Leaving longfu mountain, Lin Chen hurried back to the garrison of Zhenmo army in the Yin market.

When he came here earlier, he thought tao yao was noisy and muttered that if tao yao had no mouth, he would be left alone now, and he felt a little too lonely.

"Human nature is really cheap sometimes. I miss being with her now. However, she and I are not family after all.

Even if the best friend, there will always be a day of parting. I just didn't expect that this day would come so soon! "

Lin Chen was talking to himself as he hurried along, feeling something in his heart.

At this time, he was only twoorthree and fifteen minutes away from the garrison of Zhenmo army in the Yin market.

He suddenly sensed something, stopped and looked to the left rear.

Soon, a somewhat embarrassed figure appeared in his sight.

When he looked at the other side, the other side also noticed him, or a pair of eyes had been staring at him.

"Red cherry is the real God again. The sensing ability of the real God is stronger than that of me. Before I found him, he should have found me first. That is to say, it's not chance. He came for me."

Lin Chen guessed this in his heart, but at the same time, there was some doubt in his eyes. The appearance of red cherry's true God was like something chasing after him, looking flustered.

"Lin Chen, it's really you!"

The true God of red cherry was like encountering a rescuer. He looked ecstatic and shouted, "hurry up! Hurry up and ask your master for help. He is the king of gods. Hurry up and ask him to save us!"

Lin Chen was full of fog. He felt puzzled.

Who is this guy chasing after?

My master Teng she is really the God King. The problem is, my master has never come to the Yin market world. How can I ask him for help?

To say the least, with his relationship with this guy, I wish he would die soon. Even if I could really help, I wouldn't help him.

What makes this guy think he can help?

Before Lin Chen opened his mouth, he sensed that a half step God level breath was approaching.

It was from the direction of the true God of red cherry just now!

Red cherry really didn't mean to wait for Lin Chen to reply. Even when he shouted just now, he didn't stop. In a twinkling, he disappeared in front of Lin Chen.


A man with wings on his back and one eye on his forehead appeared in front of Lin Chen, stared at Lin Chen and said with a sneer: "you are a member of Zhenmo army, and there is a master of God King? Unexpectedly, you met a big fish!"

Lin Chen finally understood what was going on. Seeing the direction of the disappearance of Yingzhen God, his eyes surged with a murderous intention.

He doesn't know why the true God Hongying was chased and killed by the demon outside the boundary, but he can be sure that the true God Hongying killed people with a knife and wanted to use the demon outside the boundary to get rid of himself!

At the same time, he also used his own life to buy him time to escape!

"Speaking of it, it's time to settle the accounts between him and me."

Lin Chen took back his eyes and looked at the demon outside the boundary. "You stay here. I'll come to you after I deal with him."


The evil spirit outside the boundary was stunned, and he just felt whether there was something wrong with his ears.

There is something wrong with the boy. Is he ordering himself?

A mere God, why should I listen to him!

Don't say it's yourself. Even the guy who just escaped is a superior God at least. He said he wanted to deal with the other party!

The evil demon outside the boundary gave a grim smile and was about to speak, when he saw a streamer flying from Lin Chen's eyebrows, while Lin Chen turned into a flame and disappeared without a trace.


"The last time I was injured in the blood prison abyss, I haven't fully recovered. I thought I was going to die this time. I really can't help it. I not only escaped from the disaster, but also finished the boy easily!

kill two birds with one stone. Ha ha ha! In terms of wisdom, even the king of God and the strong can hardly compare with me. In this way, the boy died at the hands of the demon outside the boundary, but it has nothing to do with me.

Even if the matter was exposed afterwards, I was at most frightened and accidentally killed him. As long as I didn't kill him, even the God King of flying snake couldn't do anything to me. "

Red cherry was a real God. She sensed the smell of the demon outside the boundary. As expected, she did not continue to follow up. She was relieved and looked very proud.

Not only did he turn the tide, but he also got rid of a very unpleasant guy. What had looked like a very unlucky day turned into a lucky day.

But before he was happy, a sneer came into his ears.

"If you use these careful thoughts in your cultivation, you won't say that you will become a God King now, but it is estimated that you will have no problem becoming a half step God King!"

Hongying was stunned and turned to look.

When he saw Lin Chen catching up with him, his expression changed slightly. How could this guy be here? How could the demon outside the boundary let him go?

Did he listen to his previous self talk?

On second thought, I heard it. Anyway, they didn't deal with it. Since he's all right now, he can't make an issue of it.

"That guy let you go?"

The true God of red cherry didn't feel the smell of the demon outside the boundary to catch up again. He looked puzzled and wondered how this guy was just a lower true God, how to get rid of a half step God King.

It's unreasonable!

Could it be that the God King of flying snake gave him some treasure.

Did he use the treasure to drive away the demon outside the boundary?

Although it feels incredible, it seems that there is only one possibility.

Thinking of this, he was jealous that Lin Chen could worship a God King as his teacher again.

His talent is absolutely no worse than that of the boy in front of him and the Oriental priest. Why can they all be appreciated by the strong of the God King, but he can't!

The demon outside the boundary will not take the initiative to let Lin Chen go.

Lin Chen didn't use any treasure, but let Qingyun in the tower of the divine prison do it.

He did not intend to explain anything to his enemy, saying:

"What you did to the global city made me want to kill you. Today, you used a knife to kill me. In any case, you can only blame yourself for dying at my hands today!"

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Lin Chen, if there is no God of flying snake, what do you think you are, and you dare to kill me?

In my eyes, you are just a waste. If I were not afraid of the God King of flying snakes, I would have countless ways to kill you and your relatives! "

The true God of red cherry was enraged by Lin Chen's words, and burst out laughing. He was no longer secretive, and his face was vicious.

How dare a lower true God not pay attention to himself!

"If not, just kill him here, and then frame the devil outside the world! Otherwise, if you go back to Yunmeng ancient world, I'm afraid you won't have such a chance again." This idea immediately appeared in the mind of the true God of red cherry.

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