Although the Purple Baby master spoke arrogantly, she was very cautious this time, and the tearful armor appeared on her body again.

With some precautions, Ziying is confident that the other party can't hit him as hard as before. At most, he just makes himself a little embarrassed.

When the other party starts to deal with himself, it is equivalent to giving the master of Mo Fen an opportunity to take advantage of it.

She glanced, and sure enough, she saw that the master of Mo Fen was flying the dragon scale shuttle. The killing machine in her eyes was cold, and she was rushing towards Lin Chen.


In an instant, the power of Lin Chen's shot soared rapidly.

Just like the eruption of a volcano, Lin Chen's gun became more and more terrible, and soon reached a level that made Purple Baby dominate.

She looked startled!

"Mingming is the peerless Taoist skill before. How can the breath be so much stronger than before?" The Purple Baby master's mind was in a frenzy of shock and anger, and his reaction was also very fast. Six long knife like arms split at the Xuanyuan gun at the same time.

With a series of loud noises and the sound of broken bones, her six arms were unable to hang down, like some bacon hanging on her body without bones at all.


In the midst of lightning and stone fire, the Xuanyuan gun collided with the "thundering armor" again. The surface of the "thundering armor" was thundering and scurrying. With a "poof" sound, a gap appeared!

After all, this is only a supreme artifact, not a treasure of chaos.

In the battle of master level, the supreme artifact also has the risk of being destroyed.

It was like a recurrence of the previous scene, but this time, the injury on the Purple Baby master was more serious than just now.

Xuanyuan spear was blocked by "thundering armor" after all. Although it pierced her flesh and blood, it failed to penetrate her body.

However, the violent force finally exploded in the chest of the Purple Baby master, directly exploding a bloody and ferocious blood hole!

Her seven orifices gushed blood at the same time. After flying backward for a certain distance, she fell down like a broken string kite. Unexpectedly, she had fainted!

The power of one strike, destroy the master!

At this critical moment, Lin Chen is just a venerable.

Lin Chen had no time to be happy, so he realized that the master of Mo Fen was behind him.

"Right now!"

Lin Chen had been waiting for the other party to approach. With the help of his last strength, he forced himself to fight with his Xuanyuan gun towards the master of Mo Fen.

At the moment, he is like a child holding up a heavy knife to cut into the enemy.

With his strength, this broadsword can only be raised and cut once, but there must be two enemies.

What he wants to do is to cut down the second enemy after hitting the first enemy, while the broadsword is still falling. Even if he can't kill the other enemy, it's good as long as he can hurt him!

Seeing that the injury of Ziying master didn't recover again, Lin Chen was relieved. Fortunately, her accompanying magic power seemed unable to be used for the second time in a short time.

Lin Chen was already in a very tired state. After using the "killing God strike", he immediately felt that waves of sleepiness rushed to his brain, which made him more tired, weak and even paralyzed.

It's almost like a middle-aged man who is forced to spend all night on sex with the help of foreign objects. At this moment, how eager he is to close his eyes and have a good rest.

He bit the tip of his tongue again. The tingling sensation came, and his mind was finally clear.

The master of Mo Fen was shocked to see that the master of purple baby was solved by Lin Chen. Seeing that Lin Chen immediately turned the spear to himself, it was obvious that he wanted to work hard to get rid of himself. His heart suddenly burst.

"Blood Dragon Armor!"

Dark blue flames diffused from his body, and a bloody armor appeared on his body surface.

The shape of this armor gives people a sense of ferocity and violence. It has a dragon scale carving pattern. The head of the armor is like a dragon's head. It is powerful!

"God demon sky meteorite!" The Lord of Mo Fen gave another low cry.

The dark blue flames rolled under his feet, twisting the space of the heaven and earth.

Star phantoms appeared in the sky. With the falling of the star phantoms, they turned into a solid dark blue flame, just like countless stars falling and falling downward.

The space in front of Lin Chen was broken, and the dark blue flame surged out like a wave, blocking him and the master of Mo Fen. Before he could react, he patted him.

When master mofen saw that master Ziying was defeated by Lin Chen, he was really scared. For fear of capsizing in the gutter, he took out all his cards in the blink of an eye!

Chaos treasure and chaos magic skill are used at the same time!


Xuanyuan's gun was blocked, and Lin Chen was shot out by the flame wave.

The space behind him and around him was also broken, dark blue flames burst out, and flames from all directions continued to beat him.

The dark blue flame stars falling from the sky hit him hard.

Lin Chen was unable to resist. At the critical moment, he only had time to use "Taizhu magic armor" and "Taizhu magic wings".

However, even though he was wearing armor, he was still beaten to the point of blood!


The action of the master of Mo Fen was almost to the extreme. He cut tens of thousands of times with his long knife, and each time he cut Lin Chen fiercely.

Dang! Dang! Dang——

A spatter of sparks.

More obvious cracks appeared on the Tai candle magic armor.

Although the sword was blocked, some of the violent power still spread to Lin Chen, which made his body seem to be breaking into countless pieces.

After a while, because of his excessive weakness, his body, which had turned into fire, turned back to flesh and blood.

This means that the side effects of "Xingyan demon body" have come!

Lin Chen's eyes became confused, and he was about to faint.

Seeing him like this, master Mo Fen knew that he had won. He was overjoyed. He thought that he had eaten in this boy's hand continuously. In addition, he was red eyed now. The long knife in his hand "poof" pierced Lin Chen's eyebrows!

"Lin Chen!"

In the distance, the heavenly light master saw this scene, and Jain wanted to split. He wanted to rush here, but was dragged by master Hong Ji and cangming Jiansheng. The more anxious he was, the more he couldn't get away.

Seeing the situation here, cangming Jiansheng shouted, "what are you doing? I told you, don't kill him until the three adults come back!"

Master mofen came back to his senses and found that he had killed the boy by mistake. He was going to see if Lin Chen's soul had disappeared. Behind him came the sound of space being torn.

He turned around and saw that the "God prison tower" was hitting him fiercely!

"Now I don't know whether he is alive or dead. How could the divine prison tower attack me? Protector of the spirit?"

The master of Mo Fen was startled and subconsciously dodged. However, the "divine prison tower" did not chase him, but spread a force over Lin Chen. After collecting Lin Chen inside, he immediately ran away to the far air.

"You want to save him? It's just you, an ownerless treasure of chaos, wishful thinking!"

The master of Mo Fen gave a grim smile and made a seal on his hands. Soon, dark blue flames appeared in all directions of the divine prison tower, just like a cage, which easily trapped the divine prison tower.

Inside the divine prison tower, the fifth floor.

Lin Chen was lying on the ancient altar, with his eyes closed and nothing moving.

The ruler of the divine prison stood beside him, his face as gloomy as water.

In his induction, Lin Chen not only has weak vitality, but also his soul is collapsing rapidly. If he goes on like this, he will fall!

"Master, is Lin Chen unable to save him?"

Ling'er stretched out a small toy like palm and stroked Lin Chen's face. He found that Lin Chen's face was as cold as a corpse. He looked at the master of the divine prison with tears.

Her heart sank when she saw that the God prison master looked ugly. At this time, Lin Chen's body, without warning, lit up a black flame!

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