Yixing City was a ruins of an ancient city many years ago, but with the rise of the Dragon Kingdom, it has developed into a prosperous town in the Dragon kingdom.

However, not long ago, there was a monster that came down from heaven and ate people, bringing great disaster.

Today, the city is not only empty, but the buildings that were built only a few years ago have collapsed again and turned into ruins.

Not only the Star City, but also other surrounding cities.

After the monster committed crimes in the Dragon Kingdom, it didn't mean to leave at all. It seemed that it was deliberately waiting for the earth city to send someone to trouble it.

Ye Yiren, Wu Qianye and Su Yuechan took a group of strong men from the global city and found it in the center of the support Star City. The monster was tens of feet long, with a head like a flying dragon, but its body like a bat. Its skin was covered with golden scales, and a pair of dark blue eyes looked like two cold moons. Looking at it, people felt chilly


Seeing ye Yiren, Wu Qianye and others coming to ask questions, he looked at them for a few times and said in a deep voice:

"Why didn't Lin Chen still come? Could it be that he deliberately hid from me like a shrinking turtle! He would only appear if I killed his close friends?"

Ye Yi looked up at the huge monster in front of him and did not explain why Lin Chen did not come because Lin Chen was not in the global city at present. Her face was cold and her voice was angry: "since you are also a member of the demon army, then we belong to the same force! Why are you so aggressive? What is the hatred between you and my husband? We want to run to the dragon

"Making trouble on this side of the country?"

"Aggressive? When was I aggressive?"

The bat monsters have a lazy posture, and they don't seem to be willing to talk to yeyi.

Ye Yi said with a cold face, "you destroyed more than a dozen cities in the Dragon Kingdom and slaughtered many children of the Dragon kingdom. Isn't that aggressive?" The bat monster said faintly, "it's just that he destroyed some houses and swallowed some mole ants for tooth sacrifice. It's not worth mentioning. But now it seems that because these are just small things, Lin Chen is still not with me

Front outcrop. If I had known this, I should have gone to the earth city to kill! "

Its dark blue eyes looked at Ye Yiren with a chill in their eyes.

Ye Yi's face was fearless, and there was some irony on his beautiful face: "you don't want to go to the global city to kill, but you don't dare.

I don't know why you want to trouble my husband, but you dare not break the rules of the demon army. According to the rules, if you hurt the relatives and children of other members of the demon army, it will be like killing each other, and you will be severely punished!

You're worried about running to the global city to make a scene. If my husband doesn't want to fight with you, and you kill his relatives and children by mistake, it will be a violation of the rules!

Simply put, you didn't go to the global city to make trouble, just because you didn't dare, not because you didn't want to. Just like now, when I stand in front of you, you have no courage to kill me. "

With Ye Yi's cool words, the bat monster's eyes became colder and colder, and he became more and more angry.

He said with a grimly smile, "you woman, I thought you were just beautiful, but now it seems that you are quite smart. You are right. Although I want to trouble Lin Chen, I don't want to break the rules of the demon army. I won't kill you, but it's OK to slap you, break your limbs, and make you suffer a little! Since you come to me, you can't walk away. I want to have a look. In this way, it's OK to shrink your head

Does the tortoise dare not come to see me? "

Suyuechan, Wu Qianye and several other strongmen of the global city immediately stood in front of yeyi people.

Seeing this, the bat monster smiled scornfully and said, "do you think you can stop me, just a group of miscellaneous fish?"

Yeyi's face did not show any fear. His eyes were gloomy and he said, "get out of the Dragon Kingdom right away. As for today's account, my husband will go to you sooner or later to settle it."

The bat monster glowed with golden light, and then turned into a cold faced blonde youth. He stared at yeyi and whispered:

"I hate you, a woman who doesn't know her superiority or inferiority! I hate your eyes now. It seems that I must teach you a long lesson so that you can remember what kind of posture you should have next time you meet me." Ye Yi said humanely: "animals are animals after all. No matter how powerful they are, their brains are not very smart. In other words, you are a stupid brain that has been overwhelmed by arrogance. Don't think about it. If I have no confidence, why do I dare to bring people to you

In front of you? "

The blonde walked towards yeyi's footsteps and said, "what do you mean?"

The strong men who came with yeyi people couldn't help giving yeyi people a thumbs up in their hearts when they saw this scene.

In terms of strength, yeyi people obviously can't compare with the blonde youth in front of them. As for identity, the other party is a real member of the demon army, and yeyi people are only relatives of the members of the demon army.

However, in terms of momentum, it is not weak, and there is even a feeling of forcing the other side.

"You came to trouble my husband. Don't you know that he now has two masters at the level of God King?" Yeyi people look at each other with the eyes of fools.

The blonde youth naturally knew this. It was precisely because he knew it that he worried about being caught by the other party and did not go directly to the global city to make trouble.

As for the destruction of more than a dozen cities, eating some ordinary people is nothing at all!

"So what if you know? My master is also a God King." He sneered and said disapprovingly.

Ye Yiren was cold in his heart, but he was calm on the surface: "think about it with your mind, my husband is not always in the Dragon Kingdom, and his two masters love him very much. Just as the saying goes, love me and love Wu, how can we have an accident?"

The blonde youth's expression was a little unsteady: "you mean, you have a messenger treasure to contact them?" "You're not too stupid. I just think it's an insult to them to let them deal with you. My husband's character certainly wants to do it himself! That's why I want you to get out of the Dragon Kingdom right now

Get out! "

Yeyi's face was cold. The blonde did not know whether what she said was true or false.

But thinking that the other party might really call the God King and the strong, he couldn't help feeling empty for a while.

'damn it! damn! How could I be driven away by a woman? "

The blonde youth shouted abuse in his heart. He never thought it would be the result. Although his strength is much stronger than that of the woman in front of him, he has a feeling of being crushed by intelligence.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so shameless. The younger generation's business was to directly bring out the God King and the strong to oppress himself!

But on second thought, he was here to fight against ordinary people. Just now he wanted to fight against Lin Chen's woman, which was obviously more shameless than the other party.

"Tell Lin Chen that my golden winged bat dragon is eyeing him. I don't believe it. He can always be a shrinking turtle and hide from me forever!" The blond youth put down a cruel word and was about to leave. The space nearby was distorted, and Lin Chen came out of it.

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