"Master, what do you want to give me?" Lin Chen couldn't wait.

Seeing that the other side was not polite at all, the God of the wilderness directly asked himself what kind of salute he wanted to give. In his heart, he felt that the other side's character was similar to his own. They were straight forward and didn't have so many twists and turns.

He smiled and said, "I don't know what to give you."

Not yet?

Lin Chen wondered if the other party was making fun of him.

Give your own gifts. If the person who gave them doesn't know what it is, who else knows?

How could there be such a strange thing in the world!

The king of the famine God said: "I left the ancient world of Yunmeng with only something useful to me, so I don't have anything suitable for you at present.

Next, I'm going to visit the former site of demon God sect to see what treasures there are. Simply, whatever and how much there is in the treasure pavilion over there will be given to you as a teacher worship gift. What do you think? "

Linchen was about to ask what the "demon God sect" was, and the voice of chenkong sounded in his mind.

"Demon God sect is the force my master once belonged to. It was very powerful in those days, only one level lower than the three top forces of the Canyue cult.

Later, for some reasons, the demon God sect was destroyed. It seems that my master only took a few things that are useful to him.

However, neither I nor Qingyun fan knew the specific location of the former site of the demon God sect, because when we met our master, the demon God sect had already been destroyed. "

Is it the force that cangyun demon ancestor once belonged to?

Listen to this name, it should be a force that gathers all kinds of monster and beast strongmen, but it has been destroyed?

The history of the Yin Ruins is very long. There must be too many stories hidden in it. There are countless powerful forces rising and falling, and the demon God sect is only one of them.

Lin Chen is not very interested in these stories. He is more interested in what is left in the treasure house of the demon God sect?

The location of the former site of the demon God sect should be known by the master from the cangyun demon ancestor.

Since what was useful to the cangyun demon ancestor in the treasure Pavilion had been taken away by him, the rest belonged to those that the cangyun demon ancestor was not interested in.

Well, my master won't be interested!

That's why he's going to give it to himself?

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't answer, the king of the famine God thought he was not satisfied, so he said:

"Don't worry, if there's nothing useful for you, I'll just wait to return to Yunmeng ancient world and I'll give you another one. In fact, I was going to wait to return to Yunmeng ancient world and give you another gift, but I didn't expect that you would stand up and say you want to fight with jinjiaoyu. It would be too much to run back to fight with each other after returning to Yunmeng ancient world

Trouble! "

Lin Chen returned to his senses and hurriedly said, "I'm not dissatisfied. I just want to see if we will take away the rest of the treasure Pavilion there and cause the dissatisfaction of cangyun demon ancestor."

The God of famine said, "don't worry about that. If he cared about those things, he wouldn't have told me not only where he was, but also how to get in."

Linchen said happily, "shall we start now?"

The same is true of the God of famine. The faster you start, the better.

It doesn't take much time to go there and then come back.

When this matter is finished, I will go back to Yunmeng ancient world to meet some old friends!

"Do you need me to go with you?"

Teng snake looked at the God King of the wasteland. He was not familiar with the God King of the wasteland. However, because of the relationship between Lin Chen, the relationship between them immediately became closer.

The God King shook his head: "stay here to prevent evil spirits from coming back to trouble."

With that, he reached out and grabbed Lin Chen's shoulder. They turned into streamers and disappeared instantly.

Two days later.

Thousands of meters high in the sky, the space is distorted, and two figures come out of it. It is the God of the wasteland and Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked down at the vast black sea below: "master, is this where the demon God sect once lived?"

"To be exact, it was deep in the sea. However, at the beginning, he only told me a location. We still need to go down and find a more accurate location!

According to his description, it is not difficult to find the former site of the demon God sect, that is, the buildings left on the seabed, because all the border areas in those years have collapsed. "

At the same time, the famine God flew under the dynasty.

Lin Chen hurried to keep up with him, thinking in his heart, what will the king of green nightmare prepare for the golden horn, and how can he defeat the other party?

At present, I have just made a breakthrough, and it is difficult to continue to improve my realm in a short time.

So the simplest way to improve your strength is to use foreign objects!

With the help of Tiancai and Dibao, which can greatly improve the strength in a short time, or an incomparably powerful magic weapon!

According to Shifu's previous words, he hopes that what he can get is not something that can only be used in the next duel with golden horn.

It is the promotion of great benefits to oneself in the future!

Naturally, Lin Chen also hopes to get a treasure that can improve his strength for a long time, but there may not be that kind of thing here.

"If only there were a chaotic mind! But it is impossible. From the current situation, it can be inferred that the chaotic mind did not exist in the Yin Ruins at the beginning, but suddenly appeared at a special time point.

The destruction of demon God sect was before that time point. In this way, there can be no chaotic heart in the treasure house!

If there was chaos in the treasure house, the cangyun demon ancestor would not have to compete with the powerful gods of other forces. "

To understand this, Lin Chen is inevitably a little disappointed.

If we want him to return to the ancient world of Yunmeng immediately, there is nothing to be reconciled with, that is, we have not found enough chaotic hearts to raise the Xuanyuan gun to the limit!

Just as Lin Chen's thoughts were flying, he saw the God of the wasteland in front of him stop, and his face was happy. He thought that the other party had found the site of the demon God sect, and the voice of the God of the wasteland sounded in his ears.

"Good disciple, hide behind me!"

Lin Chen's face changed. When he arrived at the God King, he said, "master, what's the matter?"

The God King of famine calmly said, "it seems that we are not the only ones who come here to look for treasure. There are other forces. Two strong gods are flying towards us."

There are two powerful gods flying here?

Lin Chen's expression changed, and he whispered that he was unlucky. In his ear, the God of heaven sounded a little excited: "maybe you can see the real strength of my teacher soon!"


Lin Chen looked at the king of the God of heaven in astonishment. His master seemed to be a battle madman? When he noticed that the two divine kings were approaching, he was not nervous, but a little excited. Even though Lin Chen had seen many divine kings, this was really the first time!

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