Dongfang Ji's face was gloomy. For him, the God King of the famine was more unbearable to be insulted than himself.

Maybe it doesn't matter to him, but he can't accept it!

He was about to open his mouth, when he heard that Lin Chen beside him had said, "I will fight with your disciples!"

Instantly, the scene was quiet, and everyone looked at Lin Chen.

The God King of Qingyan was stunned and laughed:

"Your new disciple really thinks highly of him. But I don't care. Let him compete with my disciple. It's just right to help you discipline!"

The Golden Horn looked at Lin Chen coldly and said faintly, "I will show mercy and not really kill him. You can rest assured, master Huang Tian!"

Between the words, Lin Chen was not taken seriously at all.

The king of heaven looked at Lin Chen and said to the East:

"Since he said so, I, as a master, would not object. Let them have a competition in a month! Now, you can get out."

A month later?

Not to mention the king of green nightmare and the golden horn, even Lin Chen was stunned. He didn't understand why he had to postpone the contest for a month.

Now he has broken through to the level of the middle true God, that is, he is confident that he can fight against the God King in the first half.

The king of green nightmare said coldly: "one month later, one month later, I want to see how much you can improve his strength in this month! At that time, let them fight under the witness of everyone!"

With that, he left with a golden horn and a smile on his face. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the result.

As soon as he left, before Lin Chen asked the God King why he wanted to delay the duel for a month, Teng snake spoke first.

"You are so confident, you little boy! Do you really think you can beat the golden horn?" Teng snake looked at Lin Chen helplessly.

Lin Chen said, "although he is a half step God King, I may not have the strength to fight!"

It sounds incredible that the middle true God can rival the half step God King. But when he was the next leader, he was able to kill the red cherry true God. Now he has broken through to the middle true God, and it is not surprising that he can rival the half step God King.

Teng snake said, "I didn't say you can't compete with the half step God King. What I said is that you can't compete with the golden horn!"

Lin Chen is in a daze. What does that mean.

Elder martial brother Dongfang jimingming has already said that it is only a few years since jinjiaoyu broke through and became the half step God King. His strength is at the level of the half step God King, and he is not a top-notch existence.

But according to Teng snake's words, it seems that the strength of golden horn is far from the ordinary half step God King?

Is Dongfang Ji wrong?

At this time, the God King of famine also said: "under normal circumstances, you may really win against jinjiaoyu. But now, he is brought by Qingyan, which is very different."

What's the difference between the king Qingyan bringing him here and himself?

Lin Chen was puzzled at first. Then he thought that he was not a disciple of the God King of Teng snake. When he pretended to be his disciple to compete with the disciples of the God King of Hei, the God King of Teng snake specially prepared a strong card for himself!

And there is more than one!

Improve your strength by one level!

He was shocked and immediately realized that the king of green nightmare had already prepared a strong card for jinjiaoyu before he brought him over.

On my own side, without any preparation, I was up against the golden horn. There is no doubt that I was completely defeated before the fight began!

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, the God King of famine and Teng snake realized that he had understood, so they would not explain further.

Teng snake looked at the king of the God of heaven and said, "are you going to prepare some cards for this boy after you delay this competition? What cards do you need a month to prepare?"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up immediately, and he also looked at the God King of the wasteland.

Dongfang Ji suddenly regretted that the master helped prepare the cards. It was a good thing that pie fell from the sky. He knew he should have moved faster, but he was robbed by this smelly boy!

To everyone's surprise, the God of famine shook his head and said, "I'm not going to prepare any cards for him. If I lose, I'll lose. I don't care!"

The king of green nightmare was not confident in his own strength, so he tried to find his face and prove himself in this roundabout way.

For the extremely confident God King of heaven, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all. If the God King of Qingyan dares to take this matter in the future, he will do it directly.

Clean up that guy. It's more direct than the so-called disciple contest!

Lin Chen said awkwardly, "in other words, after a month, I was actually beaten in the past?"

If it is the golden horn in normal circumstances, Lin Chen is a little confident. But since the king of green nightmare has prepared a strong card for the other side, to tell the truth, Lin Chen has no confidence at all.

Originally, I thought that I had just made a breakthrough and just took the guy jinjiaoyu to test my strength. As a result, it suddenly turned out that I had to be cleaned up. Lin Chen was immediately depressed.

He looked at Dongfang Ji, and saw that Dongfang Ji's face showed a happy look, which made him more depressed.

Dongfang Ji smiled awkwardly. Fortunately, he didn't move as fast as this boy. Otherwise, I will be the senior brother who makes a fool of myself!

The famine God King noticed the change in Lin Chen's expression and said, "I just said I wouldn't prepare any cards for you, but it doesn't mean I won't do anything."

Lin Chen's eyes lit up and looked at him expectantly.

"In my opinion, there is no need to prepare any cards for the fight with golden horn, but it is necessary to try to improve your strength.

Simply put, what I want to do is not to prepare you with cards that can only be used once or twice, but to really improve your strength! "

The God King of famine smiled: "speaking of it, you worship me as a teacher. It seems that I haven't prepared a gift for you. It's your elder martial brother's gift. You have already received it."

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