"Want to see me take out more treasures? OK! I am very generous and will meet your wishes."

Lin Chen grinned and did not take the other party's ridicule seriously.

Turning to look at the master, the king of the gods of the wasteland, he saw that the king of the gods of the wasteland had a smile on his face.

He said that he didn't care about winning or losing. It was true, but it didn't prevent him from being happy when Lin Chen, a disciple, shocked everyone.

Teng snake's reaction was more direct. He laughed and said, "this boy has never let me down. Speaking of the many treasures, I was far worse than him when I was still in his realm."

"Is that the blood vine?"

A God King with a short stature and a goatee looked at Lin Chen's armor made of blood rattan, and his eyes were curious.

He was one of the other two strong gods who came here with Teng snake. At this time, he also came to watch the excitement.

The blood vine on Lin Chen has long been concerned by many powerful gods. It is not because Lin Chen is the host, but because the blood vine comes from the powerful God King among the demons outside the world - the old monster of blood vine. "Although the blood vine is strong, it didn't have this level of defense before. It should have been greatly improved! It has been changed into a defense treasure, but it is one of the functions of the blood vine. That is to say, the promotion of the blood vine brings good to younger martial brother

This is definitely not just to improve your defense! Although it is still impossible for junior brother to beat that guy, at least he won't lose too badly? "

While Dongfang Ji was talking, he turned to look at Chen Kong beside him.

"...." Chen Kong was speechless. You asked me, where do I know? It's impossible to win, but so far, Lin Chen has shown great combat power. Now, it seems that if Jin Jiaoyu wants to defeat Lin Chen, he must show some strong cards. In a word, there is no such thing as

As easy as you think.

"Take out other cloud dream treasures!" There was a cry of admiration from the surrounding area. Chen Kong looked at Lin Chen and felt the same admiration in his heart. He was one level higher than Lin Chen in terms of his realm and years of cultivation. However, in terms of the number of treasures, there was only pure admiration


Brush brush——

Blood colored vines, like blood colored thunder, shot at the golden horn.

In an instant, the limbs, head and tail of the golden horn were tied. However, with the sound of anger from the golden horn, the blood vine exploded and was directly broken.

Only relying on the blood vine to bind each other can't play a big role!

Golden Horn pulls back to the city and looks at Lin Chen with disdain. Lin Chen said in his heart: "although xueteng has made a great improvement after waking up, which is almost comparable to the existence of a new middle level true God, it is really a bit whimsical to want to rely on xueteng alone to shackle a half step God King. What's more, yes

Fang's Noumenon form is far more powerful than ordinary people of the same level! "

The thought moved, and the divine prison tower flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows.

The bright light shines from the God prison tower and covers the whole challenge arena!

At the same time, the power of "soul eroding flag" was used together, which coincided with "prison word decision".


The challenge arena vibrated violently. It seemed that some terrible monster was stampeding madly. The overwhelming pressure that pervaded all around made many people turn pale.

The blood vine that was broken by the Golden Horn beetle grew crazily. It not only recovered completely in an instant, but also its number increased rapidly. It was like a dense arrow shooting at the Golden Horn beetle! "This damned fellow has too many treasures. There is not only a defense Yunmeng treasure, but also a trapped enemy Yunmeng treasure. He still uses vines from such a long distance. It's almost impossible

You are smashing people with the cloud dream treasure. You should directly smash your opponent to death! "

The golden horned dog bit his teeth and roared. The space around him was distorted. He was covered with a layer of red gold thick armor.

Poof! Poof! Poof——

At the same time, huge "bone spurs" appeared on his back, shining with metal luster, like a special weapon completely integrated with his body.

There are seven "bone spikes" in total. The space at the top is distorted and surrounded by lightning. When one blood vine rushes to the front of the tower, countless thunders are swept out of the distorted space and split on the blood vine.

With a loud noise, the blood vine was crushed. Although it was crushed and reborn at the same time, it was unable to touch the golden horn.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen showed some sarcasm on her face: "I thought you didn't use the cloud dream treasure, you wanted to let me. It seems that I think too much."

Jinjiaoyu was calm and silent. The other party deliberately called him "senior". Obviously, he was mocking his high level, but he could only use the cloud dream treasure!

If he were in the same state, he would have been at a disadvantage, or even lost!

At the beginning, he really didn't want to use foreign objects. He even dreamed of defeating Lin Chen in a few breaths with the momentum of thunder.

However, it never occurred to me that Lin Chen was not an ordinary real God, and there were so many Yunmeng treasures on him.

If he continued not to use the treasure, there might be a chance that the boat would capsize in the gutter. "The hateful God King, who doesn't care about winning or losing, has prepared so many treasures for him. Obviously, he can't afford to lose! However, you have the God king master who prepares your successor for you, and so do I. in other aspects, he is equal

Under such circumstances, I will surely win! I think that if you don't use foreign things, you are doomed to be crushed by me! "

Jinjiaoyu took it for granted that Lin Chen must have prepared so many cloud dream treasures for him.

In this way, I don't feel so bad in my heart. In the final analysis, I didn't eat in front of this boy. It was the God of the wasteland who really let me eat!


After hitting the blood vine back again, a pair of huge wings like crystal appeared behind the golden horn.

Another cloud dream treasure!

With his wings flapping, he flew to Linchen against the shackles of the divine domain tower and the soul eroding flag. Although his speed was greatly reduced, it was still amazing. When the distance was only a few tens of meters, an object like an array plate appeared in his hand. Chaotic air currents flew out of the object, interwoven into a cover, and the shape looked like some ferocious beast, enveloping him in


In an instant, the light of the divine domain tower and the soul eroding flag was pushed back. His speed was increased to the extreme, and he appeared directly in front of Lin Chen across a distance of tens of meters.

"It's the breath of the king of green nightmare!" Someone shouted in surprise.

"How fast!"

Lin Chen's expression changed dramatically, and a pair of wings also appeared behind him. But before he moved, the huge body of jinjiaoyu turned into a streamer, and his speed increased again. With a terrible smell of destruction, he bumped into Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's defence was punctured instantly!

Blood gushed, the chest position was penetrated, and a ferocious wound the size of a football appeared. His vitality passed quickly, and a face was instantly without any blood! "I won!" Golden Horn chuckled, his eyes full of complacency, "I told you sooner or later, it's only a matter of time before you lose!"

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