"What do you mean, are you unwilling again?"

Xiao Wu looks at Lin Chen, frowns, and says angrily, "I see. You don't really want to marry me. In that case, I'll marry someone else!"

With that, she tried to turn around and leave.

Lin Chen had no choice but to stretch out his hand to hold her. "Who said I didn't want to. I swear with my heart, I said it was!"

Then he raised his right hand: "I, Lin Chen, swear with my heart that I will love each other deeply -"

"Say my name!" Xiao Wu glared.

Lin Chen coughed: "I will love Xiaowu all my life and never change my mind."

In his heart, he said that love between men and women is love, and love between brother and sister is also love. No matter what happens in the future, he is not breaking this oath?

Xiaowu then showed his satisfaction. He also raised his right hand and said, "I swear by my heart that I will only love Lin Chen in this life. I will be a good wife, a good mother and a solid backup for him. I will never do anything wrong to him or hurt him. If I break this oath, my form and spirit will be destroyed!"

Listening to Xiao Wu's oath, Lin Chen's face gradually changed and finally turned into a bitter smile.

Next, surrounded by the crowd, the wedding went on smoothly. From day to night, Lin Chen and Xiaowu, the new couple, were sent to their new house by the crowd.

Xiao Wu sat by the bed, the dim red candle light set off her more charming.

Even if Lin Chen thought of her as a little sister, she had to admit that she had already grown into a charming beauty.

Xiao Wu waited for a long time. Seeing that Lin Chen was still sitting at the table drinking alone, she didn't mean to come over. She bit her lip, then flattened her mouth and sobbed in a low voice.

Lin Chen is not afraid of anything in his life. He is afraid of women's tears.

He hurried to Xiaowu and said, "Why are you crying? Do you regret marrying me? If you do, it doesn't matter. We'll treat it as if nothing has happened! What do you think?"

When he said this, Xiao Wu cried even louder.

"I knew you didn't really want to marry me. Now I'm not only in love, but also married a man who doesn't like me at all. It's too tragic. I'm not alive! I'll die for you now!"

The girl was also violent. She slapped her head directly.

Lin Chen was startled. He grabbed her by the wrist and said helplessly, "little girl, stop pretending! Have you recovered your memory? Don't think I haven't seen it yet!"

Xiaowu was stunned, and then cried even louder: "I don't understand what you're talking about. In short, you just repent. In that case, let me go and let me die. As long as I die, you will do anything. It's not a breach of the Tao heart oath! Anyway, you don't like me, and you don't have to care about my life or death!"

Lin Chen was expressionless: "still pretending? From the day to the present, this wedding is strange everywhere. Unless you are crazy, how can anyone joke about your wedding like this!

You already know the marriage customs here. From the beginning to the end, everything is in your calculation, right? "

"I -"

"Let me tell you something. I searched the memory of the old village head before looking for an opportunity!" Lin Chen said calmly.


Xiao Wu's crying stopped abruptly. She blinked her big eyes at Lin Chen and said with a dry smile, "big brother, you are so smart. I knew this kind of thing could not deceive you!"

Lin Chen sighed and said, "I guessed right!"

Xiaowu immediately responded that the other party didn't search the memory of the old village head at all. What she said just now was just deceiving herself.

Being exposed by Lin Chen, she was not embarrassed or flustered at all. On the contrary, the whole person suddenly jumped up, like a koala, her feet wrapped around Lin Chen's waist and hung on him.

"I don't care! Anyway, we have married. You are my man. If you go back on your word, I will really die to show you. You know my character, and I will do what I say!"

Speaking later, her voice was filled with a bit of crying.

This time, it was not the previous fake crying, but the real crying.

Even though she is thick skinned, courageous and has no personality, as a woman, she does not hesitate to use intrigues to force a man to marry her. In the eyes of the world, she must be self abased and have no self-esteem.

Although she dares to love and hate, and doesn't take the world's views seriously, she sees that Lin Chen is still flat faced at the moment, as if she is accusing her of disorderly behavior, and she only feels extremely wronged in her heart.

Lin Chen saw her pear blossom with rain. How could he say the words of criticism.

"Are you sure you won't regret it?"

He wiped the tears from Xiao Wu's eyes. "I'm not a man who's trying to make things right. I'm just afraid. In case you regret it one day -"

"No! How old am I? How can I regret it!"

Xiao Wu saw that Lin Chen's tone had changed obviously, and her eyes lit up. "If I were a mortal, I would have died for several times. Being a grandmother is too old. It's the big brother. You always think of me as the little girl you just found!

When people grow up, they know what they are doing. I don't know how many men I have met over the years, but the feelings in my heart have never changed. "

With that, she closed her eyes and her long eyelashes trembled: "big brother, people have done this. Next, is it your initiative?"

At this point, any words were meaningless. Lin Chen held the girl in his arms like a porcelain doll that would break if he touched her. He was careful and his eyes were full of love.

When the other party did this, he was not so hard hearted as to be indifferent?


When the breeze blew, the candles in the room went out.

The two figures came from the bedside to the bed. Although the light was dim, with the sound of crying and laughing in the room, it only made people feel infinitely ambiguous.

The door was not opened until noon the next day.

Outside the door, several curious looking girls, including the little girl who was a few years old yesterday, put their ears on the door to eavesdrop. At this time, they burst out laughing.

The imperial concubine stood not far away, looking at Xiao Wu and Lin Chen who came out of the room, and noticed that Xiao Wu had a touch of charming between her eyebrows and eyes.

"Hee hee! Shifu."

As soon as Xiaowu saw the heavenly princess, she ran excitedly to Lin Chen, holding the arm of the heavenly princess, and walked to Lin Chen. With the other hand around Lin Chen's arm, she felt satisfied. There was no happier moment than this.

The heavenly concubine was shocked: "Xiao Wu, have you recovered your memory?"

Xiao Wu stuck out his tongue: "master, don't play. The big brother has already seen it."

Tianfei felt embarrassed, and her mood was a little complicated. In other words, did Lin Chen really accept Xiaowu?

"If there's nothing to deal with here, we'll go to the great wilderness Kingdom next."

Lin Chen felt that he should go back and tell the people of the demon army as soon as possible about what he found here, but before that, he had to go to ask the king of the great wilderness for the "heart of chaos"!

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