"Come out and die?"

When Lin Chen heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He just thought it was too interesting.

If the emperor Python master has been hiding, and he can't find him after going to the "spirit River Star", then this time, obviously, he can only return without success.

I have to say, this guy is really cunning!

Now it seems that my previous worry is reasonable. If I really wait until I return to the "xuanhuang hall", this guy will definitely have run away!

The emperor Python master, who could have escaped a disaster, jumped out and mocked that he had taken the initiative to seek death. It was a bit funny.

There are indeed people who take the initiative to seek death, but they are not themselves!

"What are you laughing at?"

Emperor mang master laughed when he saw Lin Chen, and his heart thumped. He didn't think Lin Chen might be better than himself. Instead, he guessed that there was a strong man hiding in the "divine prison tower"?

If so, maybe I will find a chance to escape!

Lin Chen didn't answer, but said, "you came out on your own initiative, and you still came to the God prison tower?"

"So what?" Emperor Python dominates Leng Sheng Dao.

Lin Chen said slowly, "no wonder hunters always put tempting food after setting up traps. Driven by greed, no matter how cunning the prey is, they will jump into the trap!"

"Boy! Don't pretend!"

The emperor Python master gave a cold cry. Now that he had appeared, he would not be willing to go back empty handed. No matter what cards the boy had, he could only strike first!

"Stay where you are!" The emperor Python dominates the opening of the mouth and displays "follow the words and the laws".

"What's wrong with you? Why should I listen to you?" Lin Chen doesn't have a good airway.

"Don't speak!" Emperor Python dominates the cold voice and continues to use the means of "following the law".

"I must. Can you control you?" Lin Chen sneered, and then reached out and pulled out his ears, which represented the two words of the emperor Python's master. They didn't work.

"You -" the emperor Python master is a little silly. What's the situation?

Even if the opponent has the fighting power of the top venerable, it is only able to resist the master's means of "following his word" to a certain extent, and this guy has no sign of resistance at all.

Judging from his performance, "follow the law" has no effect on him at all?

Is this still the venerable?

The scene in front of him was completely beyond the imagination of emperor Mang's master. His heart beat faster and he said angrily: "you are not Lin Chen! Who are you, the master of the xuanhuang hall?"

Lin Chen was dumbfounded. This guy's reaction was very quick. If he was replaced by any master, his first reaction would be to doubt that he was facing a master instead of a venerable one.

Lin Chen reaches out his hand and catches the Xuanyuan gun flying out of the Shenyu tower behind him. He catches it in his hand.

The fiery and violent black flames and ominous fog filled his body at the same time, and the terrible authority filled the world.

The emperor boa master was stupid again. This is clearly the boy's breath, and this breath is clearly just the level of the venerable. Why can he be immune to the influence of "following the word and the law".

He was suspicious, but he was still calm and sneered: "is this your support? I don't know that even without the means to 'follow the law', I am much stronger than you!"


Lin Chen did not refute, and whispered: "the law of famine!"

His body soared, turning him into a little giant nearly three meters high. The space around him was constantly distorted, just because he could not bear the smell from him. A statue was as high as ten thousand feet, with feet on the earth, and an empty shadow appeared in the sky overhead. It shrouded Lin Chen, with green face, fangs, red hair and blood eyes. It was surrounded by black flames and fog. It looked like a murderous ghost. Its face was extremely ferocious


The emperor Python master's expression changed.

Not to mention that his body size has soared to three meters high or three thousand feet high, he will not take it seriously. Even if the competition between the strong is too big, it will bring some disadvantages.

What really shocked him was the change of Lin Chen's breath!

In an instant, it was dozens of times stronger!

"No way! It's impossible! I see. You used your soul skills to me. Everything in front of you is just a fantasy. You want to scare me away with a fantasy? It's ridiculous!"

The emperor Python master showed a suddenly enlightened expression and sneered again.

With the help of the secret method that broke out in a short time, it is incredible that the combat power can be increased by ten times. It is just a joke to say that the combat power can be increased by dozens of times!

What can not happen is really happening in front of us. The only explanation is that everything in front of us is false. It's just a fantasy!

"Just now my 'following the law' is useless to him, no doubt because I am in a dreamland! If it is in the real world, it can not be so.

When did this guy show his soul to me, and I was caught? A means of peerless Taoist skill level? incorrect! Even the means at the peerless Taoist level should not have such a great impact on me! "

Although suspicious in my heart, compared with the emperor python, it is easier to accept that everything in front of me is the explanation of the dreamland.


Lin Chen stamped his right foot, and the space under his feet collapsed. He disappeared in place, rushed to the emperor Python master, and said with a smile: "is it a fairyland? You will know if you get shot?"

"Hum! Although I don't know how to break the illusion for the time being, you can't really hurt me even in the illusion!"

Emperor Mang's master was fearless. He just felt Lin Chen was putting on airs. He shouted in a low voice, stretched out his right hand and directly grabbed the Xuanyuan gun. The light flowed on the surface of his palm, like a powerful weapon!

The snake shadow on his body became more frightening. It was almost as high as the evil spirit shadow on Lin Chen. He opened his mouth to Lin Chen, as if he wanted to swallow Lin Chen and his shadow together!

"The stars are falling!"

However, all this changed with the Xuanyuan gun hitting the emperor Python's palm!


A loud noise.

The emperor Python master howled miserably. The snake disappeared and flew out like a shell. He smashed several huge meteorites in the sky along the way!

"Now, do you still feel that everything in front of you is false, that you are in a dreamland?"

Lin Chen looked at the emperor Python master, who was very embarrassed, and hissed in his heart. Even the thousand crane master didn't dare to take his own shot. This guy was a little too confident!

When he first saw the emperor Python master, he was so high that he could only run for his life without any resistance. Lin Chen felt an unspeakable sense of achievement and felt as if he were separated from the world. "This time, it's your turn to escape. Whether you can escape depends on your ability!" Lin Chen said coldly.

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