

If you take your inner world as your last nourishment, I believe it is fiveorsix times stronger than the ordinary supreme god Dan. It's no problem! "

Qiu Haomiao laughed. He had planned to make a breakthrough to the supreme perfection with the help of "chaotic blood gourd wine", but he didn't expect that before the "chaotic blood gourd" matured, he had already taken the last step by himself.

But even so, "chaotic blood gourd wine" still has a great effect on him. It can not make him break through to the next level, but it will certainly make him take another big step forward.

"Take my inner world as my last nourishment?" Lin Chen didn't know what he was thinking. The corners of his mouth began to tick, as if he thought of something happy. Qiu Haomiao sneered: "that's right! When 'chaotic blood gourd' finally matures, it not only needs vines to feed back, but also needs to devour the inner world of the supreme power. The strength of the devouring people has a huge impact on the final effect of 'chaotic blood gourd wine'!"

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