The blood vine burst out with strong vitality and frantically merged into Lin Chen. However, Lin Chen's body was like a broken balloon. No matter how inflated, it could not be restored.

His face was white.

After the "big sun candle shining armor" on the body surface was punctured, it turned into a liquid. In an instant, it turned into a perfect armor again and wrapped Lin Chen.

However, it is obviously difficult for the body that has been severely damaged to recover.

The divine king level terrorist force is constantly attacking Lin Chen's vitality. It is not a level of competition at all. However Lin Chen resists, his physical condition is getting worse.

Looking at this scene, everyone knows that the outcome is divided!

Lin Chen still lost, as everyone expected.

However, jinjiaoyu's means of winning was somewhat disgraceful. "Just now, that's the power of the king of Qingyan! The array on that thing was engraved by the power of the king of Qingyan. What Jin jiaoxuan did was to use his power to stimulate the array. It really penetrated all Lin Chen's defenses in an instant, and

And what defeated him was a blow with the power of the king of green nightmare! "

"It's shameless. The power of the divine king to deal with a middle position -"

"Shut up! Is the behavior of the God King and the strong one that we can discuss? Maybe Lin Chen has a similar treasure from the God King of heaven on his hand, but he didn't have time to use it."

"There are no rules in this battle, and there is no stipulation that any treasure can not be used. It can only be said that Lin Chen lost a little pity. I feel that he seems to have some means not used."

"The strength he showed is enough to shock people!"


The members of the demon army who were watching said that no matter what their attitude, they obviously thought that the battle was over.

The king of green nightmare frowned and was not satisfied with the result.

The result he hoped to see was that golden horn beat Lin Chen at one fell swoop without using his own strength. The more relaxed he was, the better.

Instead of the current situation, it seems that Lin Chen is not inferior to jinjiaoyu, but that jinjiaoyu has used the power of his green nightmare God King.

"But in any case, this battle is a draw for me. Just win! "

King Qingyan looked at the expressionless God of heaven. He thought that in the past countless years, he had been losing money by fighting with each other openly and secretly. This time, although it was not beautiful to win, at least it was a win!

Don't be too demanding, just win!

He thought so, and saw the God King of famine smiling.

There was a bad feeling. I looked at the challenge arena!

A victor's posture. Behind the complacent golden horn, the space was distorted. A figure rushed out, holding a Xuanyuan gun, and hurled it at him!

At the moment, Lin Chen's face has recovered ruddy, and his breath has also recovered to its peak. It seems as if the previous blow did not affect him at all!

"No way! Although it can't be compared with my all-out strike, it can't be blocked by the true God of the void. What's more, he is only a middle true God, and he is still fully recovered?"

The God King of Qingyan was stunned. Even he was confused for a moment.

Then he judged that this was definitely not Lin Chen's own power, but with the help of some foreign object!

In fact, it is.

At this moment, Lin Chen is using the new ability of immortal prison tower after it has become the most precious treasure of cloud dream - immortal reincarnation!

In the field centered on the God prison tower, no matter how much Lin Chen's body is destroyed, he can go back to time to restore his body to the peak state before several breaths.

He could not resist the divine king level power that eroded the flesh, but he did not destroy reincarnation. Instead, he broke away from time and space in a short time and let his body return to its previous state!

In this way, the power that originally eroded his body will disappear and be swallowed up by time and space while breaking away from time and space!

Immortality has many limitations.

For example, it needs to be covered by the light of the divine prison tower from the beginning to the end. For example, it can not be used for the second time in a short time, and it can only recover the physical injury.

That blow just now had an impact on Lin Chen's soul source, and it didn't recover at the moment.

Fortunately, the influence on the origin of the soul is not great. At this moment, Lin Chen can still play his peak combat power!

Even the God King of Qingyan was startled by Lin Chen's counterattack, not to mention the complacent golden horn.

If he had been vigilant from beginning to end, he might have found something wrong. Unfortunately, he thought he had won and completely relaxed.

When he saw the pale Lin Chen in front of him, it was like a foam that dissipated. Then he realized that he had recovered.

"Phantom? Phantom?"

Golden Horn's pupil contracted, and he noticed the sound of space explosion behind him, and quickly turned back.

What came into my eyes was the flaming Xuanyuan gun, and the distance between him was less than one meter!


Before he could make a response, Xuanyuan's gun with a flame hit him.

"Falling stars! Burning sky!"

This blow meant that the opponent should be taken by surprise.

So what Lin Chen used was the powerful ability attached to Xuanyuan gun.

After the star fell to the limit with the Xuanyuan spear and the heart of chaos, it has been greatly improved;

As for the burning Yan, it was the ability of Xuanyuan gun when it first fused the heart of chaos. When Lin Chen burst out his power in the form of fire, his destructive power would soar to 30 times the original!

Of course, 30 times is what happened when the remnant moon cult just fused the chaotic heart. Later, with the increase of the fused chaotic heart, this ability is also improving.

Now, it can directly increase the power by nearly 300 times!

In people's stunned sight, the Xuanyuan gun with flame fell on jinjiaoyu.

Almost instantly, the armor on the body surface of the golden horn was shattered.

Xuanyuan gun is like a terrible machete with sharp edge. When it blows the other party out, it almost splits jinjiaoyu's body in two.

The huge body of Golden Horn gallows with blood gushing. It is raining with blood. Black smoke is rising from the wound. There is a dark flame burning like gangrene. It seems that you will never stop until you burn the huge body of Golden Horn gallows to ashes!

Looking at the Golden Horn hitting the ground, Lin Chen said in a deep voice:

"The half step God King, with a strong God King standing behind him, can't I really have this skill? I still have some means to test my power. If I win in this way, it's really boring!"

The crowd of strong Zhenmo soldiers looked at each other.

"What kind of monster is this guy? He is even more terrifying than the God King of the wild!"

"The long gun in his hand is a little scary. It is totally different from the common cloud dream treasure. Is it difficult that the golden horn is really going to lose to a middle true God?"

"Hey! If that happens, the king of green nightmare will lose face."

... not to mention other people, even several powerful gods looked at Lin Chen in surprise. More accurately, they looked at the Xuanyuan gun in Lin Chen's hand!

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