"Because, after entering the dark and yellow universe, those aliens were suppressed by the origin of the dark and yellow universe." Carefree City Lord explained.

"The origin of the universe?"

"The chaotic origin in our mouth refers to the mysterious and yellow origin of the universe. The name of the origin of the universe was learned from other nations. The reason why a universe can work normally is because of the existence of the origin of the universe.

Once the origin of the universe collapses, the universe will collapse and eventually disappear completely. Just like our inner world, if the origin of the world is destroyed, the inner world will be broken, and we will die. " The main road of worry free city. Lin Chen seemed to be curious about the baby. One question after another: "according to what you said, the universe outside the dark and yellow universe, those broken universes, became that scene because the origin of the universe collapsed. So, the origin of the universe

And why did it collapse? " "As far as we know, there are two kinds of collapse of the origin of the universe: one is destroyed by external terrible forces, and the other is the decay of the origin of the universe itself. Just like the eternal burning stars, there will be the one that will die out

Days. In the same way, the origin of the universe continues to maintain the operation of the whole universe, provides chaotic breath and aura, and also gives birth to various spiritual objects and special creatures. Eventually, there will be a day of collapse. However, because the time is too long, for most people, and

Eternity is no different. "

This remark, if other people on the mainland of origin, may be somewhat difficult to understand.

But for Lin Chen, as well as many people on earth, it is very easy to understand.

Stars that seem to burn forever, such as the sun, have a life span of tens of billions of years. For most people and monsters, they are already equivalent to eternity, but they will eventually be destroyed.

"All things in the world are conserved in energy. One party keeps paying and the other party keeps absorbing. The party who pays will die out one day.

The sun keeps burning, providing heat for the outside world, and one day it will collapse. In the same way, the spiritual Qi and chaotic breath consumed by all creatures in the universe during their cultivation actually come from the origin of the universe.

The origin of the universe is equivalent to the burning sun. No matter how terrible the energy it contains, it will eventually be exhausted. At that time, it will collapse!

When ordinary monks fall, the aura and chaotic breath absorbed by them may return to the origin of the universe, but the energy absorbed by the supreme power will never return.

To some extent, the biggest problem of the ultimate collapse of the origin of the universe lies in the immortal supreme power! But the origin of chaos has not prevented the birth of the supreme power... "

Lin Chen thought of many things for a moment and couldn't help sighing: "the origin of the universe is like a great mother. All the creatures in the universe who have embarked on the path of cultivation, whether human beings, monsters or other ethnic groups, are equivalent to her children.

She not only provides everything for the children without complaint and regret, but also helps suppress the strength of outsiders when they break in. "

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the city leader of worry free showed a pleased look on his face and said, "you are right. The origin of the universe is indeed a great mother, and all of us are her children."

He said in a loud voice, "next, let's talk about the great freedom cult. The reason why we say they are traitors is that they have betrayed all the creatures in the universe and the origin of the universe."

Lin Chen looked at him suspiciously.

The worry free city master continued: "at the beginning, although the alien race was defeated and fled, they still had the intention to invade the universe and seize everything in it.

First of all, in the original war, they suffered heavy losses and dared not let the strong enter the dark and yellow universe in large numbers; Second, it is also because entering the dark and yellow universe, strength will be suppressed.

Therefore, they found people to work for them in the dark and yellow universe. They give these people benefits and make various promises, and these people are willing to work for them!

Because these people are also the creatures of the universe, their strength will not be suppressed like other races. When their strength is strong enough, they will become the trump card in the alien hands. "

"Are those people the great freedom cult?" Lin Chen frowned. "That's right." The city master of worry free nodded, and his black hole like eyes twinkled with cold light. "Those people of the 'great freedom God cult' believe that the only meaning of a monk alive is to become stronger and reach the end of his path of cultivation. Only by becoming the strongest can he

True freedom is what they call great freedom.

They are not betraying the origin of the universe, because the significance of the existence of the origin of the universe is to cultivate powerful monks. As long as they become stronger, they are helping the origin of the universe to realize the significance of existence.

They also don't think that they are working for a different race. They think that it is a transaction. Everything they do is at their own discretion and is their own choice.

As for other creatures in the dark and yellow universe, if they are killed by other races, they can only be blamed for their fate. The meaning of the weak is to become a stepping stone to the strong. It has no meaning except that. They think so. "

The worry free city master said, seeing Lin Chen's face was livid, he said, "do you agree with them?"

"More than disapproval."

Lin Chen didn't have a good way: "the big freedom of bullshit! It's bullshit to say that the meaning of the existence of the weak is to become a stepping stone for the strong!

They can say these words, but they don't hurt their back when they stand and talk. If they were replaced by the weak who were trampled under their feet, I would like to see if they can say it. "

In Lin Chen's view, the theory of "great freedom deity" is like many keyboard men on the earth network.

I haven't suffered from the bottom. I keep saying that the reason why I live at the bottom is laziness, ignorance and ignorance. It seems that living at the bottom itself is a sin!

There are basically two kinds of these people. One is those who have a good family and have not lived at the bottom; The other is forgetting the original intention after climbing up at the bottom, and ignoring conscience because of interests.

These two kinds of people are equally damned in Lin Chen's eyes!

It seems reasonable for them to say such lofty words, but if one day they fall to the bottom, can they still say such lofty words?

Take off the mask of hypocrisy on their faces, and you can see the selfish and ugly desire.

The city leader of worry free stopped talking about this topic and said, "according to the rules, I will give you an introductory gift. You have just broken through to the supreme realm of perfection, and you can choose a suitable top-grade supreme skill. Are you satisfied?" The empty eye socket of the heart sword venerable looked at Lin Chen and motioned him to express his thanks quickly.

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