The deep blue flame, like a raging tide, surged towards the forest.

The flame condensed into a giant like a star and fell from the sky.

Just as the flame was about to hit Lin Chen again, the dark yellow bell that originally covered the city of heaven and moon rose to the sky and covered Lin Chen inside.

Xuanhuang bell, together with Lin Chen, was flapped out by the fierce fire waves.

At the same time, the Xuan Huang bell vibrated violently and sounded all the time!

Dong! Dong! Dong——

Master mofen's eyes fell into a momentary dull, but he soon recovered. The badly injured Master Wu Yue and several other members of the "great freedom cult" were all blank, like wild geese shot down and fell down.

Lin Chen vomited another mouthful of blood, but he didn't pay attention at all. He patted on the "dark yellow bell" and shouted, "go!"

Xuanhuang Zhong was in touch with him. He rushed to the dark moon dominator and others who fell to the bottom, collected all of them inside, and then flew back to Lin Chen.

Seeing this, the master of Mo Fen was so shocked and angry that he wanted to stop the "dark yellow bell". However, at this time, the light beam from Tianyue city to the sky rushed in all directions, covering an increasingly wide range.

Master Mo Fen was startled and quickly retreated. He knew that this was the means of the carefree city master and did not dare to fight him.

He had a feeling that once he was touched by the light, it would be over!

Lin Chen had no scruples and let the light devour him and the dark yellow bell.

Soon, the light dispersed, and the Lin Chen, the Xuan Huang bell, and even the Tianyue city below had disappeared completely.

"Sent back?"

Master Mo Fen's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. The corners of his mouth twitched for a few times. Finally, he could not control his emotions and roared angrily.

I thought it was safe, but I didn't think I would return without success, and I even took in the masters of Wu Yue!

He doesn't care about the life and death of the "great freedom deity". The problem is that if this matter is passed back, it will undoubtedly appear that he is very incompetent!

Confidently, he said that this time he made his own move, but finally he ran back alone.

"Damn you, don't get caught by me again! I don't believe it. Every time someone tries to save you in time!"

The master of Mo Fen roared repeatedly, but nothing could change.

After being swallowed up by the light, the people of Tianyue city fell into a short darkness. When they saw the light again, they looked unbelievable when they saw the scene in the sky.

"We seem... We seem to be back?"

Many people rose to the sky, reached a height of hundreds of meters, looked out of the city, and soon shouted: "back! We are really back."

Lin Chen immediately confirmed that he had returned to the mainland of origin and was relieved.

When he showed his "Xingyan demon body", the side effects were about to come. In addition, he was very tired after a battle. The injury on his body was not light. With his spirit relaxed a little, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

The master of the dark moon and others recovered, and realized what had happened. They were so scared that they were too lazy to pay attention to Lin Chen. One by one, they escaped from the dark yellow bell and rushed to the sky to escape.

At this time, Lin Chen was extremely weak and didn't notice them for a while.

However, when they saw that they were about to disappear into the sky, the space in front of them was distorted. When they flew into the distorted space, their figures disappeared in place and returned to their original position over the sky and moon city!

In front of them, a man with cold eyes appeared. He was as tall as a giant, overlooking the master of the black moon and others.

"Worry free city master!" The master of the black moon screamed.

The worry free city master reaches out his hand and grabs them. The invisible power of space converges in front of his arm and envelops them.

At a distance, the city master of worry free grasped the palm of his hand, and the master of Wu Yue disappeared!

The body of the worry free city master becomes normal and looks at Lin Chen.

Just at this time, the side effects of "Xingyan demon body" finally came. Lin Chen felt dizzy and weak all over. The sharp pain caused by the injury seemed to become stronger, and his body fell down uncontrollably.

The city master of worry free wanted to use his means to stop Lin Chen. As a result, he saw the beautiful shadow running towards Lin Chen and took back his outstretched hand.

It was huziqing who ran to Linchen.

When Lin Chen was about to fall to the ground, she rose to the sky, hugged Lin Chen, and then fell to the ground slowly.

Lin Chen leaned his head against her chest and grinned: "it's not right. Why is it the other way around? Shouldn't it be men who hold women? But don't say it. It seems very romantic."

"At this time, you are still in the mood to laugh!" Huziqing was worried. Seeing that he was still in the mood to make fun of him, he could not help complaining.

When she saw a figure appear in front of her, she was startled and said respectfully, "Lord!"

"I wipe!" Lin Chen exclaimed. It turned out that huziqing was startled. His hands loosened and he fell to the ground.

Huziqing stuck out her tongue. She was so charming that she helped him up with some embarrassment.

The worry free city master stretched out his hand and touched Lin Chen's eyebrows. A warm current poured into Lin Chen's body and soul. Fatigue and sharp pain receded slowly like a wave.

Although the worry free city Lord can't directly eliminate the side effects of "Xingyan demon body", he can improve Lin Chen's state to a certain extent, at least not to faint.

Lin Chen stood up straight, half joking and half seriously saying, "senior, if you move slowly, maybe it's my body that you send back."

The master of worry free city took back his hand, and a little curiosity appeared in his eyes. He said, "who else is going to deal with you except the black moon master of the great freedom cult?"

Naturally, he has recognized the master of Wu Yue of the "great freedom deity", and he is very clear that with the strength of the master of Wu Yue, Lin Chen cannot be forced to the current situation.

Even the meaning of Lin Chen's words just now is equivalent to admitting that if he continues to fight with the other party, he is probably the defeated party.

The city master of worry free thought that the alien would only use one master against Lin Chen at most, but he didn't expect that the members of the "great freedom God" would join him.

Lin Chen did surprise him again. Not only did he return safely, but also he brought back a master of hostile forces. Now the "great freedom cult" only has their master.

Thinking that the three masters of the "great freedom cult" fell into the hands of the "xuanhuang hall" because of Lin Chen, the worry free city Lord laughed in his heart. This boy is really the nemesis of the "great freedom cult". It's a pity that the "great freedom deity" can't be on the table after all. If he can become a nemesis of other races, it will be the real blessing of the universe!

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