With Ye Yiren's narration, it was not long before Lin Chen knew the whole story.

A few days ago, moziheng arrived with several other people. Upon his arrival, he destroyed the city gate and many buildings, causing riots in the whole city.

Cassia recognized Mo Ziheng and asked the others to take him with her. She met several people in the sky alone.

After a few words of conversation, an old man in the other side raised a challenge. Cassia was not the opponent of that person at all. Even if snow scar shot back and used the "goddess's embrace" scepter to help cassia, cassia still could not defeat that person.

Just as Cassia was about to lose, another man came.

The man seemed to be with Mo Ziheng and others. He asked Mo Ziheng and others to stop. The old man was obedient and stopped.

At this point, yeyi's face also showed a puzzled look: "the man didn't know what he said to Cassia. After hearing this, cassia was shocked, and her face was happy.

After that, she sent a message to me, telling me to confirm something with the other party, so that we don't have to worry. Then she left with them. "

The course of the matter was not complicated, but with Ye Yi's words, Lin Chen still had doubts in his heart.

What exactly is Cassia going to confirm?

The person who came later was undoubtedly a member of the "great freedom deity", and his strength and status might depend on Mo Ziheng and his help. What did he say to Cassia to make Cassia willing to leave with him?

"Is there really any connection between cassia and the great freedom cult?" Lin Chen was puzzled. Now he had to wait for Cassia to come back and ask her.

However, if she really has anything to do with the "great freedom deity", it is estimated that there will be no danger, and she does not need to worry too much.

Lin Chen's eyes were frozen and he walked out of the hall. He felt a lot of powerful breath and was approaching here quickly.

Seeing his performance, the people were puzzled and hurried out with him.

As soon as I came to the courtyard outside the hall, I saw a group of people flying from afar. One moment ago, they were still far away. The next second, they came to Linchen and others and fell into the courtyard.


Lin Chen was surprised. The two people headed by these people were the heart sword venerable and his disciple Liya.

Why did the other party come here?

Thinking of Mo Ziheng running to find trouble, Lin Chen quickly guessed that after Mo Ziheng ran away, the heart sword venerable guessed that he might bring people here to find trouble for himself, so he came here to have a look.

It's just too late!

Even though he had a good impression of the heart sword venerable, his face was a little black. If Mo Ziheng hadn't run away from the heart sword venerable, there would be no shit behind him.

If he hadn't left Cassia here, and cassia seemed to have something to do with the "great freedom deity", Lin Chen didn't even dare to think about the end of the Earth City.

"Boy, you don't look very well?"

Although the heart sword venerable is blind, his perception is much stronger than that of ordinary people. He not only knows Lin Chen's face is bad, but also almost knows Lin Chen's mind clearly.

He said with a dry smile: "I didn't expect that the people of the great freedom cult would send people to rescue so soon, including the venerable. If I wasn't careful, I would let those guys succeed. I actually saved people in my hands!

According to your situation, the other party should have come to trouble you? But if the other party has already come, it must be the one who came to save them. How can you... "

Lin Chen's heart jumped, that is to say, the old man who started with cassia was a venerable man. As a result, the man who came back made a venerable man stop with a few simple words.

In this way, there is a high probability that the person coming later, or the existence behind him, will have a higher strength and position in the "great freedom God" than the venerable one?


Lin Chen had a thought in his mind. On the surface, he was very calm and said angrily, "why am I still alive? I am still alive because I happened to be away when they came. Of course, even if I was here, I wouldn't die!"

"Do you think you can beat a venerable man?" The heart sword master is neither laughing nor crying.

"It's not that I think I can fight a venerable person, but when they just started, another person came back and said something to them, and a group of people hurried away!"

Lin Chen doesn't want to say anything about Cassia.

Assuming that Cassia really has something to do with the "great freedom deity" and that the "xuanhuang Temple" is the opposite of the "great freedom deity", it may bring many dangers to Cassia if she tells the story.

The heart sword master was stunned and said with a laugh: "it is estimated that they are in some trouble, so they are eager to call back the venerable level strongman for help.

Whether it is the master or the venerable, in terms of quantity, they are not qualified to compare with us. They are simply not qualified to give us shoes. "

"Hehe! You are not afraid of the 'xuanhuang Hall', but if they come here to make trouble after they solve the trouble, what shall we do?

Elder, you are too unreliable! If that guy hadn't escaped from you, the great freedom cult wouldn't have come to trouble me. " Lin Chen has a hehe expression on his face.

The heart sword venerable was embarrassed.

Liya glared at Lin Chen and said, "don't be too arrogant. My master is a master. How can you talk to him like that?"

"Because he is a venerable person, he can only speak respectfully even if his mistakes are enough to cause the death of all people in my city! Do you mean that?" Lin Chen looks at Liya.

Linqizhi in the crowd hummed, "it's really unreasonable."

"Yes, yes, this man is unreasonable and bullies others. Bad guys!" The little dance echoed the way.

Qu Baba, the Tang Guowei, looked like he was about to cry: "who makes us weak? We can only be bullied by bad guys. They won't care if we die."

When you said something to me, Liya's face turned red and said, "I... I didn't mean that. I didn't bully you. I'm not a bad person."

The heart sword master smiled, relieved his embarrassment, and said: "how about setting up a transmission array in your city? If they still come to trouble, you can send a message to me through the transmission array, and I will come right away. If I can't leave, I will ask other masters to come!"

"This is really a good way." Lin Chen's face immediately changed from cloudy to sunny. "Master, in addition, I want to ask you about someone."

"Wait!" The heart sword venerable was stunned. He realized something and looked at Lin Chen in astonishment. "Why did you call us? Xuanhuang hall?"

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