Seeing that the God King of the wasteland was very calm, Lin Chen was infected and his mood was calm. He waited for the arrival of the two strong God kings.

A moment later, two figures appeared in their sight.

Lin Chen soon found out that he had met both of them.

At that time, in longfu mountain, there were a group of Aboriginal God kings in the Yin Ruins, including the two strong God kings in sight.

Among them, the tall and thin middle-aged man also mocked whether Canyue cult had any special relationship with outsiders. Zhen Tianlu was dissatisfied, and the two sides almost fought. "Shifu, that tall and thin guy belongs to Shenyuan Pavilion in the Yin market world. His name is zhuyuantong. The other one, who doesn't know his name, is also one of the three top forces in the Yin market world! If nothing happens, he should also be a God

Yuange. "

Lin Chen whispered to the God King of famine.

When Lin Chen looked at each other, their eyes also fell on him and the king of the God of heaven.

"That boy!"

Zhuyuantong looked at Lin Chen with an undisguised coldness and disgust.

He doesn't like outsiders in the Yang ruins, whether they are members of the kaluogu clan or the Zhenmo army!

His eyes turned to the king of the gods beside Lin Chen.

On the body of the God King of famine, he sensed a strong sense of danger. If he was right, he should be a strong God King of the demon army!

It made him feel much more dangerous than the ordinary God King.

"What are you doing here? Who allows you to come here?"

Zhuyuantong and the old fellow stopped in front of Lin Chen. They spoke in a condescending tone, which made people feel like interrogating prisoners.

Lin Chen's expression was slightly heavy. He was about to answer, but after thinking about it, he was still honest and kept silent.

It's not because of the fear of the two powerful gods in front of him, but because his master is here now, he, as a disciple, can't steal the limelight from his master.

"This is the former site of the demon God sect, not your kennel. Do we need your permission to come here?"

The God King of the wasteland said faintly.

"The former site of demon God sect is also a part of the Yin market world. You outsiders are not qualified to run around! Even, you shouldn't appear in the Yin market world!"

Zhuyuantong answered coldly, then realized something and angrily said, "you call me a dog?"

Another old man said in a deep voice: "gentlemen, this is not the place you should set foot in. Please leave quickly!"

"This is the former site of demon God clan. We came here and got the consent of cangyun demon ancestor. Therefore, it should be you who should leave." The God King of the barren days said calmly.

Zhuyuantong sneered, "can't you fool us into being three years old? Cangyun demon ancestor disappeared for many years, but now you say you get his consent because we can't find him and expose your lies."

A streamer of light flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows.

Monk chenkong appeared beside Lin Chen and said:

"I am the spirit of the whirling mountain. You two should have seen me. Let me assure you that what the God King of heaven said is true. How about this?"

Zhuyuantong still didn't buy it, and said with a sneer: "the cangyun demon ancestor may have fallen long ago. You must have recognized an outsider as your master. Your words are no different from Farting!"

The wild God King said lightly, "I'm not interested in messing with you. Just ask you if you're ready?"

"What psychological preparation?"

Zhuyuantong frowned and felt puzzled.

"Fight with me to separate the preparation for life and death! What's more, your Shenyuan Pavilion and Zhenmo army are enemies, ready for destruction.

Many years later, your Shenyuan Pavilion, like the demon God sect today, will be in ruins. If you are prepared mentally, you can do it directly. Don't waste time with nonsense. "

The God King of the wild days has a calm tone, giving people a sense of stability, but he has an indescribable domineering and absolute self-confidence.

Not as domineering as Zhu Yuantong, but it gives people the feeling that it is countless times more arrogant than Zhu Yuantong!

"You -"

Zhu Yuantong's expression changed constantly. He never thought that the other party would say such a thing.

You're gonna die?

He only intended to drive the other two away, and was not prepared to fight the God of the wilderness.

In addition, according to the other party's intention, a battle between Zhenmo army and Shenyuan Pavilion will break out later, which is not the end!

Although he was the king of Shenyuan Pavilion, he could not bear the responsibility that might lead to the collapse of Shenyuan Pavilion!

"Do you have no confidence to defeat me, or do you know that Shenyuan Pavilion cannot be the opponent of our demon army?

To tell you the truth, if you want to fight against our demon army, you three top forces in the Yin market might have a chance to unite. As for the Shenyuan Pavilion alone against the demon army, it just hits the stone with an egg! "

Seeing that the other party still didn't do it, the God King of famine was somewhat disappointed and said:

"If you don't dare to do it, then add the guy next to you. How about two together?"

"Your Excellency is too rampant! Are you not afraid of capsizing in the gutter and dying at our hands?"

The old man beside Zhu Yuantong was also irritated and stared angrily at the God King of famine.

As a strong man, when has he ever been looked down upon like this!

The king of the famine God said, "do you want to fight or not? If you don't plan to fight, don't appear in front of me again, or I will fight directly next time."

With that, he motioned Lin Chen to follow him and skimmed down.

Lin Chen followed the God King of the wasteland and looked back at Zhu Yuantong and the old man. They all looked very ugly, but they didn't want to rush up to fight.

Obviously, although they hate outsiders, they are very cautious, or rather cherish their own lives, and dare not rush into action.

Whether the two of them can defeat their master together or not, it is enough for them to fear the Revenge of the Zhenmo army‘ That's what I said, but it's not impossible for the other party to do it directly. It can only be said that it is Shifu who has absolute confidence and is not afraid of the other party's real moves! If it were replaced by King Qingyan and Jia

The night God King and his disciples are afraid to be so arrogant. "

The more Lin Chen thought about it, the more she felt that her master was really domineering, and all this was because she had absolute strength!

"I don't know when I can grow up to be like a master. I have no fear in the face of the God King and the strong. I can even let them go together."

Lin Chen thought longingly.

Before long, he saw that there were huge buildings below, which were dilapidated and corroded.

"Is this the former site of the demon God sect?"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he sped up and fell on the top of a dilapidated building with the God of the wasteland.

He thought of something and looked at the God King: "master, why did those two guys appear here just now? Is there any treasure here that can make the God King feel excited?"

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