"Do you want to talk to me here?"

The God King Yao Jun looked calm, but his terror did not weaken because of his plain look.

Even a simple question made the emperor Xiao's forehead sweat.

The emperor Xiao at the moment, where is there a little bit of that lofty posture in front of Lin Chen and Lin Chen just now.

"Master, please sit inside!" Emperor Xiao made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile.

The king of Yao Jun snorted coldly, and then he stepped in.

When the king Yao Jun talked with the emperor Xiao, Lin Chen seemed to have been fixed and stood still. If he left quickly, he would be more likely to be noticed by the other party.

It was not until Yao Jun disappeared from sight that Lin Chen was relieved.

"Elder, I don't know why you're here. If there's anything I can do for you, just follow your orders!"

After the Emperor Yao Jun sat down, the emperor Xiao asked respectfully.

King Yao Jun said, "I'm here. Naturally, I have something to do. Tell me how your ancestors left the nightmare abyss!"

"Er..." the emperor Xiao was stunned and looked surprised.

The God King Yao Jun looked at him discontentedly, "what's your expression? I don't know if it's strange. You think everyone is like your ancestors. They ran there and were trapped. I wouldn't bother to ask about it now if it wasn't for the special situation!"

Emperor Xiao hurriedly said, "master, I misunderstood you. What surprised me was not that you didn't know about it, but that two other people came to inquire about the same thing just now. That's why I was a little surprised!"


The king of Yao Jun was also stunned, and then showed a curious look: "who will inquire about the two guys who were taken away by the guards just now?"


In the room, GUI Yun was like an ant on a hot pot, pacing around the table, with a worried face.

Lin Chen didn't have a good way: "Why are you more nervous than me?"

GUI Yun stopped, turned pale and said, "I am naturally nervous. Once you are discovered by the God King, won't you kill me at the first time?

Moreover, even if you don't kill me, I will bring you here with me. According to the clan rules, I will die of terror! "

Lin Chen drank a cup of tea and said: "the situation just now has shown that even if the God King is strong, as long as his attention is not on me, I will not be identified.

In that case, there is no need to scare yourself. In the eyes of emperor Xiao, we cannot be compared with the divine king. He cannot entertain us and the divine king Yao Jun at the same time.

That is to say, after the God King Yao Jun left, he would ask people to call us over again. In that case, why should I be nervous? "

GUI Yun sighed: "now I can only hope that there will be no accident!"

Just then, the guard who had brought them over appeared at the door: "two, please follow me again!"

Lin Chen stood up in surprise and said, "the king of Yao Jun has left so soon?"

The guard shook his head and said, "Lord God has not left yet."

"What do you mean, where do you want to take us?"

Not to mention GUI Yun, even Lin Chen himself was not calm, and his smile was rather reluctant.

The guard said, "of course, you should take it to the emperor owl and the God King."

Lin Chen's luck was completely broken. His heart sank and he tried to keep calm:

"I don't quite understand what you said. We are here now because we don't want to disturb Lord God. What does it mean to let us go now?"

GUI Yun nodded hurriedly, "yes! We are not in a hurry. We are not in a hurry at all. We can go there after the LORD God has finished his business."

The guard thought that they behaved like this out of fear of the God King and the strong, and comforted them in turn:

"You don't have to worry about bumping into the king Yao Jun. although I don't know the specific situation, if I'm right, it should be emperor Xiao who wants you to meet the king Yao Jun."

"Let... Let's go to see the king Yao Jun?"

GUI Yun's voice trembled, and he suspected that the God King of Yao Jun had already seen through Lin Chen's disguise.

Once Lin Chen's disguise is seen through, he will die too!

The guard nodded and said, "we adults will not make random decisions in the presence of the divine king. This should also be the idea of the divine king Yao Jun. please follow me quickly!"

Lin Chen's face changed for a while, and several thoughts came into his mind.

Otherwise, I will try to escape immediately. In this way, I don't have to see the king of Yao Jun.

The problem is that this is the God King of the Emperor Yan family. I'm afraid there are many strong ones. It's not so easy to rush out directly.

If you want to rush out without making any noise, you may not have any at all.

As long as there is a little possibility, it will inevitably disturb the king of Yao Jun, the other party will come at the first time, and he will also be defeated at the first time.

In other words, the feasibility of this method is zero.

In that case, you can only go to see the God King Yao Jun and pray that he is not aware of his disguise?

As long as he doesn't know the outside demon he is pretending to be, and he doesn't have any vigilance at all. If he doesn't carefully sense his own breath, he should not be seen through?

"Should? It's just a joke about your own life. Today is life or death. It all depends on luck?"

Lin Chen scolded secretly and walked towards the guard.

The guard looked at GUI Yun, who was still standing in the same place, and his eyes were suspicious.

He saw that the other party seemed to be afraid of something. It is reasonable that he would be nervous to see the God King and the strong, but he would not be afraid to this extent.

Lin Chen whispered a warning, telling him to hurry up if he didn't want to die.

GUI Yun turns pale and walks to Lin Chen honestly.

Led by the guards, the two soon came to the previous hall. As soon as they entered, they saw the emperor Xiao and Yao Jun God King who were already waiting for them.

Lin Chen saw that Yao Jun's eyes fell on him for the first time. Although the surface was still calm, his breathing was uncontrollably disordered for a moment.

At this moment, he just felt that it was more dangerous than fighting with the half step God King!

Once something wrong is found, there is no chance for him to resist.

"Why are you two standing so far away? Come here quickly. I have a good thing to tell you!" Emperor Xiao waved and motioned them to go in.

When Lin Chen and GUI Yun came to the front, Emperor Xiao said:

"You are very lucky. Next, master Yao Jun will also go to nightmare Juyuan. You will go with him!

As for my grandfather's way to get out of trouble, I have told elder Yaojun that once you find someone you want to save, let elder Yaojun do it. In this way, you will not be in any danger. "

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