"What is not a low requirement? Explain it to me?

What is the level of understanding required, and what are the specific requirements for the realm of strength?

What kind of state and understanding can benefit half of the people?

And what kind of state and understanding do you need to benefit 100 percent? "

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes and threw a lot of questions.

She had a taste of the world since she was a child, and had seen a lot of men.

Although the man seemed to open his mouth with kindness, he glanced at himself and his master from time to time. She knew exactly what he was up to.

Like the heavenly concubine, she doesn't like to deal with men very much, and she is even more bored with this kind of devious guy.

Of course, Lin Chen and the people and things related to Lin Chen are exceptions.

"This" fat young man was asked foolishly. How could he answer these questions.

The so-called "not low requirements" and "Savvy" are all general statements. This kind of thing can not be quantified.

However, he also saw that the other party simply hated to talk to him. Even if he could answer, it would not have any effect.

From the very beginning, the other party was very repellent to himself, and estimated that he just wanted to get away quickly! Snakes are obscene. Although he is not as fat as a snake, he is an excellent woman. With his powerful strength, women who met before would not dare to embarrass him like this, even if they did not follow him.

An anger welled up in my heart.

Not far away, there were several other onlookers.

Those people noticed the situation here, and looked at Lin Chen one by one. Some were gloating, while others looked at Lin Chen with some sympathy.

When the fat young man wanted to get angry, he saw that Lin Chen didn't look at him at all, and flew straight ahead, directly into the energy ocean formed by the convergence of wind and lightning! "Is this guy crazy?

He died in the past! "

Seeing this scene, the fat young man exclaimed.

Other people also turned pale and looked unbelievable.

Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu are fighting each other. Even if they don't participate in it, it will be a disaster if they are affected by that terrible force.

These people all know this, so they dare not go any closer, but Lin Chen directly rushes into the fighting area between the two. How can they not be stupid?

"Fat headed snake, you are crazy!"

Xiao Wu is not very angry.

Lin Chen rushed into the storm and thunder, and saw two lights and shadows colliding constantly.

It was a giant with nearly three meters tall, purple skin and double horns. There was a surge of thunder on his body. When he raised his hands and feet, there was a sound of thunder.

The other is a Terran man who looks like a monkey with a sharp mouth, but he is not human, and has a pair of huge blue wings behind him.

When the wings are fanning, there is a storm pouring out, and the wind blade cuts the gap in the Taoist space! These two guys are undoubtedly Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu.

Middle Lord! Lin Chen had already sensed the state of these two guys.

They fight with the power of only one law, not because they understand only one law, but because it is what they are best at.

For example, Lin Chen, even today, likes to turn the power in his body into a form of fire to fight with the enemy.

Lin Chen's purpose is not the two guys, but the heart of chaos.

When I glanced, I didn't find the existence of the chaotic heart. Only then did I look at the two guys who were fighting! If you guessed correctly, the "chaotic heart" has been snatched by one of the guys, and then included in the treasure of space! Of course, the premise of everything is that the ancient tree is not mistaken. What they rob is really the "heart of chaos"! "Who are you?"

The two men who were fighting each other were shocked when they saw that someone had suddenly broken into them. They had a tacit understanding and stopped fighting and looked at Lin Chen.

"You're fighting for something like this?"

Lin Chen didn't answer. His mind moved. "The heart of chaos" flew out of his eyebrows.

Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu's pupils contracted at the same time.

At the next moment, the purple giant looked at the bird and said, "Hua Xu, you and I are between Bozhong. If we really want to win, I'm afraid we'll have to fight for days and nights.

If it goes on like this, even if one of them can win, it may end up seriously injured! Maybe someone will pick it up.

In my opinion, the two of us joined hands to snatch this guy's' chaotic source core '! Just right, we each have one! "

"That's good.

This guy dares to break into our fighting area and takes the initiative to take out the 'chaotic source core'. His strength is certainly not weak.

But if we join hands, we won't believe it. We can't deal with him alone! "

Hua Xu promised in an instant.

They had already noticed that many onlookers were coming. They were worried that they would eventually be picked up by others. At this time, Lin Chen appeared with a "heart of chaos", which undoubtedly gave them a perfect choice! That is to deal with Lin Chen together and rob Lin Chen of his "heart of chaos"! The voice fell, and they rushed to Lin Chen at the same time.

"Is this pinching me as a soft persimmon?"

Lin Chen can't laugh or cry.

He touched his chin and was in a good mood, because from the conversation between the two guys, what they were grabbing was indeed the "heart of chaos".

But they are called "chaotic source core"! When the distance between Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu was less than ten meters, Lin Chen stretched out his right hand and two bloody vines rushed out of his hands.

"Is this guy a plant monster turned into a human?"

"No matter what ethnic group he is, if he honestly hands over the 'chaotic source core', he will not care about it. If he is not obedient, let him suffer some hardship first!"

Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu looked very relaxed when they saw the bloody vines flying towards them. They simply didn't take it seriously.

When one opens his mouth, a thunderbolt flies out of his mouth and cleaves into the blood vine; The other two wings fanned, and an amazing storm appeared, like a meat grinder, rushing to the blood vine.

Shua! Shua! However, the thunders and storms they sent out were like eggs that hit the rocks. They had no effect on the blood vine! No matter whether the thunder blows on the blood vine, or the terrible strangulation force of the storm, it can not have any impact on the blood vine.

The blood vine rushed to them at an appalling speed, so fast that they had no time to make the next reaction, so they tied them up.

Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu were dumbfounded for a moment, and their hearts filled with an unprecedented sense of powerlessness. It was like a domestic cat meeting a tiger. Just now, they wanted to turn around and run for their lives, but they didn't even have the chance to run for their lives.

While the two of them were tied up, the surrounding thunder and storm dissipated.

As the wind and thunder dissipated, this scene fell into the eyes of those onlookers, and their eyes seemed to roll out of their eyes! "Whose hand is the heart of chaos?"

Lin Chen asked in a deep voice.

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