In the blink of an eye, Chu Zhao and his party came to Lin Chen.

Among them, there are not only the strong God King of the Canyue cult, but also the strong God King of Zhentian god palace and Shenyuan Pavilion. They are the strongest in many Yin Ruins.

All eyes fell on Lin Chen.

"Who is he?"

A short old man opened his mouth. Although he had white hair, his eyes were as sharp as a knife. Just looking at Lin Chen, he brought Lin Chen a great sense of oppression.

Obviously, this is a God King.

Lin Chen expected that the other party would bring a group of divine kings, so he was not surprised.

I thought to myself that even if so many people came, it was estimated that they would still be worried about the Dragon Fu Emperor.

If so many people do not come together, they may not have the courage to come here.

The fact that the Dragon talisman Heavenly Emperor may still be alive alone is enough to make ordinary gods extremely alert.

When the old man spoke, he looked at Chu Zhao who had just spoken, but it was Zhen Tianlu who answered.

"A junior of the demon army."

Zhen Tianlu feels good about Lin Chen. He has heard from Chu Zhao that he met Lin Chen here before, so he was not too surprised to see Lin Chen.

"This is not a peaceful place. You'd better leave quickly to avoid being swept in."

Zhen Tianlu looks at Lin Chen and takes the initiative to persuade him.

If the situation develops in the worst direction, I am afraid that I and others will have a fierce battle with the Dragon Fu Emperor.

If a small Lord stays here and is slightly affected, he will easily die.

"Thank you for your kindness, elder. I will leave soon." Lin Chen's face was grateful, but her heart was helpless.

He doesn't want to see an accident happen to tao yao. Similarly, he doesn't want an accident to happen to Zhen Tianlu and Chu Zhao, who have a good attitude towards him. Unfortunately, the reality is afraid that it will not develop in the direction he wants.

At present, he is not even qualified to be a peacemaker.

Just a lower God, what he said could not be taken seriously by the people in front of him.

Except for a few people of the Canyue cult, others heard that Lin Chen was a member of the Zhenmo army, and their eyes basically showed vigilance and hostility.

Although these Aboriginal forces did not have any conflict with the demon army.

But Lin Chen, such an outsider, was basically not welcome from the heart. Naturally, he would not have a good face.

"Your relationship between the remnant moon sect and these outsiders is good?"

A tall and thin middle-aged man said in a somewhat strange way.

Zhen Tianlu said lightly: "zhuyuantong, we can't do things in the Wanyue cult. It's not your turn to point out! You are not qualified to question me."

The middle-aged man hissed: "I'm not questioning you. I'm just worried that some people are inconsistent and stab at the critical moment."

Zhen Tianlu was furious: "what do you mean by that? If you think the people of our Canyue sect are not credible, then go away! I can't be as good as you in terms of being two faced!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen secretly said that the three strongest forces in the Yin Ruins have accumulated a lot of contradictions over the years.

Although cooperation is temporarily carried out because of the current special situation, it does not mean that all the contradictions in the past really disappear.

At least, they are all wary of each other.

"That's enough! Say less."

A kind-hearted old man, like Maitreya Buddha in the temple, spoke in a flat tone, but he gave people a feeling of not being angry.

Zhen Tianlu and the middle-aged man both gave a cold Snort and closed their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen immediately judged that the strength and status of the old man was definitely in the front of the group.

Zhen Tianlu and Lin Chen don't have any friendship. At most, they persuade him to leave quickly. Whether Lin Chen listens or not has nothing to do with him.

The group of the three top forces in the Yin market soon disappeared from Lin Chen's sight. "Chu Zhao went back. I'm afraid he had made some preparations besides calling people. He must have come prepared! If my strength was hard, I couldn't help tao yao. I would also take myself in. But if I could get it

Know how they plan to make longfu mountain appear. Maybe they can do some damage from it? "

Lin Chen had this idea in his mind, and then he sighed again. He was not a fool. How could he tell himself about this outsider and their plan!

"My strength is a big gap from that of the divine king and the strong. At present, there is no way to use the Wanxiang magic mirror to investigate this situation! If you use Wanxiang magic, you will be discovered at the first time."

Just as Lin Chen thought about it, hoping to come up with a way to help tao yao, he saw three people flying in front of him.

"Are they? They seem to be coming at me!"

Seeing these three people, Lin Chen was stunned.

These three people came with Zhen Tianlu just now, and the only three realms among those people are under the God King.

Especially the woman among them is the next true God with herself.

As for the two men, if you're right, they should be a half step God King and a superior true God.

About these three people, Lin Chen guessed that some god king should bring them here to increase their knowledge.

In fact, he guessed right, but only half of it.

The woman, named situ Xue, is the descendant of situ Mian, the leader of the Zhentian god palace. Because of her amazing talent and savvy, situ Mian likes her very much.

After the great changes in the Yin market, situ Xue was ordered to stay in the secret area of Zhentian god palace and not go out.

This time, in fact, it was not the old master situ Mian who wanted to bring her here, but she kept pleading, and situ Mian reluctantly agreed.

Although he brought her here, he thought that he might have to face the strong ones such as the Dragon Fu Emperor. When they went underground, situ Mian asked two other young men to wait on the ground with situ Xue.

If anything happens, immediately take situ Xue and hide away.

This time, situ Xue didn't let go of her entreaties.

Situ Mian and Chu Zhao went to the depths of the earth. As soon as they disappeared in front of them, situ Xue immediately became restless and flew towards Lin Chen.

"Xiaoxue, are you looking for the boy from the Yang market just now?" Even the middle-aged man behind her couldn't figure out what she wanted to do and asked with a puzzled face.

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