In all directions, there were runes filled with terrible sword Qi. The amazing sword intention locked Lin Chen, but Lin Chen seemed to be unaware of anything.

In other words, he was aware of it but ignored it.

Faced with the method that made countless powerful people in the wilderness tremble, he chose to deal with violence, as if he wanted to change one life for another.

"Chaos is broken!"

He did nothing but shoot out.

The dark flame diffused from the twisted space around the king of the great wilderness and turned into a strange mirror to cover him.


The next moment, the fierce flame surged out of the mirror and completely submerged the king of the great wilderness.

At the same time, the runes in all directions of Lin Chen sent out the sound of swords, like a torrential rain, which hit Lin Chen.

Bang Bang——

The dark land surrounded by the king of the great wilderness was broken. As the black flame slowly dissipated, the king of the great wilderness appeared again.

He was again covered with black armor.

Lin Chen's crazy way seemed to change his life for another. He didn't expect it. In a hurry, he used the armor fused with the "heart of chaos" again to fight hard.

It seemed that he didn't even have any minor injuries except for his dishevelled hair. Obviously, the blow just now could not really threaten him.

"Won't you just die?"

The king of Dahuang found that there was no movement at all at Lin Chen's side, so he turned to look at it

Lest Lin Chen be destroyed by the "sword pattern" heaven and earth!

He didn't care about Lin Chen's life or death, but before Lin Chen told him the answer he wanted, it was of great value to him.

Naturally, he didn't want Lin Chen to die like this.

Even if he had to die, he had to answer his questions.

The next moment, he saw that Lin Chen was in his original position, leaving only a badly damaged corpse, without any vitality, sinking towards the bottom.

Although the riddled corpse still had Lin Chen's soul breath, it was very little. It was said that there was no problem that the form and spirit were all destroyed.

"Are you really beaten to death? This guy doesn't have any defense?"

The king of the great wilderness was stunned, and his face was hard to accept.

Lin Chen just showed that his means were not low, and he took out many treasures that surprised him.

He reasonably speculated that Lin Chen might also have armor defense treasures on his body. With the strange blood vine for defense, his "sword pattern heaven and earth" would not take his life!

"This boy doesn't have any defensive treasures? He was beaten to his soul? No! Even if he doesn't have any defensive treasures, but with the strength he showed just now... It shouldn't be so! Even if the defense is far inferior to the attack means, plus the defense power he showed earlier by his strange vines, how can he not be destroyed? He should have been badly hurt, but still not threaten his life


The king of the great wilderness couldn't accept the result. The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong. He flew to the incomplete body that was sinking downward and checked it a little. His face soon changed.

This is not Lin Chen's body at all!

In other words, the corpse is a wood carving, not a body of flesh and blood!

"Is it the strange vine that changed before? I was fooled by him?"

After a little thought, the king of Dahuang probably knew what was going on.

The other party not only blocked his powerful blow, but also transferred flowers and trees in an instant and made a fake corpse to fool himself!

When he was surprised, the guy had already run away!

"No, it's better to say that he didn't intend to fight me from the beginning than to run away. His purpose is..."

He finally thought of something, and quickly turned to look in the direction of the old man.

As a result, the old man had disappeared long ago because there was no human shadow!

At this moment, the face of the king of the great famine was as ugly as the bottom of a pot!

Obviously, the old man didn't leave by himself. That is to say, Lin Chen not only got away, but also took the old man away!

In other words, the fight ended in his defeat!

Although there was no winner in the face-to-face confrontation, Lin Chen achieved his goal, and he not only failed to achieve his goal, but also was fooled by Lin Chen!

What's more, Lin Chen took his men away in front of him, which was a bit too humiliating.


The king of the great wilderness didn't care about the old man's life or death. Otherwise, if he focused more on the old man's safety, Lin Chen couldn't do it so easily.

He is very angry at the moment. He has nothing to do with the old man. In fact, he has never suffered such a loss for so many years!

He clapped it out and smashed Lin Chen's "body" directly!

At the moment when the corpse was shattered, Lin Chen's voice rang out.

"I'm not free this time, so I won't play with you. Don't worry. I'll play with you when we meet again. Or if you don't want to play at that time! Even if you don't come to me, I'll come to you!"

Obviously, the body was engraved with a soul mark of Lin Chen.

This sound comes from the soul mark, and the faint soul breath previously sensed by the king of the great wilderness also comes from this.

Hearing these words, the leader of the great waste Kingdom hissed coldly. He thought it was Lin Chen who deliberately put down his boasting in order not to lose face.

He didn't believe it. The other party finally slipped away from him and dared to appear in front of him in the future.

I'm afraid that the other party will soon return to his own world and never dare to come here again!

Thinking of this, the king of the great wilderness was in a worse mood. He just thought it was a cooked duck. Because of his carelessness, he flew away.

And in the case of the other party deliberately avoiding, the possibility of meeting the other party again is almost negligible!


"Why don't you laugh? Didn't you laugh happily before, saying I didn't know how to live or die? Why now, I seem to be mute and don't fart?"

Lin Chen seemed to be holding a chick, grasping the old man's throat, and said coldly to the old man as he glanced forward at the bottom of the sea.

The old man's face was ready to cry without tears!

Up to now, he still feels a little unreal!

It is only right that we have met the Lord of state and are absolutely safe. Why is this the final result?

This was a long way from what he had expected!

Deep in my heart, the belief that my country is invincible in the world has begun to waver unconsciously.

Seeing Lin Chen's eyes getting colder and colder, he tensed: "don't be impulsive, elder. Killing me won't help. I know where the two women you are looking for have gone. I told you, don't be impulsive!"

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