Qingyun Gu recalled what he had just said, and determined that there was no problem.

I am absolutely right. This ability is really weak.

For example, if he and Lin Chen fight each other, and he is severely hurt by himself by his own means, then he is not only physically injured, and the inner world must also be severely damaged.

In this way, this "eternal reincarnation" will not play much role at all.

"I'm wrong. Do you think this ability is of great use?"

Qingyun Gu stared at Lin Chen and asked in a puzzled way.

Lin Chen shook his head. "What you said, elder, is really right. This ability really doesn't work very well now!"

"Then you... Wait! What is now? You mean, it will be of great use in the future?"

Qingyun fan's reaction was also very quick, and he immediately realized that Lin Chen had something to say.

Lin Chen said: "according to the changes of Xuanyuan spear after integrating more chaotic hearts, if the divine prison tower continues to integrate more chaotic hearts, then the ability of eternal reincarnation should be continuously strengthened.

When the heart of fusion chaos reaches its limit, qualitative change will occur. At present, it can only recover from a physical injury once in three days.

But in the future, if there is no time limit, you can recover the physical and internal injuries at the same time. Do you think this ability is powerful, elder? "

Qingyun fan thought for a while, and his face was shocked. "If it is true, it is not only powerful, but also one of the most powerful means in the whole yin-yang ruins!

After all, if that is true, it means that unless you can be beaten to death with one blow, you will never die and be reborn! If the God King and the strong master this method, then at least in terms of life protection, it can be called invincible! After all, the gap between the divine Kings is often not small, but it is not so big that one side can instantly beat the other side

"Soul powder."

The more Qingyun thought about it, the more he thought about it. If he could grow to the level that Lin Chen said, it would be a little too scary.

However, he soon calmed down, "this is just your guess. Even if the God prison tower reaches the limit of integrating the chaotic heart, it may not be able to grow as you say.

If we can only recover the physical injury in the end, but there is no time limit, it will still be of little use. "

Lin Chen nodded. It was true.

Although he is optimistic, he is not blindly optimistic and knows that what Qingyun Fan said is true.

Qingyun continued: "but it can't be denied that there is the possibility you said. It's like a big bet.

If you want to know the answer, you need to spend countless time and energy to find 8 chaotic hearts and divine prison towers. In this way, we can know the answer.

If the change is what you said, you will win, and you will have one of the most powerful means of the whole Yin Yang market! The God prison tower will also become a treasure that will make the God King and the strong jealous.

If it fails, then it is a waste of 8 chaotic hearts. Although the ability of other aspects of the divine prison tower will be improved after being integrated to the limit.

But the effect it brings is definitely not as good as taking it and integrating it with pure weapons, such as your Xuanyuan gun, or armor and wing treasures.

Only by integrating with the treasure with a single function can the lethality, defense, speed and other aspects be improved to the extreme. "

Lin Chen said: "I really want to find 8 chaotic hearts to fuse with the divine prison tower. As for the Xuanyuan gun, it will also fuse to the limit."

"You are dreaming..."

Qingyun fan only thought Lin Chen was whimsical, and he was angry and funny. "I'm afraid it's not enough to put together all the chaotic hearts of the whole Yin market world today, and it's not enough to promote these two things to the extreme!"

Lin Chen also knows that he is a little whimsical.

He had a plan in mind, that is to try his best to find the heart of chaos and improve the Xuanyuan gun to the extreme. After all, the improvement brought by the fusion of Xuanyuan gun and the heart of chaos is practical.

As for the divine prison tower?

One step at a time.

If you can really get enough chaos in the future, then you can gamble a lot. If not, you can only give up.

Collect Qingyun Xuan into the divine prison tower, and take the divine prison tower back into his body. Lin Chen looks at the empty bottom again.

The reason why he didn't go back with the God King of Kane was that he had to stay here.

"Has the God King of the demon outside the boundary slipped away, or is he still in the longfu mountain after disappearing with the longfu mountain? If so, is tao yao in danger?"

Lin Chen murmured in a low voice, a little worried in his heart.

However, what he worried most was not the Emperor Yan God King, but those indigenous God kings of the Yin Ruins who would come here next.

Since Chu Zhao believed that the current situation in the Yin Ruins was caused by the Dragon Fu Emperor, and he believed that the Dragon Fu Emperor had not fallen, when he brought the news back, he would inevitably bring a group of indigenous gods in the Yin Ruins.

They believe that it was the Dragon Fu Emperor who caused the Yin Ruins to fall into the current situation. If you want to change the situation, you can only start from here.

Lin Chen is worried that their arrival will lead to the failure of tao yao's retreat.

If they know the specific situation and know that Tao Yao has been inherited by the Dragon Fu Emperor, then I'm afraid they won't let tao yao go.

Perhaps they will no longer think that it was the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor who caused the Yin Ruins to become the present situation, but the inheritance of the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor was enough to make the God King greedy.

It is very possible that they will attack tao yao.

"If something really happens, I'll stay here. In fact, I can't help..."

Lin Chen felt a little heavy. Although he knew this, he still felt that he shouldn't leave at this point, because he already owed tao yao too much.

He fell to the ground below, looking for information about longfu mountain and tao yao.

At least, Taoyao should be told his own guess, so that Taoyao can be prepared.

Unfortunately, longfu mountain seems to have never existed. No matter how he looks for it, he can't find any trace.

Before he could find the trace of tao yao, the group of people he was worried about had arrived and appeared in front of him.

"Why are you still here?"

With a low voice, Lin Chen was covered with a mountain like, unfathomable pressure, which made him difficult to move.

Lin Chen turned to look, and saw a group of people flying here. Chu Zhao was among them. In addition, he also saw an acquaintance, Zhen Tianlu of the Canyue cult!

"I guessed right!"

Lin Chen raised his heart.

I am not worried about myself, but about the safety of tao yao. The arrival of this group of people has no impact on him, but for tao yao, it can be said that the comer is not good!

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