More than three months later, Lin Chen really looked at the second picture thousands of times.

At the moment, in his eyes, there seems to be a certain connection between the seemingly disordered rainstorm and the raindrops. This feeling appears when he looks at it for the 6739th time, but after looking at it for thousands of times, he has no further understanding and discovery.

This makes Lin Chen feel that he is doing useless work when he encounters a bottleneck.

After pondering for a while, Lin Chen left the fourth floor and came to the fifth floor of the divine prison tower.

In the past, every time Lin Chen came to the fifth floor of the divine prison tower, he would see Shang Yan at the first time. However, at this moment, the ancient altar was empty. Shang Yan was not there, nor were ling'er and xing'er.

"What's the matter? Is it that senior Shang is shutting down?" Lin Chen looked at the flames around the altar and whispered to himself.

"Master, he didn't shut up. He didn't come to see you on purpose." A voice came into Lin Chen's ears.

Lin Chen turned to look at the ling'er who appeared next to him and said in surprise: "why? Is it difficult? What have I done to make senior Shang angry?"

"Not at all." Ling'er flew to Lin Chen's shoulder and sat down, "you came to the master to ask him about the ultimate divine skill you are cultivating, right? The master means that you can completely rely on yourself in this matter! If you even have to ask him about the second move, you can't learn the third."

Lin Chen felt ashamed when he heard the speech. It turned out that senior Shang had already guessed what he was doing here.

Ling'er continued: "master, he also said that ordinary people can't master the first three types of 'Yuanshi chaotic gun', but as the successor of the divine prison tower, he thinks you won't have a problem."

Lin Chen was shocked and greatly encouraged. He said to ling'er, "tell elder Shang that I will not let him down!"

With that, he disappeared from the fifth floor of the God prison tower.

After Lin Chen disappeared, Shang Yan appeared on the ancient altar.

Ling'er flew to Shang Yan and said curiously, "master, do you really think he can master the first three moves of 'Yuanshi chaotic gun' by himself?"

"Yes. However, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time, ranging from thousands of years to tens of thousands of years."

Shang Yan nodded. If he thought Lin Chen couldn't master it, he would tell Lin Chen directly and try to find a more suitable supreme skill.

Ling'er didn't understand: "why don't you ask him to save some time?"

Shang Yan said, "if he wants to master the last three moves of 'Yuanshi chaotic gun', he must understand the first three moves himself. If he doesn't understand the first three moves himself, he can't master the last few moves.

Even if we can master it, we will waste more time. After all, I can't help him in the back. I can only rely on him. "

Ling'er stared round and said in shock, "master, do you think he can master the last moves?"

Shang Yan pondered for a few seconds and said slowly, "nothing in this world is 100% impossible. Maybe it is really possible?"

"..." ling'er was speechless. In the final analysis, you don't think it is possible, but you still have a little expectation.


After leaving the fifth floor of the divine prison tower, Lin Chen did not return to the fourth floor, but directly left the divine prison tower and returned to the outside.

It has been more than ten days since the outside world. He guessed that the heart sword venerable might have returned from inquiring about the news. Sure enough, he asked the following people and learned that the heart sword venerable was already in the city master's residence and waited for him for a few days.

He asked someone to bring the heart sword venerable to the hall.

"Elder, how about you? Do you know where the dreammoon venerable is now?" Seeing that the heart sword venerable walked into the hall, Lin Chen became uneasy, fearing that in the end, it would be empty to draw water with a bamboo basket.

The heart sword venerable nodded and said, "she is now in a place called Shenwei star region."

"Shenwei star field?" Although Lin Chen didn't know where the divine micro star domain was, he was relieved to find the trace of the dreammoon venerable.

The heart sword venerable explained: "Shenwei star field is a remote star field far away from here, and I have never been there. The reason why MengYue venerable is there is because someone found traces of 'alien' there not long ago, so she took a team of 'xuanhuang Hall' people to check it."


Lin Chen's eyes were cold.

When ordinary people hear about "alien", they will think of other ethnic groups except human beings. However, Lin Chen now understands what kind of "alien" exists in the mouth of the heart sword venerable.

"What are your plans to go and find her?" Heart sword venerable Tao.

Lin Chen nodded. He felt that he would continue to study the second form of "Yuanshi chaotic gun" in isolation. No matter how much time he spent, he might not be able to master it.

In that case, it would be better to go to MengYue Zun first to determine what the relationship between her and suyuechan is.

Otherwise, she will miss this opportunity. If she leaves the Shenwei domain later, she may not be able to get her trace again at that time.

The heart sword venerable didn't ask him what he was looking for MengYue venerable. He told him: "after the past, be careful. After entering the dark and yellow universe, the powerful alien will be suppressed by the origin of the universe. With your strength, as long as you don't encounter the venerable alien, running for your life should not be a problem.

However, if you encounter an alien venerable, remember, do not think about meeting him or her, and try every means to escape! Do you understand? "

"Don't worry, master. If the enemy can't defeat me, I will never try to be strong. I still understand that if I can keep the green mountains, I won't be afraid of losing firewood." Lin Chen nodded.

"It's a good saying that 'if you keep the green mountains, you won't be afraid of not having firewood to burn'. This is an old saying of your mother star. If you understand it, you'll be fine."

The heart sword venerable thought for a while, and then told him, "the members of the xuanhuang hall are very free, especially you who have not become a venerable. Basically, you don't have any tasks to perform. You can leave the mainland of origin, but remember, you should return to the mainland of origin for up to 46 years."

"46 years?" Lin Chen looked puzzled and seemed to miss something if he had left for more than 46 years.

The heart sword venerable explained: "46 years later, a once-in-a-million-year 'ranking war' will be held in the 'xuanhuang Hall'. The 'ranking war' is divided into a 'ranking war' of great perfection in the ordinary supreme realm and a 'ranking war' at the venerable level!

You can participate in the former. When the time comes, as long as you can enter the top 100, you can choose another extremely supreme skill as a reward.

In addition to rich rewards, fighting at this level will do nothing harm to your growth, so you must come back at that time! "

In the top 100, there will be a reward for the ultimate magic skill?

Lin Chen was stunned and excited. He asked the heart sword venerable, "senior, is the reward for the first place much richer than just entering the top 100?"

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