Lin Chen can become a giant with lofty body, and it is very easy. The key is that no matter how easy it is, it will consume more or less internal strength. Over time, it will be a burden.

For example, it is easy for any ordinary person to take a walk, but if the walking time is too long, it will also be very tired. If you walk for a few days and nights, it will become a painful thing.

The worry free city Lord is far stronger than Lin Chen, but this principle can also be applied to him. No matter how powerful he is, he will not become a giant for no reason.

In addition to the huge throne, Lin Chen judged that this towering body should be the initial appearance of the worry free city master. In this way, he is not an ordinary human race.

In the xuanhuang hall, there are members of other ethnic groups besides the human race!

Lin Chen looked at the carefree city master, suppressed the panic in his heart, and said: "younger Lin Chen, I have seen the carefree city master."

The look of the worry free city master fell on Lin Chen's face, or rather, on the center of Lin Chen's eyebrows. A smile appeared on his face. His tone was mild and low, giving people a sense of unspeakable vicissitudes:

"I already know about you. The purpose of joining the 'xuanhuang Hall' is to find the dreammoon venerable, but I don't care what the purpose is. Let me ask you, how much do you know about the 'xuanhuang Hall', and do you know the origin of the 'xuanhuang Hall'?"

Lin Chen was very honest: "I have a limited understanding of the 'xuanhuang Hall' and I don't know the origin of the 'xuanhuang Hall'. Please tell me."

The heart sword venerable thought to himself, how could this boy know the origin of the "xuanhuang hall"? Can he still have members of the "xuanhuang hall" around him? It's strange for the city master to have this problem.

The worry free city master said in a low voice, "do you know the name of the universe we live in?"

"I don't know." Lin Chen shook his head, thinking that the universe is boundless. Where can there be this universe and that universe? Can there be other universes besides this universe?

The worry free city master smiled lightly and said: "the universe is vast, but it is not without borders. It is just very far away. With the interference of chaotic origin, ordinary people simply cannot reach the boundaries of the universe."

Lin Chen was startled and broke out a cold sweat behind her.

The reason for this is not that the words of the worry free city Lord shocked him, but the thoughts in his heart, as if he had been clearly seen by the other party!

"What is the name of the universe we live in?" Lin Chen pressed down the palpitation in his heart and asked curiously.

"The dark and yellow universe." The worry free city Lord replied.

Dark yellow universe!

This name made Lin Chen think of the "xuanhuang hall" in an instant. The "xuanhuang hall" was directly named after the "xuanhuang universe". It was too overbearing.

"It is not that the 'xuanhuang Hall' is named after 'xuanhuang universe', but that 'xuanhuang universe' is named after 'xuanhuang Hall'. The name 'xuanhuang universe' was coined by several old friends of our 'xuanhuang Hall'." The main road of worry free city.

Seeing Lin Chen's stunned look, the worry free city master continued to ask, "do you know what kind of scene is outside the wall membrane at the boundary of the 'dark and yellow universe'?"

Lin Chen said tentatively, "other universes?" The Lord of worry free shook his head and said, "it is an endless darkness. We have found other universes in that darkness, but it is a broken universe. It has no aura, and the space is distorted. It can not accommodate ordinary people to live, and it is not suitable for cultivation

Although there are still the remains of the universe, they can not accommodate the existence of creatures, which is no different from the dark void.

As for the complete universe like the dark yellow universe, or the universe that is still 'alive', we have never found it. "

Lin Chen's feeling at the moment was like a child who had just read all kinds of strange stories. He was both shocked and novel.

The living universe?

Is it possible that the universe, like ordinary creatures, has a process of birth, aging and death? "The 'xuanhuang Hall' has existed for tens of millions of years. It was not created by a strong man, but forced out. In the dark and alien debris outside the xuanhuang universe, there are powerful creatures, and even the Lord

A strong man at the slaughter level.

Thousands of years ago, a dominant alien tore the wall of the universe, broke into the universe, and brought devastating havoc to the universe.

Later, more and more aliens came in, and the strong men of the xuanhuang universe had to unite to establish the 'xuanhuang Hall'. It took hundreds of thousands of years to finally kill or expel the alien.

Today, the alien race is not as rampant as it was at the beginning, but it still exists in the dark and yellow universe‘ The purpose of the "xuanhuang hall" is to expel aliens and maintain the normal operation of the xuanhuang universe. " The voice of the worry free city leader was low and peaceful. In addition to making Lin Chen feel strange, the peaceful words also felt an invisible smell of blood. It seemed to see the scenes of countless people dying in order to expel aliens

。 This universe is called the "Xuan Huang universe". There are powerful aliens outside the "Xuan Huang universe". Aliens will break into the "Xuan Huang universe" and do evil. Even after he becomes the supreme, he still knows nothing about this kind of thing, let alone the commonness in the universe


In Lin Chen's heart, there was a feeling of boiling blood.

A family, children carefree childhood life, is carried by parents;

In a country, the peaceful and comfortable life of the people is shouldered by the soldiers;

The peace and comfort of the universe is undoubtedly shouldered by the "xuanhuang Palace". It is dangerous and proud to join such a force.

Lin Chen thought of something and asked, "excuse me, sir, what's the matter with the 'great freedom cult'? Before, I heard the elder Xinjian said they were traitors?"

With that, Lin Chen found that the look in the eyes of the worry free city master was cold. It was obvious that he was disgusted with the "great freedom god religion".

Without a direct answer, the city leader of worry free said, "do you know why the 'xuanhuang Hall' won in those days, while the other races were either killed or ran away?"

"Because the 'dark and yellow universe' is our base camp, our people are stronger and more?" Lin Chen said.

"In battles at that level, the number is meaningless. Among them, there are masters and supremacies. In terms of overall strength, we need not be weak, but even stronger than us!" The worry free city Lord shook his head.

The number of people doesn't work, and then the other side's strength is stronger, but it loses in the end? This kind of situation is really unimaginable. Lin Chen couldn't understand why after thinking about it. He simply said, "I don't understand that. Please help me out."

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