"That's right! Our ancestors are already on their way here. If you dare to mess around, you will die ugly later." Qiu Ying seemed to grasp a straw and quickly agreed.

Lin Chen didn't answer. In the center of his eyebrows, a long sword with only a sword body but no handle flew out. If you look at it with your naked eyes, you can't even detect its existence.

He clamped the long sword between his two fingers, smiled at the ran family ancestor and said, "do you know this thing?"

The father of the ran family had round eyes and was scared to death: "this is the 'killing shadow sword' of the domain master. How could it be in your hand? Could it be..."

He was too frightened to say anything later, but Lin Chen knew what he was going to say and said faintly:

"Naturally, he has died in my hands. Otherwise, how could this kind of close fitting weapon fall into my hands?"


When the voice fell, he disappeared and appeared in front of the ran family's ancestors. With a "poof" sound, the "Zhuying sword" pierced the other party's eyebrows.

The dark flame, wrapped around the "Zhuying sword", swallowed up the ran family's ancestors in an instant.

"Unfortunately, it is not the law of fire that we understand."

Lin Chen curled his lips.

He is not good at using the sword, but the other party is just an ordinary supreme state. It doesn't matter what weapons he uses or even doesn't use.

It's easy to kill anyway.

Qiuying and ranbo are cold. They turn around and run away. They run hundreds of meters away. Turning back, they find that Lin Chen and Tianfei have disappeared. They stop with surprise and joy.

"That guy doesn't kill us?"

Ran Bo felt like he had survived the disaster. As soon as his voice fell, a dark flame lit up on his body. In a short time, he and Qiu Ying turned into ashes, and both his form and spirit disappeared.

Lin Chen took the heavenly concubine and flew in the direction of the Earth City. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared into the sky.

Two supreme masters died in the "empty God realm", and one of them is the domain master of the "empty God realm", which means that there will be a big change here.

Lin Chen doesn't care about this at all. Even if the "empty God realm" disappears in the long river of history, what does it have to do with him.

On the way, in order to speed up the journey, Lin Chen put the heavenly concubine into the God prison tower. After more than a month, not far from the Earth City, he released the heavenly concubine.

Seeing the outline of the global city from afar, Lin Chen felt very down-to-earth.

As the distance grew closer, his face gradually changed.

In the global city, many buildings collapsed, and even the city walls and gates more than 100 meters high collapsed into ruins.

Seeing this scene, the heavenly concubine's face became dignified. It was obvious that the earth city should be attacked before such a scene could occur.

Fortunately, people still come and go in the streets and alleys of the city. Some people have been repairing the collapsed houses and walls. It is estimated that it will not take long to rebuild.

Lin Chen also noticed this, but the scene in front of him undoubtedly showed that the global city suffered a crisis after he left.

He immediately worried about the people in the city Lord's residence.

"Let's go!"

Lin Chen disappeared from the original place with the heavenly concubine. When he reappeared, he was outside the hall of the city master's residence.

He spread his mind in all directions, and soon felt that yeyi people, Su Xiran and others were all in the city master's house, and they were all well, and there was no accident.

Until now, Lin Chen was relieved.

The patrolling Longmen members were surprised to see Lin Chen. After a while, ye Yiren, Su Xiran and others rushed to the hall.


When Xiaowu saw the heavenly princess, she was so surprised that she screamed, like a happy little rabbit, ran to the front and back of the heavenly princess, and directly jumped into her arms.

The heavenly imperial concubine hurriedly reached out her hand to catch her, and said angrily, "it's all a big girl. She's still so hairy."

Xiao Wu giggled and asked the heavenly concubine why she was with Lin Chen.

The rest of the crowd also looked at the heavenly Princess curiously. They did not understand how Lin Chen would bring the heavenly princess who was not in the original mainland when he went to the north of the original mainland.

After the Tianfei told her own experience and how Lin Chen saved her, the people were filled with indignation.

Xiaowu shook his fist and said angrily, "it's too cheap for that woman. In my opinion, we must beat her into a clown first, and then ask her to bring tea and water to the master for a few years!"

When Lin Chen saw that the heavenly concubine had finished speaking, he said what he had seen before and said, "after I left, was there any trouble here?"

The hall is quiet.

Yeyi looked at Lin Chen, nodded and said, "just a few days ago, several people came to trouble. Those people are very powerful, and there are more than one supreme power. Cassia knew one of them, moziheng."


Moziheng is a man of "great freedom deity". He has a grudge against himself and may indeed come to trouble.

The problem is that he has fallen into the hands of the heart sword venerable. It may be said that he has died in the hands of the heart sword venerable. How can he come here to find trouble?

That guy escaped from the heart sword master?

Although I think this possibility is very low, but after thinking about it, I can't explain why Mo Ziheng appeared here.

"Moziheng knows something about my strength. Since he dares to retaliate, he is definitely not coming by himself, but finding help in the great freedom cult! I'm not here. Cassia, alone, can't possibly defeat Mo Ziheng and his helpers! "

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's heart jumped violently.

He glanced around and found that Cassia had not come to the hall. When he sensed the breath of the people in the city master's house, he did not confirm whether Cassia was in the city master's house.

In his opinion, since even Yi Ren and Xi Xi Jie have not had an accident, cassia, whose strength is far above them, is even less likely to have an accident!

"Where is Cassia? Where is she?" Lin Chen asked.

Yeyi reassured him, "don't worry, cassia. She left with those people. However, it wasn't those people who took her away, but she left voluntarily with the other party. She also told me that she wanted to confirm something with the other party. When you come back, let me tell you. Don't worry about her."

Hearing that Cassia had left with the people of the "great freedom cult", Lin Chen's heart sank, but she felt dizzy when she heard the words behind.

Cassia is willing to go with the other party. She wants to confirm something and let herself not worry about her?

Lin Chen's heart thumped. Is there any relationship between cassia and the "great freedom cult" that he doesn't know?

After all, if the two sides are not related, what can be confirmed by the other side.

He said to yeyi, "tell me the details of the incident!"

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