At the foot of the master of Mo Fen, the dark blue flame surged in all directions like a raging tide, turning the air into a sea of fire, and the space was burned and distorted.

His back was covered with bloody wings, his hands and feet became strong, his nails became long and sharp, and his mouth grew wild fangs.

His eyes, golden pupils, vanished into scarlet, and his breath was rising, like a fierce beast that was completely enraged.

Many people in the Tianyue city below were shocked to see the horrible form of MOFUN.

Lin Chen looked calm. He guessed from the beginning that the other party was not human. It was obvious that the master of Mo Fen at the moment was his real form. Lin Chen kept 100% vigilance against the alien masters. If he had a choice, he would choose to be cautious against the enemy. But now he has no choice. He must quickly decide a victory or defeat with the other side to keep the same and cope with the changes, no matter whether the master of Mo Fen is like

He still rushed to the other side without any hesitation.

"God demon sky meteorite!"

Looking at the rushing Lin Chen, master Mo Fen gave a sneer.

The dark blue flame rolled under his feet. The space of the heaven and earth was distorted. Star phantoms appeared in the sky. With the falling of the star phantoms, it turned into a real dark blue flame, just like countless stars falling and falling downward.

Lin Chen saw that his face was slightly changed. Before he could react, he saw that the space ahead was broken, and the dark blue flame was surging out like a wave. Before he could react, he patted him.


Lin Chen was beaten back a few steps, and his face turned red.

In an instant, the space behind him and around him was broken, and dark blue flames burst out. He was like a reef in the tsunami, and flames from all directions were beating on him.

In the blink of an eye, blood gushed from his seven orifices.

Bang Bang -!

The sound of space explosion came again. Lin Chen looked up and saw that a flame star had reached the sky above his head. Before he could make any response, he was swallowed by the dark blue flame.

"Lin Chen!"

In the city of Tianyue, Hu Ziqing screamed when he saw that Lin Chen was engulfed by the fire. Regardless, he rushed to Lin Chen and was seized by the fox clan leader.

"Don't be impulsive. You can't help anything in the past! The only thing we can do is trust him."

When the clan leader of the fox people said this, he felt a bit sad. Thanks to his numerous years of cultivation, in the end, when he was alive and dead, he could only place his hope on others.

I'm not even qualified to help!

The rest of the people in Tianyue City, including a group of fox clan elders, were too scared to speak when they looked at the scene above.

"This... What is this means? In front of this means, what is the difference between us immortal strongmen and mole ants?"

The three elders of the fox people looked at the terrifying sight of the falling stars and the tumbling sea of fire in the sky. Their voices were intermittent and their minds shook like seeing a miracle.

Moments later, the sight of the falling stars finally disappeared.

The sea of fire returns to the feet of the Lord of mofen like a ebb tide!

Lin Chen appeared in people's sight again. When they saw his situation, everyone in Tianyue city felt a tremor.

Lin Chen's body was stained with blood, and several obvious cracks appeared on the surface of the Tai candle Demon Armor.

Lin Chen's breath was much weaker, and he was suffering from severe physical pain. Looking at the master of Mo Fen, he said, "this is the magic of chaos?"

Although it was an inquiry, he had an answer in his mind. If he hadn't finished his spiritual body in the wilderness, the physical strength would have risen to a higher level; If he hadn't been wearing a candle Demon Armor; If he hadn't performed "the method of famine" and "the star Yan demon body" at this time, his defense would have also increased greatly; If the other party had not been

The picture of the holy meteor mountain and river is suppressed

Without these preconditions, he just did not fall directly, and would be seriously injured and dying!

Even if he resisted the blow, the double sharp pain of his body and soul still made Lin Chen feel dizzy, which undoubtedly had a great impact on him. "That's right! This is the magic skill of chaos I have mastered. If someone told me that a venerable person could force me to use my cards and resist the" God, devil and meteor ", I would just regard him as telling a joke. Today, you let me play

Vision. But in any case, you are still no match for me! "

The master of Mo Fen showed a proud look.

The feeling of being hurt by Lin Chen has finally dissipated. Fortunately, this guy is just a venerable one. If he is also the master, even if he doesn't master the magic of chaos, he is probably not an opponent.

After all, from the venerable to the master, it will be a qualitative change!

Lin Chen didn't answer. He felt a little heavy. The guy in front of him not only had the treasure of chaos as he did, but also mastered a chaotic magic skill. In this way, how could he turn the tables on the Jedi?

Looking for opportunities to combine the "eight wastelands floating blood" with the "killing God strike" and be surprised, maybe it is possible to break the opponent's defense and kill him directly?

Thinking about this, Lin Chen glanced at the dark moon master and the other people of the "great freedom cult" in the distance.

The master of Wu Yue has been seriously injured. In addition, several other members of the "great freedom cult" are not their opponents under normal circumstances, but when they perform the "kill God strike", they will become their own opponents.

"The only chance is to kill Master Wu Yue and several others first, and then deal with master Mo Fen!"

Lin Chen had an idea in his mind. However, master Mo Fen stared at him closely. Once he made any changes, the other party would immediately make another move. It was impossible for him to make room to deal with the vacancy of Master Wu Yue and others.

If you ignore master Mo Fen directly and forcibly attack Master Wu Yue and others, then I'm afraid that before he has finished dealing with Master Wu Yue, he will be hit hard by master Mo Fen!

In this case, the so-called "only opportunity" does not exist at all!

Just when Lin Chen was feeling a little heavy, the space below Tianyue city became distorted, and a bright beam of light rushed into the sky from the ground below Tianyue city!

"This is -"

All the people in mid air were shocked by the sudden changes and looked at the sky and moon city one after another.


A low voice sounded out of thin air in this heaven and earth.

"It's the voice of master Wuyou!" Lin Chen was surprised. As expected, the disappearance of Tianyue city had been discovered.

Master Mo Fen's face was very ugly for a moment, and he scolded secretly in his heart. He forgot that he didn't use any secret skills, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have to decide with the other party quickly.

After a little delay, the "xuanhuang hall" immediately had a solution!

"God demon sky meteorite!"

Master Mo Fen looks at Lin Chen. His eyes become fierce. He plans to hit him hard, and then he grabs him to leave.

Above the sky, the star illusion appeared again and fell downward.

The waves of fire under his feet surged in all directions and turned into a sea of fire!

A terrible scene reappeared.

However, at this time, Lin Chen knew that since the carefree city master had made moves, he could just delay. He was no longer anxious and was not afraid of the other party's chaotic magic! He didn't know what was coming to his mind and sneered.

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