A stone picture flew out from the center of Lin Chen's eyebrows. This strange space became distorted, and a virtual shadow of mountains and rivers appeared, covering Qiu Haomiao.

Lin Chen's "prison formula" has already made Qiu Haomiao feel as if he was tied up in a chain, and it was difficult to break free. It became very difficult to move about.

On his body, there was a virtual shadow of a huge tower hundreds of meters high, which trapped him. In the middle of the huge tower, there was a big word - "prison"!

He was shocked and angry in his heart. The space was distorted in all directions. He felt like his body was bound by chains and then put on shackles. It was hard to breathe.

"Roar -!"

Qiu Haomiao roared, and the power of the world ran wild to resist the two terrible forces that enveloped him.

Soon, the movement will be able to move. The problem is that when we start to move, we will undoubtedly have to separate our mind and strength to fight against these two forces. In this way, we may not be able to play half of our original combat power.

Qiu Haomiao looked at the stone map beside Lin Chen and the palm sized tower behind him. He was shocked and angry.

"Now I still think that in terms of the number of treasures, can you compare with me? Otherwise, you can show me two supreme artifacts now?" Lin Chen joked.

Supreme artifact!

Qiu Haomiao was scared to death. Before he could make any response, wisps of black flames flew out from behind Lin Chen and gathered over his head.

Before long, it turned into a Flaming Mountain blocking out the sun!

The smell made Qiu Haomiao's heart beat wildly. He just felt like a knife was on his throat.

"Top grade supreme skill?"

Qiu Haomiao was shocked and angry.

Lin Chen pointed to Qiu Haomiao, "go!"


The dark Flame Mountain, like the black stars pushed sideways, flies towards Qiu Haomiao with rolling fire waves. Wherever it passes, the space is distorted and everything is annihilated!

Qiu Haomiao was like a crazy beast, roaring: "boy, don't think you are the only one who can master this level of supreme skills. As long as the time comes, you will still be the one who loses. I'll see how long you can last!"

The "Zhuying sword" was shining brightly, and its volume soared, turning into a giant sword tens of meters long in the blink of an eye.

The golden lights flew from the sword body. The golden lights condensed into a golden light demon God with a ferocious face and a height of more than 100 meters. Grasp the end of the "kill shadow sword" and cut off at the flying Flame Mountain!

Qiu Haomiao has a sneer on his face. This top-grade and supreme skill, called "golden light demon god statue", is the greatest benefit he gets after working for the "great freedom God cult"!

He is confident that even if his strength is suppressed, he will still be able to compete with the other party by using the same level of supreme skills.

'I don't need to worry. It is he who should worry! In a little while, as soon as the time for his secret method comes, I can only kill him! " On this thought, Qiu Haomiao's tense nerves just relaxed.

When Lin Chen saw the other party directly, he also used the top-grade and supreme magic skills to fight back. In his heart, he said that as the domain master of the "empty God domain", he really had a lot of means.

His mind moved, and the "meteor saint mountain and river map" filled with more amazing spatial fluctuations.

"Strike of the meteor saint!"

There are several special features in the "meteor saint mountain and river map". One is that it contains an independent heaven and earth; Second, it can suppress the enemy's strength and strengthen the owner's control and perception of the world;

Finally, Lin Chen's "meteor Saint strike" at the moment can be said to be a means to further bind the enemy. If the enemy's strength is not strong enough, it is also a means to directly kill the enemy.

Whoa, whoa——

The power of space became substantial and became huge chains flying out of the twisted space. They were not only wrapped around Qiu Haomiao, but also wrapped around the huge golden light demon God.

The action of the golden light demon God stopped.

"No -!"

Qiu Haomiao was scared out of his mind, but he could only watch "Tianyan Mingwang mountain" crash into the bound golden demon God.


With the terrible noise, the golden light demon God collapsed like a mountain.

The golden light from the giant sword disappeared and finally changed back to its original shape. The sword body without a handle fell to the ground.

After destroying the golden light demon God, the dark volcano collided with Qiu Haomiao who was bound by the chain of space.

With a scream, Qiu Haomiao flew out backward and fell on the ground. His whole body was blackened. He had more air out and less air in.


Lin Chen disappeared and appeared in front of Qiu Haomiao.

The Xuanyuan gun twining the dark flame in his hand stabbed Qiu Haomiao in the middle of his eyebrows!

"Don't kill me! I would like to be your servant forever. Don't kill me -" the more powerful a monk is, the more likely he is to be afraid of death when he is really dying. Qiu Haomiao asks for mercy, and his eyes are full of entreaties.


Lin Chen didn't respond at all. Xuanyuan stabbed Qiu Haomiao in the middle of his eyebrow, and the dark flame poured into his body.

Qiu Haomiao's body shook, and his eyes gradually relaxed.


After Qiu Haomiao, the stars evolved and began to collapse by themselves.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen was shocked and said: "Oh, no! Forget to figure out how to make 'chaotic blood gourd' swallow up this guy's inner world!"

Next, Lin Chen found that he was worried too much.

The virtual shadows of the collapsed stars did not dissipate directly, but were pulled by an invisible force and merged into the "chaotic blood gourd"!

Qiu Haomiao's body seems to have turned into a volcano, and the majestic energy surges out, converging towards the "chaotic blood gourd".

The "chaotic blood gourd" swallowed Haina and swallowed up all the energy. Until now, the golden light column was gradually dimmed, which seemed to be warning that it would end soon.

At the end, the "chaotic blood gourd" is really mature.

Lin Chen showed a happy face, and immediately turned to look at the tall and thin middle-aged man lying on the ground. However, he found that although the other party looked frightened, he did not have much fear.

What's the matter? This guy is not afraid of death?

Lin Chen was stunned. Before he could speak, the tall and thin middle-aged man said viciously: "you will never come to a good end if you are the enemy of our great freedom cult! One day, you will regret what you did today."

Great freedom!

Is this guy a big free God?

So the "xuanhuang hall" in his mouth is the power of Ji Yan venerable and Xinjian venerable?

Lin Chen suddenly thought of many things. The woman who was very similar to Su Yuechan was undoubtedly a member of the "xuanhuang hall". They belonged to the same force as the Ji Yan venerable and the heart sword venerable?

At this thought, Lin Chen became excited, that is to say, he did not completely lose her trace. As long as he could meet the heart sword venerable or other "xuanhuang hall" people again, he should be able to know where she was! When Lin Chen lost his mind in the game, the space around the tall and thin middle-aged man was distorted sharply, and his body became distorted, like a lake with violent ripples. He stared at Lin Chen with a sneer: "you will pay the price!"

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