After such a reminder from situ Yang, situ Xue recalled the previous words of Emperor Yan and looked at Lin Chen with some suspicion.

Seeing their performance, the leader of zhentianshen palace naturally knew that situ Yang was not talking nonsense.

Situ Xue couldn't help saying, "anyway, he just saved our lives..."

This means that situ Xue's heart and nature are simple. At the same time, it also means that even she has doubted whether the disappearance of Longfu mountain is really related to Lin Chen.

Or, Lin Chen knows something!

The Lord of zhentianshen palace looked at Lin Chen and said, "you saved the three of them. Zhentianshen palace owes you a favor and will never embarrass you. I just hope you can tell me what you know, little brother."

Lin Chen said in secret that it sounded good, but if he really didn't say anything, no one could be sure whether the other party would take tough measures.

Now the opponent knows that he can strike at the level of God King. It is impossible to leave with the help of the last talisman when he is on guard.

Even so, he was not going to say anything.

"As a true God, how can I know why longfu mountain disappeared?" Lin Chen said calmly.

"You -" situ Yang's face sank and he wanted to speak.

The Lord of Zhentian god palace shook his head at him and looked at Lin Chen with a smile again: "then tell me, why did the God King who did this to you say that?"

"I want to correct it. It's not against me. It's against me and the three of them!" Lin Chen pointed to situ Yang.

The Lord of Zhentian god palace smiled and said, "don't worry. I won't forget the debt. Can you continue?"

Lin Chen said, "I didn't come here alone. There was a woman with me. Her name was tao yao. She was a half step God and she just mastered the magic of talisman. When that guy chased tao yao and me, tao yao used the magic of talisman -"

"No way! One and a half steps of the divine king's talisman means, it is impossible to block the strong of the divine king!" Situ Yang looked incredulous.

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "why don't you say, I'll shut up?"

The leader of Zhentian god palace frowned at situ Yang.

Situ Yang laughed and shut his mouth.

Lin Chen continued: "tao yao's own talisman means can't stop the guy. However, tao yao can use the magic talisman in longfu mountain to stop him and fight for our chance to escape."

"With the help of the magic talisman in longfu mountain?" In the eyes of the master of Zhentian god palace, he was curious.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "yes, with tao yao's strength, she can't create those runes in longfu mountain. But since the runes are ready-made, she has a way to use them!

Of course, not all runes can be used. Otherwise, it is not us but the guy who runs for his life.

Fortunately, with the help of the talisman in longfu mountain, tao yao and I were scattered, but we both recovered our lives! Now, do you still not believe that Tao Yao, a half step God King, can make use of the magic talisman in longfu mountain? "

The leader of Zhentian god palace nodded simply.

Lin Chen sneered: "obviously, you don't understand the talisman! That guy, like you, believes that Tao Yao can drive the deceptive talisman, so it must have something to do with the disappearance of Longfu mountain.

In fact, there is a fart connection, but that guy is too ignorant, so nonsense! If it had anything to do with longfu mountain, we had to run for our lives before? "


There are several black lines on the forehead of the leader of Zhentian god palace. Although Lin Chen is scolding the Emperor Yan God, he always feels that the other party is also scolding his ignorance.

But when it comes to talisman, he really doesn't know much about it.

It's not clear if a half step God King can use the rune in the longfu mountain to deal with the enemy!

"So it is!" Situ Xue showed a sudden look and obviously believed Lin Chen's half true words.

Situ Yang was still unwilling to say: "no one can guarantee that what he said is true! In my opinion, it is most guaranteed to control his consciousness and ask directly."

Lin Chen sneered: "is this the way you pay back the favor in Tianshen palace?"

At this time, another shadow came from the distance, which was the group of powerful gods who had come with the leader of Zhentian god palace.

"What happened?"

Chu Zhao asked with a frown when he saw that there was something of tension between situ Yang and Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't worry about anything. He wasn't afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. He calmly told them what had happened before, as well as situ Yang's suspicions.

"The woman he mentioned, I have seen, is really only a half step God. I can guarantee that he has not lied about this!"

When Lin Chen finished, Zhen Tianlu said.

Lin Chen suddenly felt that the people of the Canyue cult were much more lovable than those in the Zhentian god palace.

They also owe themselves human kindness. The Wanyue cult is to give chaos a heart and help them speak for themselves. However, they are asking for trouble from the god palace!

"If we have a chance in the future, we must let them bleed a lot!" Lin Chen secretly wrote down what happened today.

"Even we don't know what happened to the disappearance of Longfu mountain. How could he be related to a real God? If it was related to him, he would have disappeared with longfu mountain. How could he be waiting for us here!"

Chu Zhao also helped Lin Chen.

What else did situ Yang want to say? The leader of Zhentian god palace said: "it seems that we really think too much. That's all!"

While Lin Chen was relieved, he was overjoyed.

It's not because the leader of zhentianshen palace no longer inquires into the bottom, but because Chu Zhaogang was just the first half of that sentence.

Until now, they still don't know what happened to the disappearance of Longfu mountain!

This means that the "rinse God treasure plate" can not help them find the Dragon Fu Tiandi, or the only charred trunk left by the Dragon Fu Tiandi.

It means they can't find tao yao!

"Although the disappearance of Longfu mountain is due to tao yao, on the other hand, it can be said that it has nothing to do with tao yao. It belongs to the means of the Heavenly Emperor of Longfu!

The Dragon talisman Heavenly Emperor is really not interested in the existence of chaotic mind. The treasure of Yin Ruins, which integrates the heart of chaos, obviously still can't bring any trouble to tao yao. They can't even find tao yao. How can they find trouble? "

Lin Chen was overjoyed. On the surface, he was a little angry. It seemed that he was very upset because of the other party's suspicion and questioning.

"Since you are sure it has nothing to do with me, can I go?" He asked in a deep voice with a cold face.

The Lord of Zhentian god palace said with a smile, "of course. We will never forget the kindness we owe you today!"

It's useless nonsense again. If you really want to repay the favor, you are like Zhen Tianlu at the beginning. You directly say that you are willing to give me a treasure!

Lin Chen scolded in his heart and left without looking back.

After confirming that these guys can't find tao yao, he has no reason to stay here.

After flying for several kilometers, he couldn't help looking back. He didn't know how many years it would be before he saw him again.

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