Looking at many cities in the great wilderness, the history of the imperial capital of the great wilderness is not long, but now, there is no doubt that it is the most prosperous place in the whole great wilderness.

It is said to be a national capital, but its area is even several times larger than that of most countries in the great famine.

The strongmen from other regions should be cautious when they come here. They don't dare to be arrogant and domineering, just because those who guard this city are recognized as the strongest in the wilderness.

And the strongest man in the great wilderness is a very overbearing man. No outsider who dares to make trouble here has ever been able to leave alive.

On the main road, people came and went, and traffic was heavy.

In the dense crowd, there is a man who is extremely eye-catching. He is short and sneaky. Although he wears fancy clothes, under normal circumstances, he will not be noticed when thrown into the crowd.

The reason why he attracted attention was that he was surrounded by a large group of yingyanyan, a total of more than a dozen beautiful women with different styles and dressed up very eye-catching. A beautiful female companion is always the best tool to show a man's strength. Let alone he is just not very good-looking or deformed. As long as he is surrounded by so many beauties, he will certainly arouse the envy and envy of countless people

"Who is this guy? It's said that when he comes here, he has to drive a dragon. He's so swaggering that he's not afraid to be cleaned up?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged man from other places said with a bit of jealousy in his eyes.

Startled, the local friend next to him quickly motioned him not to talk nonsense, and the voice explained:

"Since you know that people from other places are very low-key and dare not cause trouble here, those who dare to go through the market like this are naturally from the national capital!

This man's name is Liukun, but he is nothing. His strength is not so outstanding. The problem is that he is very popular with a big man in the great wilderness Dynasty. To put it simply, he was like a local snake here. When the Dragon across the river saw him, they all had to bow their heads! Be careful what you say. This man is not only very lecherous, but also domineering and narrow-minded. If he catches his eye, he will definitely

No good fruit to eat!

As far as I know, there were as many as fifty or sixty outsiders who died at his hands. Look closely at the people around you. "

The middle-aged man looked around at the speech and found that every woman with a certain beauty was pulled away by the people around him.

Obviously, the bad name of Liu Kun's lecherous and domineering has been spread for a long time. Although people see him unhappy, no one dares to provoke the local snake.

"No one can cure him?" The middle-aged man looked at his good friend and preached. "There are a lot of big people in the capital. Even if he is a junior, even the backer behind him is not enough to walk across the capital. The problem is, although this guy is bad, it doesn't mean he is stupid! He is only picking on foreign bullies!"

The friend replied.

Liu Kun enjoyed the envy and jealousy of the people. He liked the beauty and the feeling of being admired by others.

If he hadn't enjoyed the sight, he would have nothing to do. He would have brought a group of women to the market.

After all, when he swaggered through the market, those beautiful women among the pedestrians hid, so he had no chance to perform the drama of robbing women.

Just then, he heard several voices nearby.

"These women are really beautiful. If I can have anything with such a woman in my life, I will wake up with a laugh. They are a possessive group. It is really a human being."

"Look how promising you are! Although these women are not bad, they are far from the great beauties who have really swept the country and the city."

"This is an exaggerated description of the great beauty of the country and the city. There is no woman in the world who is really beautiful to that extent!"

"Why not? I saw them on the West Street just now. And there are still two! If you don't believe me, I'll show you. Maybe they are still there."

"Go and have a look. I want to see how beautiful they are with two eyes, one nose and one mouth!"

When Liu Kun turned his head, he saw the two men who were talking walking in the direction of West Street.

He frowned and said, "didn't you say you wanted to buy new Rouge? I'll take you to the West Street now! Go!"

Although the West Street is not as prosperous as the main road of the national capital, it is also bustling with people coming and going.

Lin Chen came out of a clothing store with Xiaowu and Tianfei. She murmured that she didn't want to come to such a place. She also had to go shopping with Xiaowu.

After arriving here, he let Xiao Wu and the heavenly concubine enter the God prison tower for safety reasons. The heavenly concubine is fine. Xiaowu has just taken the most crucial step with Lin Chen. At the moment, it is like a honeymoon for her. She is full of sweetness. Hearing Lin Chen let her enter the divine prison tower, although she didn't say anything, her face inevitably shows loss

Look down. Lin Chen thought of things here. When he returned to the ancient world of Yunmeng, he might face a series of things. He would not have time to accompany Xiaowu alone in a short time. He was also a little guilty. After thinking about it, he decided to take Xiaowu around here. Yu

This is the scene.

"Well, we've already gone through the several stores here. You, don't bother Lin Chen any more. Let him deal with the matter first."

Seeing that Xiao Wu was like quick honey, the heavenly concubine held Lin Chen's arm and didn't want to separate from him for a moment. Knowing that Lin Chen was soft hearted, she simply said.

Xiao Wu still wants to be bored with Lin Chen, but she also knows that Lin Chen has something important to do here. She is about to nod her head when she sees a man with a group of women walking towards her three.

"Beautiful! It's so beautiful. That guy really doesn't talk nonsense. He's really two great beauties."

Liu Kun didn't believe what he heard. Now he looked at Xiao Wu and Tianfei greedily, as if he wanted to swallow the two girls.

The two women in front of him not only thoroughly compared the women around him in appearance, but also differed in temperament. In front of the two women, a group of women beside him became a group of village women.

"Why haven't I seen you two before? Are you from other places?"

Liu Kun stared at the heavenly concubine and Xiaowu with a smile. As for Lin Chen around Xiaowu, he ignored him like the air.

"So what? Who are you? What can I do for you?" Xiao Wu frowned.

"I really came from other places! It seems that I really found the treasure today. Ha ha ha!"

Liu Kun was overjoyed, and then his expression suddenly sank. He stared at Xiao Wu and said with a smile: "I suspect you two have stolen my jade pendant. Now, go back with me immediately to cooperate for inspection. Of course, if you don't mind letting me search here directly, I don't care at all."

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