Emperor Yan was caught off guard at the beginning, and almost fell in love with the strike of the talisman.

In front of the three evil spirits outside the boundary, their response speed could not be compared with that of Emperor Yan. Just realized that something was wrong, and before they had time to respond, they were all swallowed up by the bright light!

Their figures melt like ice and snow!


The terrible big explosion destroyed the whole palace and the mountains thousands of feet high.

The smell of the three outside demons vanished in an instant.

"It's a pity. If these three guys are half dead, maybe they can be eaten by the blood vine. At present, there is no residue left."

Lin Chen muttered, feeling a little pity, but he didn't regret it at all.

After all, without the help of foreign objects, none of the three evil spirits outside the realm is stronger than his real God. In this case, unless he is crazy, he will keep his hand.

"All the three talismans are used up so quickly. Next time, there will be no cards left in the face of half a step of the true God! If you can't gain anything here this time, you will lose a lot!"

Lin Chen noticed that there was a lot of breath, and quickly flew from all directions to this side.

Obviously, the movement here alerted other demons outside the world. They all came to see what had happened.

Even though there is no half step God King among these outside demons, as long as there are a certain number of upper true gods, Lin Chen may not be able to deal with them by himself.

A streamer of light flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows.

Qingyun Gu saw the tragedy around his eyes, then felt it, and found that there were a lot of breath coming, but there was no half step God King level.

The strongest is only the supreme god!

"Everything is going well," he said in surprise

Lin Chen said with a smile: "although the means are not very glorious, they are more smooth than expected."

Qingyun fan disapproved and said, "it doesn't matter whether the means are brilliant or not, but whether the goal is achieved. I'll take care of the rest of these minions."

"Don't hurry to kill people. I want to see if there are any relatives or disciples of the four powerful gods among these guys. If there are such key figures, it will be easier for them to rush back."

"All right! I'll be careful."


Stop the demon army.

The border has long been destroyed. Houses that have just been built have long disappeared.

The mountains and rivers were razed to the ground. The scene was like a giant flame trampling here. It was not only scorched earth, but also could not find a flat place.

A few kilometers above ground, two groups of the people were confronting each other. They looked at each other with the murderous intent, but they were not in a hurry.

In the sky above them, accompanied by amazing air waves, from time to time came the sound of terrible explosions.

These two groups are the demon army and the demon outside the boundary who came to find trouble.

Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong are among them.

In other words, except for the God King and the strong, everyone else is here right now.

The two gods of the demon army and the four gods of the demons outside the boundary are fighting at an altitude of 10000 meters.

Everyone here knows that the final outcome of this battle depends on the result of the battle between the divine king level strong.

The rest of the people, even the half step God King, could not change the outcome at all.

After all, there seems to be only a thin line between the half step God King and the God King, but the real combat power is very different.

Even if the peak of the half step divine king such as tao yao exists, he can only turn around and run for his life when he meets the strong one!

It is also because of this. Although the two sides of the confrontation have the advantage of the outside evil, they are not in a hurry to start.

The demons outside the boundary who came to find trouble with the demon army were all elites among the elites, and none of them was not a half step God King level strongman.

These guys are not only powerful, but also cunning and shrewd.

Although both sides work hard, it must be their own side to win, but in this process, the other side will also work hard.

If you fight hard, even if you win in the end, you may get a few on your own side!

In a real fight, no one knows whether the guy who gets in will be himself.

In any case, it is inevitable for the four strong gods on our side to win.

In that case, there is no need to worry at all. Just wait patiently for the defeat of the two strong gods.

With this idea, the demons outside the world do not take the initiative.

As for the Zhenmo army, its overall strength is not as good as others. Naturally, it will not start first.

"What should we do now? Is there any way to break the situation? If it goes on like this, the situation will only get worse and worse."

Yue Kong stood by the side of Dongfang Ji and said in a low voice.

Dongfang Ji sighed: "what can we do to break the situation with our strength? These guys are obviously prepared to come. This time, they are really cornered. Even the old blood vine monster has come. It is only a matter of time before the God King of Kaye and the God King of Qingyan are defeated. Fortunately, although they can't fight, if they run for their lives, they can't escape. What we have to do is

When they are ready to run for their lives, cover their escape! "

Yue Kong's body stiffened instantly. He understood the meaning of Dongfang Ji's words.

The so-called cover means to use their lives to cover the escape of the two God kings and try to buy some time for the two God kings.

After a few seconds of silence, Yue Kong nodded heavily:

"The importance of the divine king and the strong to the ancient world of Yunmeng is not comparable between us. If the two divine kings are defeated, we must all die. In that case, how can we die more valuable!"

"Fortunately, Lin Chen didn't come back with us. He escaped."

With a sigh, the Oriental priest looked at the God kings fighting above with free and easy eyes and sneered:

"Each of these demons outside the boundary will cherish his life more than the other. If the four gods worked hard, they would have been divided.

It happened that they were afraid that the king of Qingyan and the king of Kaye would pull a cushion before they were defeated. They all trusted other gods to work hard. Therefore, a few days passed, and there was no winner or loser.

Unfortunately... Both the king of Qingyan and the king of Gaye are obviously exhausted. This battle is not far from the end. "

Ten thousand meters high.

King Qingyan and King Kaye stood in the air, their backs facing each other, no more than one meter apart, looking coldly at the four demons outside the boundary that surrounded them.

"Your strength is better than I expected. Especially you, the king of green nightmare."

Led by an evil demon outside the world, he has a fiery red hair. He looks very young and looks twenty-five or six years old.

Compared with the ferocious appearance of other demons outside the world, his appearance can even be called handsome.

The young man, though not old at all, was the ancestor of the blood vine.

Ancestor xueteng's eyes fell on the God King Qingyan and said with a light smile:

"I'll give you one last chance. You and I are even more unprecedented. The God King doesn't deal with that guy. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Join us and I promise to keep you alive!"

The God King of Qingyan angrily said, "give your mother's shit. Even if I fell here, I was also magnificent and worthy of heaven and earth. How could I be with you bedbugs in the gutter!" After swearing loudly, King Qingyan immediately became vigilant and knew that the other side would be provoked and start fighting. As a result, he saw four evil spirits outside the boundary, and their faces changed at the same time.

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