Seeing that Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu were tightly bound by blood vines, they looked like two big zongzi suspended in front of Lin Chen. The onlookers were all dumbfounded and doubted that what they saw was just an illusion.

"This... What is this?"

"Bullshit! What else can it be? Don't you have eyes? This new guy, er, is this mysterious strong man, whose strength is far superior to Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu.

Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu have been fighting for a long time without deciding the outcome. As soon as he stepped in, Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu looked like prey that had been caught. They could not even bounce! "

"Who is this man? When did the northern region have such a strong man?"

"It should not be a creature from the northern regions, but from somewhere else. The key is why he wants to intervene in this matter. It doesn't seem that he wants to help one of them, so he is not afraid of the Revenge of robbing Tianjiao?"

"Why else? He is obviously interested in the treasure that Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu are fighting for!"


Other people were just shocked and curious. The fat young man standing in front of the little dance turned green. He was terrified when he thought that he had almost made trouble with the other party just now.

If you can instantly subdue the existence of Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu, even if you just slap yourself, you will lose at least half your life!

He wanted to sneak away, but as soon as he took a step back, he listened to Xiao Wu say coldly, "stay where you are. I'll deal with you later!"

The fat young man smiled and turned to Xiaowu to beg for mercy. He found that Xiaowu's eyes fell on Lin Chen again, and Shanshan closed his mouth.

As a veteran of Huacong, he knows what the obsessed look of Xiaowu means. If he bothers the other party at this time, he will definitely clean up more ruthlessly.

"The heart of chaos is... What is it?"

Zhu Yuan struggled desperately, but he was like an ordinary man tied by hemp rope. He couldn't move at all. Finally, he had to give up and look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said, "don't pretend to be stupid in front of me. Just what I just took out, the 'chaotic source core' in your mouth."

Zhu Yuanli said, "the 'chaotic source core' is not on me."

"It's not on me either!" Unwilling to fall behind, Hua Xu immediately followed suit. Lin Chen sneered: "what's the meaning of this except wasting time? I'm not interested in pestering you. I'll ask you again who you are! This time, I'll answer after I think about it. If you lie, I'll let you

Both form and spirit are destroyed. "

Hua Xu said, "it's really not on me."

Zhu Yuan opened his mouth, but did not speak again.

Lin Chen looked at Zhu Yuan coldly and wanted him to hand it over. At this time, he thought of the other party's current appearance and couldn't move. He probably couldn't hand it over.

He didn't worry about the other party's escape at all, so he let the blood vine loosen the other party and stretched out his hand towards the other party.

Zhu Yuan's face was not willing, but when Lin Chen's eyes became colder and colder, he finally took things out of the space ring.

"It is indeed the heart of chaos!"

Lin Chen was overjoyed to see the light flying from the other party's space ring.

After Zhu Yuan handed over his stuff, he said reluctantly, "I know you must have something to do with your strength. But you are provoking us to rob Tianjiao!

Anyone who dares to rob Tianjiao will come to no good end. At that time, our sect leader will come to settle accounts with you! "

"Yes! Although you are strong, you are definitely not the opponent of our leader." Hua Xu, who was still tied up, also looked unwilling.

The two fought for so long, but the final thing fell into the hands of others. I really can't accept the result.

"Are you from the same faction?"

Lin Chen was surprised. Unexpectedly, the two guys who fought and robbed the treasure came from the same force.

Then I thought, it seems that it is also normal.

As long as the treasure is precious enough, let alone a member of the same force, it is a brother, father and son who turn against each other. It is also a very common thing in the monastic world.

Even within the Zhenmo army, it is allowed to carry out normal competition after finding treasures, as long as one of them does not fall.

"Do you know what it is and what its function is? Do you want to take it directly for digestion?"

Lin Chen doesn't care about the threat of the other party at all. Instead, he wants to see if he can get an answer from the other party.

Can the "heart of chaos" be eaten directly? Zhu Yuan sneered: "eat it? I've been doing it for a long time, but I'm just a hick! Where is this treasure for eating? With the energy contained in it, if you eat it, you will just explode and die. Let alone digest it, you will lose your life

That's it! "

Lin Chen thought that the strength of these two guys was too weak. Even if the "chaotic heart" could digest it, it must have some requirements for strength. These two guys could not meet the requirements at all. Zhu Yuan continued: "these treasures are used to fuse with magic weapons! Our leader accidentally got two 'chaotic source nuclei'. After fusing one of them with his own weapon, the weapon changed dramatically, and you

Yes, you don't understand! "

Lin Chen's attention suddenly fell to another place.

"Get two. One of them is fused with the weapon. What about the remaining one?"

Zhu Yuan said, "the remaining one was taken away by the leader to study and see if there were any other wonderful uses! Why do you ask? Do you still want to grab the 'chaotic source core' from our leader?"

His face was full of disdain when he said this.

In his eyes, although Lin Chen is stronger than the two of them, his own leader is the strongest in the northern region. He is not the same person at all.

He murmured in his heart that if this guy really got mad and wanted to rob his own leader, that would be good.

At that time, he will be defeated by the leader and fall into his hands.

"The problem is that at that time, it is estimated that his' chaotic source core 'will be taken away by the leader. However, it's much better than being obtained by this guy of unknown origin! Moreover, I will certainly get a good compensation. "

Hua Xu, a reclusive man who didn't like to talk, could not help saying: "if you want to trouble our leader, I can lead you the way!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen glanced at him in silence.

This guy was so straightforward that he was afraid he didn't know. Did he want to lead himself to their leader?

After Hua Xu finished, he found that his words were a little too direct. It was impossible for the other party to jump into the pit.

Knowing that he was hopeless, he gave a cold Snort and simply stopped talking.

"In that case, you two, lead the way for me. Now we'll go!" Lin Chen put away the "heart of chaos" he had just got and said expectantly. Zhu Yuan and Hua Xu were stunned at first, then ecstatic. Is this guy really an idiot?

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