When Lin Chen heard molico's scream, he felt a twinge in his heart. He secretly said that the master would not use too much force. Would he slap the other party to death?

Fortunately, the next moment he saw the figure of molico flying out of the twisted space.

Although he spewed blood, turned pale, and flew away like a shell in the distance, the breath of life did not dissipate, or even weakened too much. It was obvious that the God of famine was merciful.

If you try your best, molico may have fallen directly if the opponent is not wearing armor!

"Come again!"

Molico's flying figure stopped quickly, gave a cold drink, and his face was full of reluctance.

His body was full of thunder, and his breath was soaring. He had sharp teeth, a single horn on his forehead, and the black armor that had made Lin Chen feel headache appeared on his body.

This time, he obviously showed his true skills!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes: "this guy, there was still something hidden when he fought with me. However, it's not surprising. After all, there was no real fight between us. I also hid the means. If I fought with him, I still have confidence to win him."


Molico was covered with a huge sword. From a distance, it looked like a huge lightning sword with a length of tens of feet. When it flew to the king of the gods, it was like a divine punishment from heaven!

Unfortunately, with the skills of the God King of the wilderness, let alone just look like divine punishment, even if there is divine punishment, there is nothing he can do.

The God of the wilderness pointed towards the molico point, and the space in front of him continued to collapse, causing a storm and turning into a huge black hole.

Soon, a light ball as dazzling as a star flew out of it and collided with the giant sword.


With a loud noise, molico was like a sparrow hit by a baseball bat. The thunder and lightning around him dissipated, and his breath was suddenly depressed. The whole person was swallowed up by the light ball like a star!


Inside the sphere of light, there was an amazing explosion.

The energy wave filled Lin Chen's heart with a strong sense of shock.

When the light dissipated, molico was like a wild goose shot down, falling straight down. The black armor on his body was full of spider silk cracks.

This level of armor basically has the ability of self-healing. As long as it is not completely destroyed, it can recover. However, this scene also shows that this armor can't stop the attack of the God King!

"No, to be exact, it can't stop master Huang Tian's attack. He is not an ordinary God King! If he fights with an ordinary God King, he won't lose so ugly and fast even if he loses."

Lin Chen whispered in his heart and turned into a streamer. He came to molico and caught him.

"With this skill, you dare to challenge my Shifu. You really don't know yourself at all! If I came on, though I also lost, I wouldn't lose as ugly as you."

While mocking the other party, Lin Chen bragged about himself.

Molico was in severe pain and could not exert his strength, but he did not hurt his soul. After being caught by Lin Chen, he quickly recovered some strength.

He pushed Lin Chen's hand away and snorted coldly. He didn't believe that Lin Chen would be much better than himself for his master.

The power of the God King was so powerful that he was hopeless and had no idea of fighting over the ranks.

"You don't have to be too discouraged. My Shifu is not an ordinary God King. As long as you can please him and let him guide you, you may soon become a God King!

However, after you become the king of God and the strong one, don't forget that today I introduce you to my master. You owe me a favor for this. I will remember it later! "

Lin Chen continued.

Molico took a swipe at the corner of his mouth. This guy has so much nonsense. I dare say it just to say this last sentence!

However, Lin Chen's words did make him feel better.

The one in front of me is the top of the divine kings. I'm afraid it's very different from the ordinary divine kings. I haven't stepped into the realm of divine kings yet. Losing to him is nothing to be discouraged.

He appeared in front of the God King Huang Tian, saluted and said: "thank you for your mercy, master! Now it seems that the God kingdom is stronger than I expected. The guy I met at the beginning may also be a God King!"

The king of the famine God hears the speech and looks at Lin Chen in doubt.

Just now, his disciple said that there was no God King or strong man in the wilderness.

Lin Chen knew that he was talking about the owner of the mysterious voice. He thought about that guy. I'm afraid it's not just the God King and the strong!

"When I return to Zhenmo army, I will tell you everything about that guy." Lin Chen said.

Wang Dun, the God of famine, knew that the "guy" Lin Chen said was probably the biggest gain from his trip to the great famine!

With a wave of his hand, the space in front of him was distorted, and the colorful energy converged into a gate more than ten feet high.

"Let's go!"

With the roaring sound, the door filled with space energy was slowly opened, and the God of the wild entered it first, followed by Lin Chen and others.

After the God King of the wilderness took them back to their residence at the headquarters of the demon army, he asked Lin Chen to tell them what he had seen and heard in the wilderness.

When he heard that there was an independent source of chaos in the great wilderness, and there were many "chaotic hearts", just like the scene in the early days of chaos in the yin-yang ruins, his face changed, but he remained calm.

When he heard Lin Chen talking about the mysterious voice, his expression became more and more dignified.

"According to the guy, the destruction of the yin-yang ruins is doomed, and the great famine is the new yin-yang ruins! All this is what he calls' reincarnation '. The old and the new alternate, and no one can change it. Also, I guess the guy's strength may... Be above the God King!"

Hearing Lin Chen say that the Yin Yang ruins will eventually be destroyed, the God King of the wasteland is very calm. Obviously, he has heard this saying for a long time.

When Lin Chen said that the master of the mysterious voice might be above the divine king, he finally couldn't keep calm, and exclaimed:

"Impossible! The strong God King is the strongest existence that the chaotic origin of the big world can carry. Where is the God King?"

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