"What's going on?"

The God King Qingyan was puzzled and looked at the God King of Kane. He wondered whether the God King of Kane had secretly used some means, which caused the four strong gods of the other side to change their faces at the same time.

But it was found that the king of the night God looked at him with the same puzzled face.

Obviously, the God King of Kanye did not use any means. He also wondered whether the God King of Qingyan had done something in secret.

The two men looked at each other, and immediately understood the reaction of several demons outside the boundary, which had nothing to do with their own side. They immediately became more confused until the other side spoke.

"Something happened at the stronghold!"

The first one to speak was Emperor Yan, who frowned:

"According to the information we have received, not only the God King and the strong, but also the half step God King who came to the Yin Ruins from the demon army are here right now.

There are three and a half divine kings staying at our stronghold. How could there be an accident? Could it be that the trouble is not caused by the people of the demon army, but by the indigenous forces in the Yin Ruins? Revenge of the waning moon sect? "

Just now, all the communication treasures on their bodies have received help messages. It is obvious that something has happened at the stronghold!

Another golden haired God showed some anxiety on his face: "I must go back immediately!"

Emperor Yan, the God King and the old monster of blood vine, clearly knew why he was anxious, because the only son of the God King was in the stronghold.

He was anxious to go back because he was afraid that his son would be killed.

If the God King of the demon army had many descendants, he might not take it too seriously.

The problem is that these extraterritorial demons are basically extremely powerful at birth, which means that it is difficult for them to reproduce from the very beginning.

For example, the golden haired God who spoke was born immortal and became supreme when he grew up. After so many years, he had only one son.

He naturally attaches great importance to it!

Seeing the old Gorgon monster, Emperor Yan and others, his face soon returned to normal. The God King was angry. Naturally, he knew that the three guys had no relatives at the stronghold and didn't care much about whether there was an accident at the stronghold.

For them, it is much more important to kill the demon troops in front of them, especially the two God kings, than to return to the stronghold to rescue them.

"Don't forget, there is a passage to our place. Of course, if they dare to go directly to our old nest, they don't have to worry. They are afraid that they will find something on the road and let the guy out!"

When the golden haired God mentioned "that guy", his face was very dignified, and he sneered:

"You should know how difficult that guy is. Anyway, it's up to you to decide whether to go back with me or not!"

As he finished, his body became transparent and finally turned into golden rays, which disappeared into the void.

Seeing this, the remaining three gods all have very bad expressions.

The departed God King was named prisoner of heaven. Among the four God kings, prisoner of heaven was the weakest in terms of the means of killing the enemy, but prisoner of heaven was the strongest in terms of the means of trapping the enemy.

The reason why they had the confidence to kill the two demon army gods in front of them and not let them escape was because there was a prisoner God King.

At present, the prisoner God King has left. Although they still have a quantitative advantage, they are more confident than the Qing Yan God King and the Kanye God King if they work together, but they have no confidence to keep them while they are running for their lives!

"Well, let's go!"

The old blood vine monster gave a cold hum and disappeared in an instant.

The Emperor Yan God King and another God King also disappeared in an instant.


The members of the external demons who were waiting to greet the victory were all dumbfounded when they heard the words of the old Gorgon monster. They couldn't figure out the situation.

Although he didn't understand, he didn't dare to ask any more questions and hurriedly followed him away.

"Knot... Is it over?"

Yue Kong's face was both ecstatic and confused. He didn't understand why the other side would suddenly leave in such a winning situation.

"I don't know why."

The eastern priest was also full of fog. He flew to the two God kings in the sky with the people, and soon learned the answer from them.

"The reason why they left was that an evil demon outside the boundary had an accident at the stronghold of the Yin market. Someone was looking for trouble! It should be the Canyue cult."

The king of green nightmare said firmly.

The strongmen of the demon army are here. Only the aboriginal forces in the Yin Ruins can find trouble.

Although Lin Chen, Hongying and others did not return, they were the top gods at most. However, three banbu gods left their hands in their strongholds. Naturally, they could not have anything to do with the Zhenmo army.

Judging from what the other party said just now, they have a grudge against the Wanyue cult, so it must be the Wanyue cult to retaliate!

Not only he, but also the king of Kanye thought so. She nodded and doubted: "who is that guy they said? What can make them so nervous, should not..."

The God King Qingyan's expression changed: "you mean that guy in the wild?"


An evil stronghold outside the boundary.

The remaining demons outside the boundary are not the enemy of Qingyun at all. The battle has already ended.

"Don't be so nervous. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it earlier. Why should I gather you in front of me?"

Lin Chen had a smile on his face, but the smile fell into the eyes of a group of demons outside the world in front of him. It was the smile of death.

"Among you, are there any relatives or disciples of the powerful God King?" Lin Chen asked.

The demons outside the boundary in front of him looked at him coldly. Obviously, they did not intend to cooperate with him, and were more reluctant to answer his questions.

"Not bad! They are all hard bones. Unfortunately, I like hard bones best!"

Lin Chen came to a demon outside the realm who was the superior true God.

The demon outside the boundary has been seriously injured. There is a big hole in his chest, which directly penetrates his body.

Lin Chen only asked Qingyun fan not to kill people indiscriminately, but did not ask him not to hurt people. Therefore, the demons outside the world in front of him basically have serious injuries.

"Look at you, don't you want to answer my question?"

Seeing that the other party was staring at him viciously, Lin Chen said to himself:

"In that case, you can directly control your consciousness and then ask. After I ask, unless you have anything to do with the God King and the strong, otherwise, you have no need to live."

The demon outside the boundary turned pale and said, "I'll answer your question. Can you spare my life?"

"Yes!" Lin Chen nods.

"Gui Yun!" Several outside demons drank coldly and glared at the outside demon who wanted to answer.

The demon outside the boundary, who was called GUI Yun, explained:

"It doesn't make any difference whether I say it or not. Even if I don't say anything, they can still get the answer by controlling my consciousness."

"Fart! You are afraid of death. If you want, you can explode before being completely controlled by the other party. He can't get the answer."

There is an out of bounds evil spirit angry way.

GUI Yun is silent. Obviously, the other party is right. The problem is that he doesn't want to die.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen smiled.

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