"What are you laughing at?" Qiuhaomiao sensed the smile on Lin Chen's face and felt puzzled. In his opinion, Lin Chen should be very frightened at the moment. Lin Chen didn't answer, and said, "the effect of 'chaotic blood gourd wine' is fiveorsix times stronger than that of the ordinary supreme god Dan. Then, if it devours a perfect inner world, wouldn't 'chaotic blood gourd wine' have an effect

Is it even stronger? "

"Of course!"

Qiu Haomiao sneered, "I see. Do you want me to let you go and find another supreme realm consummation?

You are just wishful thinking. Let alone how annoying the supreme realm is. Even if there is an easy to deal with the supreme realm, the 'chaotic blood gourd' is about to mature, and I have no time to look for it! "

"Why look for it when it's near?" Lin Chen said.

"Close at hand?"

Qiu Haomiao didn't react for a moment. Seeing that the other party was staring at him, he realized that the other party's supreme state was perfect. It was clear that he was talking about himself. He immediately flew into a rage: "asshole! How dare you fool me?"

He stamped his right foot, smashed the space under his feet, and the whole person burst into golden light, just like a shell rushing over Lin Chen. The palm of his right hand pressed down on Lin Chen, and the golden light turned into a huge fingerprint like a hill, trying to suppress Lin Chen!

"I'm not kidding you! I really think it's the best choice for you to be the nourishment of chaos blood gourd." Lin Chen looked helpless. While talking, Xuanyuan stabbed him upward and collided with the golden palm print.


The deafening sound, accompanied by the violent energy afterwaves, Lin Chen retreated from the rear for a distance, and the golden palm prints were shattered like glass.

Qiu Haomiao's face changed slightly. The boy's strength was really strong. It was not that he was too weak to defeat the tall and thin middle-aged man for a moment, but that the boy's strength was completely beyond the peak of the ordinary supreme realm.

Even though I have reached the supreme realm of perfection, it has only been a few days since I finally broke through. If I want to win this boy, I must not underestimate the enemy and be careless!

A golden light flew out of his space ring.

It is a strange long sword.

It is said that it is strange. First, the long sword is transparent, just like crystal. If you don't rely on induction, you can't even detect its existence with the naked eye;

Second, the long sword has only a body, but no handle.

When Qiu Haomiao's golden finger touched the long sword, the colorless and transparent long sword was stained with a layer of golden light, emitting an invincible threat.

Lin Chen noticed that the long sword itself had a sharp and unparalleled breath. When he looked at the long sword, he made his eyes tingle.

This is definitely a treasure!

"You are not as good as me, but you can force me to use the most valuable weapon to deal with you. It's a capital to boast." Qiu Haomiao snorted coldly, "Zhuying sword can easily kill the peak of the supreme realm. Its sharpness is beyond your imagination. It is also terrible in terms of speed. Killing is invisible! I don't believe that you can really compete with me as a peak of the supreme realm


He pointed to Lin Chen, and "Zhu Yingjian" flew to Lin Chen. The speed was incredible, and he came to Lin Chen in an instant.

Lin Chen was vigilant and shot out. The long sword was like a swimming fish, but it was flexible to avoid Lin Chen's shot. It was like a poisonous snake wrapped around the Xuanyuan gun and stabbed Lin Chen.


The "Zhuying sword" was stabbed on the "Taizhu magic armor", sparks splashed, and a white mark appeared on the "Taizhu magic armor".

Lin Chen was really shocked. He hurried to use the "Youming devil's trace step" to retreat, and then cooperated with the "Tianying boots" and "Taizhu devil wings". This time he was absorbed. Although "Zhuying sword" followed closely, he could not touch Lin Chen at all.

"Sword shadow thousand instant kill!"

Seeing that the "Zhuying sword" had not taken down the other party, Qiu Haomiao was impatient. The space behind him was distorted and stars were developed. The power of the stars gathered on him. With his low voice, the golden light filled the world.

The "Zhuying sword" was so brilliant that it flew from the inside of the sword. In the blink of an eye, thousands of long golden swords appeared together, humming and flying towards Lin Chen at the same time!

From afar, it looks like a golden mountain that blocks out the sun and pushes it towards Lin Chen. There is no way to hide, no way to avoid!

"Lin Chen, be careful!" The heavenly Princess lifted her heart.

When Lin Chen saw that the other party was moving seriously, he didn't dare to underestimate it. With one palm, the palm burst into red light, and the slowly rotating red pattern appeared in front of the palm.


Above, there is a violent air flow, which turns into a dark flame. A huge pattern formed by the condensation of black flame turns slowly!

Next second.

The patterns were smashed, and the mountain like flame fingerprints greeted the golden long sword.


When the deafening sound sounded, Lin Chen didn't stop, but turned into a streamer and rushed to qiuhaomiao.

A pair of metal wings appeared behind Qiu Haomiao.

His wings flickered, and he met Lin Chen, much faster than before!

"As the leader of the empty God domain, I can't compare with you in terms of the number of treasures I have. The wings behind you should be the most noble treasure? Hum! I have it too!"

Qiu Haomiao gave a grim smile: "the golden light is shining!" Qiu Haomiao's speed soared, and the golden light flashed, and he was already in front of Lin Chen. At the same time, although the previous offensive was blocked, when he was "killing the shadow sword" and many other people, he just flew backward. He was like a soldier who was reorganized. At this time, he was facing Lin Chen again

Chen Fei comes!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes. Although Qiu Haomiao had rushed to him, his face was still very calm. He said slowly, "in terms of the number of treasures, you really don't have the same qualifications as me."

"Dead duck has a hard mouth!"

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't take the initiative and didn't hurry to take the initiative, Qiu Haomiao said with a grim smile, "what's the point of delaying time? I don't think I can see it. You are a supreme realm peak. You can have this kind of combat power. It's obvious that you use some secret method, or secretly take the pill that explodes for a short time. As soon as the time comes, you will lose! Stupid, if you think you say some nonsense, you'll try to tell me from me

It was a wild idea to run away. "


The corners of Lin Chen's mouth started up, as if he had heard a big joke, and he whispered: "prison!"

A golden light flew from the center of his eyebrows. Soon, the golden light shrouded the heaven and earth. However, because of Qiu Haomiao, the heaven and earth had long been golden, so it was not obvious to catch another layer of gold at this time.

In the eyes of the heavenly concubine, it was no different from that just now, but suddenly she saw Qiu Haomiao's face change wildly! "A picture of mountains and rivers!" Lin Chen whispered again.

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