The emperor Python master was beaten out. The palm he had just used to connect the Xuanyuan gun was almost shattered, with blood flowing and broken bones visible.

However, the shock in his heart even made him forget the pain of the wound!

"It's not a fairyland! It's not a fairyland! But if it's not a fairyland, how could he hurt me?"

The scene in front of him made the emperor Python master a little confused.

He took Lin Chen as his prey, but he never thought that he would be thrown to the ground by the prey as soon as he started!

Although I was a little careless just now and didn't use any powerful means, that blow was by no means the combat power of the venerable level, which was much stronger than that of Xiahou Zhenyan.

It hasn't been many years. How did he get so strong?

The emperor Python master was shocked and angry. Looking at Lin Chen with a mocking smile on his face, he said angrily, "don't be too wild. Although I don't know how you can be so strong, if I am serious, you can't be my opponent."

When he turned his hands, a fist sized thing flew out of his palms and rose in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a stone tablet nearly three meters high. The material looked like green jade.

There are countless strange symbols carved on it. Those symbols look like twisted snakes with dark green light.

A strange smell comes from this stone tablet!

"The supreme artifact, cloud snake boundary monument..."

Lin Chen whispered that he was no stranger to the treasure of the emperor Python master. Before, the emperor Python master had used it to deal with himself, bringing him great trouble.


When he practiced the body method of "walking on the horizon in the rain at night", he was extremely fast and disappeared from the original place in an instant. At the same time, small snakes with thick and thin thumbs emerged in the space, but he couldn't keep up with Lin Chen's speed at all.

Lin Chen appeared a few meters in front of the emperor Python master. The movement on his hands was too fast to see clearly. When the emperor Python master reacted, a violent force like a flood burst the dike and rushed in front of him.

"The void is gone!"

The emperor Python master was shocked. His reaction was also very fast. With one palm, there was a terrible storm between heaven and earth. The space in front was distorted, and a huge shield made of dark green flames appeared!


However, the shield did not stop Lin Chen's attack at all. Fortunately, it also won a short time for the emperor Python master. When he exercised his body method, a snake shadow appeared on his body and moved hundreds of meters horizontally to avoid the violent force.

"The body method of the most supreme skill level?" Lin Chen was not in a hurry to catch up with him. He raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically, "if you guessed right, you wouldn't have the means of peerless Taoist skill level? When the venerable was thinking about becoming the master, he was full of breakthroughs. He didn't even want to improve his combat power in other aspects, and he was successful

I found it difficult to master chaos magic after I became the master. Am I right?

You really dominate the bottom group! In terms of means, even many venerable figures in the xuanhuang hall are stronger than you. You are just a little higher. "

After the emperor Python master became the master, he looked down upon the venerable as a mole ant. However, he never thought that one day after his breakthrough, he would be despised by a venerable!

The point is that he also suffered losses from the other side.

Emperor mang was furious in his heart, but he could not refute the key. With a wave of his hand, the dark green flames appeared out of thin air, turned into huge flame snakes, and rushed to Lin Chen at the same time!

His figure flickered constantly, and he came to Lin Chen in an instant. A palm of the twining flame was patted out, and all things were pale.

"The emperor covers the divine seal!"

On the body of the emperor python, there was a flame demon ghost shadow hundreds of feet high. His breath was even more terrible. This palm was extremely violent and full of destruction.

The "cloud snake boundary monument" not far away shines brightly. Small green snakes drill into the twisted space, and then appear beside Lin Chen out of thin air. They want to wrap around Lin Chen.

"Prison!" Lin Chen drank coldly in a low voice.

The "divine prison tower" not far away appeared golden light. The heaven and earth were dyed with a layer of gold. The speed of the emperor Python master was obviously slowed down. Even the small snakes swimming around him were a little slow.

"Famine Dharma phase" has greatly improved Lin Chen's strength. Correspondingly, when he controls the divine prison tower, the power of the divine prison tower has also been improved!

If it had been before the "famine phase" was performed, the "prison" formula would not have had such a significant impact on the emperor Python master.

Facing the flame mark flying from the palm of the emperor Python master, Lin Chen was not afraid at all. Instead, he took the initiative to rush to the mark. Sometimes he turned into flame, sometimes into fog, and finally disappeared. Dozens of figures appeared in an instant, and he shot at the same time!

The divine shadow is like a dragon!

As dozens of figures overlapped again, a bright spear appeared, just like a dragon.

The Xuanyuan gun just collided with the flame mark. For a moment, the flame mark dissipated like foam. Lin Chen, holding the Xuanyuan gun, kept stabbing the emperor Python master's chest, taking him out for a long distance!

The emperor Python master was scared to death. He held the Xuanyuan gun in one hand and patted Lin Chen on the head with the other hand. At the same time, he used his soul skills and his eyes were full of strange light.

Almost at the same time, Lin Chen's eyes were filled with strange light.

The emperor Python master gave a dull hum, and his eyes became dim. He was slapping Lin Chen's head, and fell down feebly.

Lin Chen said in his heart that as expected, the most powerful means of emperor Python's domination was just the most supreme magic skill, which was far from the domination of thousand cranes.

A master of this level can not only defeat him, but also catch him!

Lin Chen pulls out the Xuanyuan gun and instantly cuts it on the shoulder of the emperor Python master.


The whole right arm dominated by the emperor Python was cut off, and the blood gushed wildly. The skin and flesh at the fracture wriggled, trying to repair itself, but it seemed to be suppressed by a force, making this recovery extremely slow.

Undoubtedly, it was influenced by the "bone etching poison" of Xuanyuan gun.

Lin Chen didn't give up. Xuanyuan spear stabbed out dozens of times. In the blink of an eye, it pierced the body of the emperor Python and completely became a bloody man.

"Now it seems that you can't escape in front of me. In that case, you can only go back to the xuanhuang hall with me!"

Lin Chen pierced the body of the emperor Python again with a Xuanyuan gun, holding him in the air, like a cold executioner with a cold voice like a knife.

Emperor mang was afraid. He knew that if he was captured in the "xuanhuang hall", there would be death but no life. His voice was weak

"For Cassia's sake, please forgive me once! As long as you forgive me, I will betroth her to you. Besides, I swear I will never do anything for the tiger again. I can join the xuanhuang hall and work for you!" Hearing that the emperor Python master mentioned cassia, Lin Chen fell silent.

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