When Lin Chen saw Yao Jun's eyes, he moved away from himself. As soon as he put his heart down, he was scared out of his chest by the emperor's words!

Are you kidding me? I'm going to nightmare Juyuan with Yao Jun?

At present, it's good luck not to be detected by the other party. But if you travel with the other party and the other party's attention falls on yourself, the probability of being detected is 100%!

What's more, what I want to save is not "Grandpa" at all, but the God of heaven and the demon ancestor of cangyun.

The God King of heaven and earth is the strong God King of the demon army. He is a mortal enemy of the God King of the demons outside the boundary.

Cangyun demon ancestor is trapped there. Maybe he has something to do with the demons outside the world. Do you want to ask God Yaojun to help save people?

It's fantastic!

GUI Yun said nervously, "no... don't bother Lord God. We can go there by ourselves!"

Lin Chen also nodded: "yes. Lord Shenwang should have something important to do when he goes there. We are just dragging our feet.

If you bring trouble to your excellency, you deserve to die. Let's just go by ourselves! "

Emperor Xiao looked at God King Yao Jun. at present, he didn't have the right to speak. The specific arrangement was obviously decided by God King Yao Jun.

The king of Yao Jun shook his head and said, "it's no trouble. You two can walk with me."

"But --" Gui Yun turned pale and wanted to say something. Yao Jun frowned, "you seem to be afraid of something. Can it be more dangerous to go with me than the two of you?"

If Lin Chen and GUI Yun object again, the other party will find something wrong.

Moreover, their identity is not qualified to object at all!

Although they beat drums in their hearts, they didn't say any more. On the surface, they agreed with a smile.

After a while, the God King Yao Jun left with Lin Chen and GUI Yun, and the emperor Xiao personally sent them outside the gate.

After leaving Maha holy city, under the leadership of King Yao Jun, the three men went straight to the direction of nightmare abyss.

On the way, he realized that the king of Yao Jun didn't pay attention to himself at all. Lin Chen was secretly relieved, but his heart was still carrying it, and he couldn't put it down.

From now on, it can be seen that King Yao Jun did not take himself seriously at all. After leaving Maha holy city, he did not look at himself at all.

The question is, why take yourself with you if you don't take yourself seriously at all?

What does the other party want to do when they go to the nightmare abyss?

Take yourself. Is it because he needs cannon fodder?

These thoughts came to mind. Lin Chen felt powerless. Tao yao had exhausted all the three talismans he had given himself. Now he couldn't resist the powerful God King.

Even if the other party really harbors evil intentions, he is also like a chess piece and can only be at his mercy!

At this moment, the God King Yao Jun in front suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Chen.

"Lord God?"

Lin Chen was startled and was about to ask what was going on when he saw that the God King Yao Jun suddenly made a move. The bloody energy, like dense spider silk, immediately tied Lin Chen up.

The bloody energy went crazy into Lin Chen's body. In an instant, the original power in Lin Chen seemed to be frozen and could not be mobilized.

He is like a prey on a spider's web, unable to move at all!

"Answer me. Who are you and why do you want to disguise your breath? What is the purpose of going to the nightmare abyss? Who is your real identity?"

Yao Jun's face was somewhat ironic. "How much do you look down on the strong king? Do you think your disguise is flawless? Even standing in front of the strong king, no one can see through it?"

For a moment, Lin Chen seemed to fall into an ice cave!

The other party has long seen through his disguise. In fact, his previous performance is all fake?

He thought it was strange for a long time. After all, according to the feedback from the blood vine, the ability to simulate the breath could not play a role in front of the God King who was a big level higher than him.

It's just that the God King Yao Jun always behaved as if he had been cheated, plus his own inner luck, so he always felt that he had not been seen through!

Now it seems that the other party may have noticed something wrong at the first sight.

Let yourself follow, is to get rid of yourself here!

After GUI Yun was shocked, he laughed wildly and looked at Yao Jun with a flattering face

"My Lord, this guy is really pretending. I can give you a detailed explanation of what happened!"

"Although you are a kalurogu, do you think I will forgive you if you bring an alien into the Maha holy city?"

Yao Jun said calmly.

GUI Yun was so scared that he quickly said, "I was forced! In fact, I have been looking for an opportunity to expose his identity with you just now.

It's just that this guy keeps me close, intentionally or unintentionally, and doesn't give me a chance to speak. Believe me, I have no objection to the kalulungu! "

"Those who are forced are loyal to the kalulungu people?"

"Yes! They are forced! I have no second thoughts about the kalulu people."

The king of Yao Jun sneered, "you are a good man. But you don't have to be loyal to me. I'm not a member of the kalurogu family."

"No... not a member of the kalulungu clan. What does that mean?"

The smile on GUI Yun's face instantly became very reluctant. He couldn't understand it. A guess appeared in his heart, but he was unwilling to believe it anyway.

Lin Chen, who was devastated, was also shocked. He looked at the king of Yao Jun and looked puzzled.

The king of Yao Jun looked at Lin Chen and said, "simply put, I am also a fake."

Is it fake?

Although Lin Chen felt incredible, he felt more strongly about flying from hell to heaven, and said excitedly:

"Elder, do you mean that you are the God King of our demon army. Like me, you sneak into Maha holy city to inquire about information?"

The kindness that had just appeared in the eyes of the God King Yao Jun immediately disappeared and said coldly, "are you a member of the demon army in the town of Yangxu?"

"Er..." Lin Chen found that he was a little too happy. Looking at the other party's reaction, it was obvious that he was not the God King of the demon army.

So, should it be the God King of the Yin Ruins?

And it seems that he doesn't like Zhenmo army very much. Should he kill himself and GUI Yun together?

After all, for the strong indigenous people in the Yin Ruins, whether they are Zhenmo army or kaluogu people, they are all outsiders invading the Yin Ruins.

In the eyes of the more radical aborigines in the Yin Ruins, I'm afraid they are all the same!

GUI Yun, with a despairing face, looked at Lin Chen and shouted madly in his heart. You can't feel better. I will die here today. You can't leave alive either!

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