"Whether I am impulsive or not depends on whether they are safe. If they hurt a hair, I will compensate you with your life."

Lin Chen's insipid words made the old man feel like falling into an ice cave. The two women didn't disappear because of themselves. Can this be counted on themselves?

When he recovered, he found that he had returned to the place where he had hallucinated at the beginning.

Lin Chen didn't need to speak, so he hurriedly said:

"One of them went this way, that is, to the East, and the other went west, that is, to the West. At your speed, even if you start now, you will soon catch up with her -"

His voice paused before he finished speaking.

Realize that no matter how fast Lin Chen is, he has no skills. He can only look for one of them in one direction.

At his speed, if he goes down to catch up, he probably can catch up.

But this only refers to the one he immediately set out to catch up with. As for the one in the back row, when he goes to look for it, he may not be able to find it.

He murmured in his heart, who he would go to first depends on the two women. Who is more important in this guy's heart.

As for the sea demon queen, he saw that Lin Chen didn't mean to ask from beginning to end, and understood that Lin Chen didn't care at all, so he didn't mention it.

In fact, the woman lost at most one part of her body, and she didn't need Lin Chen's care.

Lin Chen frowned and looked at the old man with cold eyes.

The old man was startled and hurriedly said, "senior, this is not a problem I deliberately gave you. They really left in two different directions. It has nothing to do with me. I'm just telling the truth."

Lin Chen knew that even if he killed this guy, it wouldn't help. The other party didn't have the courage to fool him, but he didn't really think about who to chase first.

"Xiao Wu's strength is much weaker and more dangerous. I have to find her first!"

When Lin Chen had made a decision in his heart, he saw that there was a human shadow flying here in the distance. When he looked at it, it was the heavenly concubine.

"Won't you enter the dreamland again?"

Before he could open his mouth, the old man beside him rubbed his eyes. Obviously, he also saw the heavenly concubine flying here.

Seeing Lin Chen, the heavenly concubine showed her joy and hurried to this side.

She had also been affected before and was in a dreamland.

In the dreamland, she saw a monster like a big snake, suddenly appeared, bit Xiaowu and left. She was so surprised that she hurried to catch up.

When she came back to her senses, she saw that Xiao Wu and the big snake in her sight disappeared together. Then she realized something was wrong and hurried back here.

Seeing that Lin Chen was still here, she was relieved. Then, her eyes turned, but she didn't see Xiao Wu. She was a little anxious.

"Where is Xiaowu? Where has she gone?"

Seeing that the heavenly concubine came back safely, Lin Chen was relieved and said:

"Previously, we were all affected by a strange force and entered the dreamland. Xiaowu was also affected. Now I don't know any trace, but I have a clue and am ready to look for it!"

The heavenly concubine worried and said, "what are we waiting for? Let's start now!"

Lin Chen nodded. As the old man said, he took the imperial concubine to the east to catch up.

Although he didn't open his mouth, the old man thought for a while, but he kept up with him honestly after all.

It's not that he wants to continue to follow Lin Chen. He really doesn't dare not. He has a feeling that if he doesn't know how to look, this guy will definitely slap himself to death. He won't worry about his identity at all!

This guy is not afraid of his own country leader. How could he be afraid of his own lackey!

On the way, Tianfei simply told Lin Chen about her experience.

After hearing this, Lin Chen said, "the images you see disappear on your own initiative. It seems that you can get rid of the influence of the dreamland, probably not by yourself.

If I guess correctly, when it is more than a certain distance from the colored sun below, it will not continue to be affected. "

The heavenly concubine said: "according to your guess, Xiao Wu should have come out of the dreamland. So why hasn't she come back to us?"

"Two possibilities!" Lin Chen thought for a while, and her face was a little worried. "The first possibility is that although she left to the East, she didn't always go to the East. She changed her direction halfway. As a result, the distance between her and the colorful sun will still be affected

Within the scope;

The second possibility is that the strength of Xiaowu is too weak, and the soul is also fragile. Maybe it will be affected by that strange energy, leading to some special situations! "


On the boundless sea, a large ship made of dark brown trees with a length of 100 feet and a total of three layers was sailing on the sea.

In front of the boat, there are two monsters in the sea that are similar to the Jiaolong but have four limbs. They are swimming in the sea and pulling the boat through the waves.

On the deck of the ship, there was some excitement at the moment.

"If you have the courage, just repeat what you just said! See if I can cut off your tongue!"

Xiao Wu's face was a little pale, and she stepped on the board of a middle-aged man who was big and thick.

There were also more than a dozen other strong men lying around, all of whom showed their teeth and were seriously injured.

Besides, twenty or thirty big men surrounded her with weapons in their hands, but no one dared to start.

In Lin Chen's mouth, Xiao Wu's strength is very weak, but in fact, her strength is undoubtedly the top strength for ordinary people!

Just now, she landed on the deck and wanted to ask where it was, but these guys were not clean with her mouth. As a result, there was this scene.

"Spare your life! Master, spare your life. I have eyes that don't know you, a real immortal. I'm just confused for a moment. Don't argue with me. I have old people and young people. Please forgive me!"

The middle-aged man who was trampled on his head almost suspected that his skull had cracked. His nose was so painful that tears flowed out together and he kept begging for mercy.

"As long as you answer my question, I can't spare you. Tell me, where is this, and who am I? Do you mean you know who I am when you say you don't know me? Tell me quickly!"

Xiao Wu held her head in pain with her right hand. She was a little confused in her eyes and asked in a deep voice.

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

It's the first time for them. Someone needs to ask others who they are!

If she doesn't even know who she is and who she is, how can she know?

The middle-aged man who was trampled on his head was speechless. His words were pure compliments. Did the woman really think she knew her?

At this time, a handsome man with elegant temperament, dressed in beautiful clothes, came out not far away. As he walked towards this side, he smiled and said, "of course you are my wife who hasn't been there. Besides, who else can you be?"

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