"Before I went to the great wilderness, I thought the same as you, Shifu.

But when I knew that the great wilderness would be a new yin-yang ruins, I suddenly felt that there was a stronger presence above the God King, which was not unacceptable.

There are still too many secrets in this world! "

Lin Chen was not surprised to see that the God King of famine could not hide his shock.

He had a feeling that the owner of the mysterious voice was probably divorced from the yin-yang ruins and the great wilderness.

They, including themselves and many powerful gods, practice with the help of chaotic origin, just like the children raised by chaotic origin.

The owner of the mysterious voice may not belong to this category.

In the big world like Yin Yang ruins, the strongest person who can be "cultivated" may indeed be the God King level! But if there are other forces on the chaotic origin of the big world, it may be possible to create a stronger existence than the God King.

Of course, all this is just his guess, not necessarily right.

So, he didn't intend to die.

"All this is just my own guess. I don't know exactly what it is.

He seems to have no hostility towards us. What I care more about than his strength is how to prevent the destruction of Yin Yang ruins! How can the Yin Yang ruins not be replaced by the great famine.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the answer I wanted from him at that time! "

Lin Chen sighed and said.

The God King of the famine was silent for a long time. It was obvious that what Lin Chen said today had a great impact on him.

After a while, he said, "go back to the earth city to report peace. In the next few days, there are no special circumstances. Don't run too far.

If you encounter any special circumstances, remember to tell me first! "

Lin Chen nodded and saw that molico was trying to wink at him. He was going to sell the other party a favor. At this time, he took advantage of the situation and recommended molico to join the demon army.

"There should be no problem with this matter. However, I still need to discuss it with other powerful gods."

The God of famine looked at molico and said, "wait a minute, you come with me."

Molico beamed and nodded.

What should be said has already been said. Lin Chen will not stay any longer and returns to the earth city with Tianfei and Xiaowu.

After more than an hour, the three men appeared in the sky of the global city. With a flash of their shadow, they came to the front hall of the city master's residence.

"We are back at last!"

The little dance shouted excitedly.

Soon, breath after breath, quickly approaching this side.

Suxiran, Zhang Yuerong, an Xueyao and other figures appeared in the hall after a while. When they saw Lin Chen, they all approached him happily.

"Dad, you are back.

I knew you couldn't have an accident! "

A surprise cry began.

Lin Panpan rushed towards this side, directly occupying Lin Chen's arms, attracting a group of beautiful women with different customs.

Linchen, linmingyuan, chenlanzhi and others soon arrived. The originally spacious front hall was almost unstoppable.

"Sister Xiaowu, when did you become such a lady and stop talking when you saw us coming?"

Lin Panpan and Xiaowu have an excellent relationship. When they see Xiaowu, they rush over to tickle her with laughter. If it were normal, Xiaowu would have been in a mess with her.

At present, Xiao Wu only slapped her on the back of her hand, posing a gentle and dignified mature posture: "I've always been a lady, but you don't know! I used to play with you, which was intended to amuse you. Now that you've grown up, what would it be like for me to play with you again?"

"Er" Lin Panpan was stunned and looked at Xiaowu: "are you really Xiaowu sister?

It can't be disguised! "

Su Xi ran, an Xueyao and others looked at each other, but they were a little confused.

But then, they soon noticed something. A group of women who were all here carefully observed the dance, and soon their faces showed a smile.

"Serious! I can see that you are obviously imitating Yiren's mother.

Ah - I see! "

Lin Panpan patted his forehead and said with a bad smile, "has my father been cheated by you?" Xiao Wu blushed and put her hand to stop her mouth: "what are you talking about? I've always been serious!"

On second thought, even the nervous Lin Panpan could see the clue, not to mention the others. When they turned around, they really looked at the previous eyes with a sense of ridicule and laughter. Rao had a small dance face and felt hot on his face.

"You talk first. Master and I will go back to our room to find something!"

With that, she took the hand of the heavenly concubine and left quickly.

At this moment, those strange eyes fell on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen coughed and looked around for a week. He found a few familiar figures missing from the crowd and asked, "why aren't Yi and Qianye here?"

Su Xi ran said, "there was something troublesome in the Dragon kingdom. They went to deal with it."

"What trouble?"

Lin Chen looked at Su Xi ran with some doubt in his eyes.

At the beginning, the surrounding forces of the Dragon kingdom came to give gifts to please themselves. I think they would never dare to make trouble in the Dragon kingdom.

In that case, what trouble can arise that ye Yiren and Wu Qianye should deal with in person?

"Not long ago, a powerful monster appeared in the south. It caused a lot of anger and resentment.

Even the troops sent in the past can not help each other! That's why she went there herself. "

Su Xi suddenly thought of something and added: "when we sent our troops to fight against the monster, we said your name. If we said that we had committed crimes in the Dragon Kingdom, we would be in trouble with the demon army.

As a result, the monster said that it was also a member of the demon army, and you simply could not represent the demon army. "

Lin Chen frowned. What did he mean? He was also a member of the demon army?

In that case, I'm afraid that it's not by chance to cause trouble in the territory of the Dragon kingdom. It's just that the people who come here are not good, and they come for themselves?

"Where is the specific location?

I will go there now and bring them back. "

Linchen thought of many things for a while.

Maybe the guy who made trouble didn't even come for himself, but to block his master?

It is even possible that the struggle between the divine kings has involved itself?

He was very clear that the interior of the demon army was not as harmonious as it seemed. Even among the God kings, there were different factions.

But no matter what the reason is, if you dare to make a scene in your own territory, you will have to pay a price! If we don't teach a lesson and make an example of others, I'm afraid this kind of thing will happen again in the future!

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