"The top 100 is a grade; the top 10 is a grade; the top three is also a grade; and the top one is another grade. In short, there are several grades between the top 100 and the first. Similarly, the reward is also several grades worse, which is totally different.

If you want to know what the rewards will be for entering the top ten, you should make more efforts to see if you can enter in the future. If you can get into the top ten, you will naturally know. If you can't get into the top ten, it's useless to know. "

The heart sword venerable heard that Lin Chen asked about the reward for the first place. He felt a little funny, but it was no surprise. He met this situation more than once.

Those who can be absorbed into the "xuanhuang hall" are all demons among the demons, and none of these people are arrogant. They always think that they can get back the first place in any competition.

At this time, participating in the "ranking war" can just make them sober!

In the opinion of the heart sword venerable, if Lin Chen can have an opportunity in the next few decades, it is indeed possible to impact the top ten in the "ranking war", as for the first place?

As long as those monsters haven't become venerable, he is just wishful thinking.

Hearing what the heart sword venerable said, Lin Chen didn't ask, and said curiously: "elder, have you ever participated in the venerable level 'ranking war'

"Natural." The heart sword venerable nodded.

Lin Chen blinked and said curiously, "have you entered the top ten, elder?"

"Cough!" The heart sword venerable coughed for two times, and seemed to think of something. He said positively, "I have already told you what I should tell you. I have something to do, so I won't stay here for a long time.

Take these two jade slips. When you go to the divine micro star region, crush the Golden Jade slips. The members of the 'xuanhuang Hall' over there will feel your presence. As long as they have no accident, they will send someone to look for you.

Inside the red jade slips, there are records of the route to the shenweixing domain and some basic information about the shenweixing domain. "

The heart sword master threw two jade slips to Lin Chen. His figure flashed and disappeared in front of him.

Lin Chen catches the thumb sized jade slip and looks at the direction the heart sword venerable left. He whispers to himself: "it seems that he has not entered the top ten."

On the same day, Lin Chen and the people in the Lord's residence told them that they would leave. If they were in trouble, they could start the transmission array and go to the sub hall to take refuge.

The next morning, Lin Chen left the city master's mansion and flew out into the sky.

Unlike in the past, this trip, he is not going to somewhere on the original continent, but to a remote star region far away from the original continent.

Shenwei star field is very far away. Under normal circumstances, even at Lin Chen's current speed, it will take twoorthree years to reach there.

In this way, there is another problem. It is hard to say whether the dreammoon venerable is still there after twoorthree years.

Fortunately, Lin Chen now has another way to get on his way.


When Lin Chen arrived at the Xingchen sea near the mainland of origin, he let out a low cry. The divine prison tower flew out of his eyebrows, and its volume soared. In the blink of an eye, it had become the size of a hill.

With the spire in front and the bottom behind, it looks like a spaceship with unique shape.

Lin Chen turned into a streamer, flew into the divine prison tower, and appeared in the hall on the first floor of the divine prison tower.


In all directions and at the foot of the hall, there was a faint light, a transparent border appeared, and a starry sky appeared above the border, which was the scene of the outside world.

It was like transparent glass in all directions. Lin Chen could easily see the outside world through the glass.

Lin Chen thought a little. The divine prison tower flew forward at an unimaginable speed and tore up the space in an instant. It looked like it was flashing in the starry sky. Every time it flickered, it flew a very long distance.

Only more than a month later, Lin Chen entered the territory of Shenwei star domain.

"What an amazing speed! It's 20 or 30 times faster than I usually do. Even if I try my best and use 'Taizhu divine wing' and other treasures, the speed is far slower than the 'Imperial' formula.

No wonder elder Shang said that even in front of the venerable, you can escape‘ The speed of the "Yu" formula is also related to my realm. There is a lot of room for growth. You don't have to wait for me to become a venerable person, but only need my realm to be improved, and the speed of the word "Yu" formula will also be improved! "

Even if Lin Chen had known that the speed of "Yu" formula was amazing, he was amazed all the way.

Another day later, Lin Chen saw a blue planet in front of him. It looked similar to the earth, but its volume was several times that of the earth. The ocean area accounted for almost 90% of the planet's area.

"According to the jade slips given to me by the master of the heart sword, there are 3 top cultivation planets, 19 first-class cultivation planets and 142 second-class cultivation planets in the 'Divine micro star region'. This blue planet is one of the second-class cultivation planets, which is far away from the three top cultivation planets in the central area."

The area of Shenwei star field is much larger than that of tianque star field. The edge zone is far away from the three top cultivation stars in the central area.

Lin Chen guessed that if the dreammoon venerable and others were still in the divine micro star domain, they should be in the central area, near the three top cultivation planets.

He plans to crush the jade slips when he reaches the central area.

After another three days, Lin Chen finally arrived at the central area of Shenwei domain. In front of him was a blue planet with the same area as tianque star, which was one of the three top cultivation planets in Shenwei domain.

Lin Chen didn't hesitate any longer. He took out the Golden Jade slip.

With a bang, the jade slips were crushed by Lin Chen, turned into a little light, and disappeared into the space.

"This jade slip should be a means of communication between the members of the 'xuanhuang Hall'. Next, I don't have to do anything. I just need to stay in this area and wait for them to come."

Lin Chen believed that the heart sword venerable would never joke about this kind of thing. If there were no people waiting for the "xuanhuang hall", there would be only two possibilities.

One is that the people in the xuanhuang hall have left; On the other hand, people in the xuanhuang hall had an accident and could not come here.

Thinking that he would see the dreammoon venerable soon, Lin Chen was both nervous and looking forward to it. He just felt that time passed slowly. He simply released his mind and spread around to see if there was anything strange around.

A moment later, he looked at the top cultivation planet in front of him!

When his mind spread to this planet, he actually felt a very strong smell of blood. How many people must die before the smell of blood could be felt even in the starry sky?

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