"I want to ask him about the Yang market. It's a big world at the same level as our Yin market. If I have a chance in the future, I'd like to go and have a look!"

Situ Xue was curious in his eyes. He was like a child who had been at home for a long time and wanted to go out and wander.

No matter how evil her talent is, she will be very old if she can cultivate to the next true God.

However, she spends most of her time in seclusion. Sometimes she goes out for training and is sheltered secretly. Therefore, although her mind is not naive, it is not mature.

"No one has really determined whether the Yang market is at the same level as our Yin market. In my opinion, it is impossible to compare with the Yin market! At least there are many strong ones, which can not be compared.

Moreover, even if you want to ask, you shouldn't ask him. He is just a lower God. What can he know? Think about it and know that he can't touch the top group of strong people in the Yang market. "

The middle-aged man behind situ Xue took a look at Lin Chen not far away. His eyes were filled with disdain, and he thought that situ Xue had come to contact Lin Chen, which was really self defeating.

Situ Xue said discontentedly, "Uncle Yang, your words are too one-sided. I'm not just a lower God, but I know more about all kinds of things in the Yin Ruins than ordinary gods!"

Situ Yang said with a natural look on his face, "how could he be compared with you? You are my favorite son, and he is just a cat and dog from the Yang market."

Situ Xue snorted and didn't like what the other party said.

No matter who praises her, they will inevitably mention that she is loved by situ Mian.

It seems that the greatest advantage of her is that she was born in situ's family and loved by her ancestors. Is there no other advantage in her besides that?

She stopped talking to situ Yang and sped up and flew to Lin Chen.

"Sure enough, they came for me."

When Lin Chen saw the other party stop in front of him, he whispered in his heart, "what's wrong?"

Before situ Xue could answer, situ Yang, who followed him, gave a cold drink and stood high above him:

"Boy, pay attention to your speaking attitude. Do you know who is standing in front of you? If your parents don't take good care of you and don't know what manners are, I will teach you!"

Lin Chen frowned and looked at situ Yang with a bad face.

Then he glanced at the old man who was walking in the back of the other three and had not spoken.

The old man's breath is the most powerful of the three. It is at the level of half step God King. Only the old man makes Lin Chen feel threatened.

As for situ Yang, who was the king of gods, he really didn't take it seriously.

If the real means are exhausted, even the old man and Lin Chen are not serious.

Even though the old man has some powerful means, he has forced himself to use the talisman of the inner world. Is it difficult for the old man to withstand the strike of the God King level?

"Boy, I'm talking to you. Are you deaf?"

Situ Yang was annoyed when he saw Lin Chen's plain face and didn't answer.

Just now, he took the initiative to release his own breath. He expected that a lower true God of the other party would feel uneasy even if he was not full of fear after sensing his own realm.

Lin Chen's performance, however, was completely different from what he had expected, which made him feel despised.

"Uncle Yang, don't do this. I don't want to trouble him. I just want to ask about the world of Yangxu!"

Situ Xue glanced at situ Yang discontentedly and said to Lin Chen with a smile, "don't be surprised. Uncle Yang has such a character that he doesn't mean any harm. I'm situ Xue from Zhentian god palace!"

When she spoke, she reached out to Lin Chen.

No malice?

Lin Chen sneered in his heart. He didn't know whether situ Xue was really innocent or whether he was smiling. He didn't shake hands with situ Xue and opened the door to the mountain path:

"What is the relationship between you and the old man who spoke before?"

He was referring to the old man who had spoken to stop Zhen Tianlu and Zhu Yuantong from arguing.

The reason for asking is that the position of the three people was just behind the old man.

In addition, the clothes of the three of them were the same as the old man's, so they guessed that they belonged to the same force.

"That's my father, and the Lord of zhentiansheng palace, zhentiansheng king."

Situ Xue's face was a bit proud. Although she didn't like people to mention her achievements, she wanted to talk about her ancestors, but she respected and was proud of situ Mian who loved her.

"The leader of Zhentian god palace?"

Lin Chen's eyebrows jumped, and even this kind of character ran over, and he was even more worried about Tao Yao.

It seems that these gods in the Yin market world today really believe that the collapse of the Yin market world is the work of the Dragon Fu Emperor.

Otherwise, they won't all come here.

On the other hand, it means that the guy who really caused the Yin Ruins world to become what it is now has never been found any trace.

If Chu Zhao's guess is right, who is the guy who started to fight against chaos? Where are you hiding now?

Lin Chen couldn't help but have a few questions in his mind.

"Sure enough, it's a foreign country bumpkin. I haven't even heard of the leader of the Tianshen palace in our town?"

Situ Yang sneered and looked at Lin Chen with even more disdain.

Lin Chen looked at him and said faintly, "I know the Dragon Fu Emperor. Is it possible that your palace leader is stronger than the Dragon Fu Emperor? If so, I really don't know much about it."


Situ Yang's smile froze instantly.

Situ Xue said, "my ancestors, looking at all the gods in the Yin Ruins, are recognized as the top five!"

Looking at the whole Yin Ruins, that is to say, not only the three top power gods, but also the cangyun demon ancestors.

In this way, it is really amazing to be in the top five.

But compared with the Dragon Fu Emperor, it is obviously a little far away.

"You came to me just to ask about the Yangxu community?" Lin Chen has a wonderful way.

Situ Xue nodded hurriedly, "if I have a chance in the future, I'd like to go to the Yang market world for training."

Lin Chen turned her eyes and said with a smile, "if I answer your question, does it mean that you should also answer my questions?"

"No problem!"

Situ Xue felt that what the other party wanted to ask was something about the Yin Ruins. Without thinking about it, he nodded and agreed.

Lin Chen smiled brightly.

Behind situ Xue, the old man who had not opened his mouth showed some suspicion in his eyes.

"When the boy saw me, he absolutely realized that my realm was far above him. Why did his eyes look so flat? And why did I have the feeling that he was calculating us?"

The old man whispered in his heart, and then shook his head. He must have thought more. A little lower true God dared not think carefully in front of him.

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