According to Lin Chen's current situation, although Shang Yan could not make him fully recover immediately, it was still no problem to keep him alive. But in that case, he would enter a state of extreme weakness again and would sleep for a long time again.

Every time he wakes up from a deep sleep, he will be a bit weaker than before.

A few more times, his soul will be completely dissipated.

That represents the real fall!

Shang Yan sighed in his heart and was about to save Lin Chen's life. He saw that Lin Chen was burning a black flame without any sign.

Ling'er was so scared that she screamed and hurried back. She looked at Lin Chen with shock and worry and said to Shang Yan:

"Master, Lin Chen... What's wrong with him?"

Shang Yan wrung his eyebrows and looked at Lin Chen curiously.

Even with what he had seen and heard, he could not figure out what the scene was like, and could not answer ling'er's question at all.

"Master, what's the matter with Lin Chen?" Seeing that Shang Yan didn't answer, ling'er was even more worried.

"You are a girl who likes to trouble him. In fact, you care about him very much."

Shang Yan looked at her, "although I don't know what's going on, his body is rapidly repairing itself, and his soul is no longer collapsing. I guess it's probably because of the heavenly body!"

"The heavenly body?" Ling'er often breathed a sigh of relief and said curiously, "is this the accompanying magic power of the celestial body? No matter how serious the injury is, can it recover in a short time?"

"This kind of accompanying magic power does exist, and it is not very rare. But it is unreasonable to say that it is because of the accompanying magic power!" Shang Yan thought for a while and shook his head to deny ling'er's guess.

"Why not?" Ling'er asked. "If it is an accompanying deity, is it the accompanying deity of the Xiaocheng of the heavenly body or the Dacheng of the heavenly body? If it is the former, Lin Chen must know that there is such an accompanying deity when he breaks through the Xiaocheng of the heavenly body. However

I haven't heard of the him.

If it is the latter, it is even more impossible. He is still not fully formed at present. How can he display the accompanying magical powers after he is fully formed? "

Shang Yan's words were well founded, and ling'er felt that they were indeed so. Little head melon seeds were even more confused: "what's the matter with him?"

"I don't know. Your master, I don't know everything."

Shang Yan smiled bitterly, "what's the matter? When he wakes up, he will naturally know. Now his life is all right, so there is no need to worry about anything. However, things are still going in the worst direction, alas......"

At the end of the story, his face was somewhat depressed.

Lin Chen and Tianguang's plan was undoubtedly a failure. At present, everything is still going on according to the alien's plan. Not surprisingly, the end will be what the alien expects.

If the "xuanhuang universe" is controlled by a foreign race, it means that the sacrifice of those members of the "xuanhuang hall" in the last war with a foreign race is meaningless.

Moreover, after the alien races master the "xuanhuang universe", their next step must be to purge the "xuanhuang hall" with blood. At that time, there will be no place for the members of the "xuanhuang hall" in the original mainland.

As for the ordinary creatures in the "dark and yellow universe", will these alien races take them seriously?

Certainly not!

This means that the whole universe, countless creatures, will usher in a disaster, which is the great catastrophe of the whole "dark and yellow universe"!

Ling'er saw that Shang Yan was depressed and kept silent. His eyes fell on Lin Chen. Before long, Lin Chen's injuries healed completely and his face became ruddy.

That's more than that!

After the divine body and soul were completely recovered, the black flame on Yang Mu was still burning, and the fog with the smell of death was rolling in the flame. Everything seemed strange and strange.

As time went on, Lin Chen's breath was still rising at a rapid rate.

Before, it was just a transition from weak to normal. At present, his breath has begun to be extraordinary, becoming much stronger than his usual state, and continues to improve.

Not to mention Shang Yan, even ling'er was aware of it.

"Master, this..."

Ling'er looked at his master and found that his master was also confused. Obviously, he didn't know what the scene was like.

After the coma, Lin Chen's consciousness fell into a brief darkness.

But in him, from the moment the flame was lit, his consciousness had awakened from the darkness.

He could not feel the outside world at all. It was like floating in a dark and boundless place. He could not see or sense anything. Only an old and deep voice sounded in his mind, like the murmur of gods and demons.

"The nine pole divine body, the collapse of all phenomena, the rekindling of evil fire, and the eternity of my way..."

What do you mean, what does this sentence mean?

And what is the situation now?

I used my strongest strike to kill the Purple Baby master, and then abolish the mofen master. In this way, the sky light master may still have some chance of winning against the two alien worshippers.

However, I failed!

I abandoned the Purple Baby master, but the attack was blocked by the Lord mofen. The master of Mo Fen was extremely cautious and played all his cards at the critical moment. Instead of hurting him, I was seriously injured by him. At the moment before I was unconscious, I even sensed that my inner world had begun to collapse, which meant that my body was injured

It has exceeded the limit I can bear!

Not to mention the venerable, even the master is in danger of falling down when his injuries exceed the limit.

Although Lin Chen's body is much stronger than that of the same rank, it's not surprising that he exceeded his endurance limit under the attack of a master.

So I'm dead?

Is this the world after death?

But what about the murmur in my head?

When Lin Chen was puzzled, the murmur in his mind finally disappeared, and he finally felt the existence of the body again.

"I'm not dead yet?"

Since you can sense your body, it means you are still alive!

Before Lin Chen could be happy, his body and soul were drowned in unimaginable pain in an instant. That feeling was thousands of times more terrible than that of an ordinary person being thrown into a furnace to burn!

Even Lin Chen screamed in an instant.

At the moment, he is like a monkey thrown into the gossip stove of the Supreme Lord.

There seemed to be a voice whispering in his ear, telling her that as long as he gritted his teeth and got through, he would get great benefits like Sunwukong rushing out of the eight trigrams stove. But if you can't make it, you're really out of your mind!

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