A group of women beside Liu Kun can cause many people to look sideways. Tianfei and Xiaowu appear on the street. Naturally, many people have been paying attention to this place for a long time.

Hearing Liu Kun's words, those who knew Liu Kun looked at Tianfei and Xiaowu with compassionate eyes, and scolded secretly in their hearts. All the good cabbages were arched by pigs!

Liu Kun is really lawless. He's going to mess around in the street!

Although people don't like it, they don't even dare to say anything more, for fear of causing trouble.

"You said to search her?" Lin Chen said in a deep voice. Xiaowu has never had a good face for such a guy who is full of dirty desires. She is just trying to do it directly. When she hears Lin Chen speak, she immediately gives up the idea of doing it herself and hugs Lin Chen's arm. Her face is sweet, just like a need

An ordinary little woman to rely on.

"What are you! You deserve to talk to me?" Liu Kun looks at Lin Chen with a cold expression.

"He is my man!" Xiao Wu looks proud.

"Then from today on, he will not be!"

Liu Kun looked at Xiao Wu with a playful smile and looked at Lin Chen again. His eyes were cold. "I really intend to search her personally. Why, don't you agree?"

The cruel expression seemed to say that if Lin Chen dared to disagree, he would dare to kill Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said, "are you going to search with that hand?"

Liu Kun was stunned and sneered, "it's two hands, naturally!"

As soon as the sound fell, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist. It was like two invisible knives were cutting at his wrist. Both palms fell to the ground, and the blood gushed at the fracture!

"Ah --!" Liu Kun screamed.

The onlookers who had pity or gloated at Lin Chen's three people were all dumbfounded. They were scared to step back and looked at Lin Chen with monster eyes.

Even a fool can guess that this strange scene was definitely made by Lin Chen!

"No wonder this man can hold two top-notch beauties in his arms. It seems that he is a super strong person from other places. Moreover, his means are too cruel! He doesn't have much cruel words, so he directly cut off both hands of Liu Kun!"

"Liu Kun is kicking the iron plate this time. But what if he is stronger? Even if he is a famous strongman in the wilderness, he dare not make trouble here! He is in great trouble this time!"

"Liu Kun dares to be so arrogant. He doesn't rely on himself, but on his backstage. This man hit Si Tianfu in the face by attacking him in the street! How can Si Tianfu give up?"


"Damn it! I won't spare you. I will never spare you!"

Liu Kun's face was filled with hate.

It's not difficult for him to make the severed palms grow again. Compared with this injury, what annoys him more is that being beaten in the street is a disgrace!

A little thumb sized bead like lanolin jade flew out of him, turned into a red light and rose into the sky.

When people saw this scene, they all knew that he was moving soldiers!

Of course, everyone thought that Lin Chen would run for his life at the first time. However, Lin Chen didn't seem to realize anything. He didn't leave, and even walked towards Liu Kun step by step.

"What do you want to do? I warn you, I am - ow!"

Before Liu Kun finished speaking, Lin Chen kicked him in the crotch, kicked Liu Kun more than ten meters high, and then hit him heavily on the ground.

When they heard Liu Kun's hysterical scream, many men were scared and clamped their legs. Although the foot didn't kick them, it also made them feel a little numb.

The women beside Liu Kun were all vase like characters. They were so scared that they ran away, fearing that Lin Chen would give them a kick.

Lin Chen doesn't seem to plan to let Liu Kun go and walk towards Liu Kun again.

In fact, from beginning to end, Lin Chen didn't take the guy in front of him seriously. He just thought that instead of going to find the king of the great wilderness, he might as well make some noise and let the other party find him in turn!

"You, don't mess around, or you will definitely regret it! Absolutely!"

Liu Kun rolled in pain, his face twisted. Seeing Lin Chen coming, he could no longer be hard hearted. He was so scared that he even forgot his pain. He just felt that he had met a madman!

But he didn't know. In Lin Chen's eyes, he didn't even have the qualification to talk with Lin Chen. Lin Chen was too lazy to take his words.

When Lin Chen stopped in front of him, a cold drink came from a distance.


The crowd turned around and saw an old man with two middle-aged people flying from a distance. In the blink of an eye, they had come close.

"It was him!" At the sight of the old man, many people turned pale, full of fear and fear.

"Who is this man?" If there are people who don't know each other, they ask them curiously. "Who else could it be? The big man behind Liu Kun. Si Tianfu was one of the three most powerful institutions of the great wilderness Dynasty. Although he did not rank among the top three in Si Tianfu, he also held an important position. For us, that would be

He is a big man in the sky! It is said that although there are several generations between Liu Kun and him, they are still related by blood. So he always takes good care of Liu Kun. Besides, I also heard that this man is very protective! Now it seems that it is true that if

Otherwise, I won't come here myself. "

People can almost imagine that Lin Chen is bound to die after seeing the appearance of this great figure in the capital of the country.

Seeing that the old man had brought people to Lin Chen, Liu Kun looked ecstatic. He stared at Lin Chen with a proud and venomous face, and was about to say a few cruel words. However, the development of the next scene was beyond his expectation and that of everyone.

"Is that you?"

Lin Chen and the old man not only spoke at the same time, but also said the same thing.

The old man was the guy who went to the heaven robbing cult to collect the "heart of chaos" and was forced to lead Lin Chen.

The next moment, Lin Chen showed a smile.

The old man turned around and ran away, like a mouse seeing a cat!

Now, not to mention Liu Kun and the onlookers, but also the two middle-aged people who accompanied the old man, were confused.

"You're so capable. How long have you felt you could run away from me?"

Lin Chen's insipid words scared the old man to stop quickly. After hesitating, he went to Lin Chen and fell down on his knees.

"Spare your life, my Lord! Spare your life. There is no deep blood feud between us. Why do you chase me here?" The old man's face was full of bitterness.

Liu Kun was so shocked that his eyes seemed to roll out of his eyes.

Others were also struck by lightning. Some people rubbed their eyes and some pinched their thighs. They all suspected that they were hallucinating.

Lin Chen also didn't expect that the man behind Liu Kun was this guy. When he heard this, he almost laughed.

"You look up to yourself so much that you are not qualified to let me chase you here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a strong breath approaching at top speed, squinted and looked at the horizon. The Lord finally came, but it was faster than he expected!

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