"How... How did this happen?"

The red ghost face was full of consternation.

He was like a strong man who faced the challenge of a child. He was confident that he could bring down his opponent with a slap. Unexpectedly, he was not able to bring down his opponent with a slap. Instead, he was pressed on the ground for a meal of friction.

After a short absence, the red ghost gave a roar, and his body was filled with rich blood gas, which made the breath of life more terrible.

He burns his vitality to a greater extent, and with the help of his inborn talent and secret method, he bursts out more powerful power!

As a result, it still hasn't brought any change.

They are still tightly bound by the blood vine, and their vitality is devoured by madness. They have no means, but they don't even have the opportunity to use them.

"No! It's impossible!"

The red ghost roared and soon burst out for the third time.


Fourth time!

Fifth time!


Ninth time! When his power completely broke out to the limit, Lin Chen, who was not far away, had a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He secretly said that it was no wonder that the old bloody rattan monster let the red ghost deal with him. If bloody rattan could not use the moon spirit tree at present

It's really possible to fall into each other's hands.

Even if he tried his best to win, it would be impossible for him to be as relaxed as the blood vine in front of him.

If the red ghost was not bound by the blood vine, it might have escaped. However, because of a moment's carelessness, it is now like a fierce beast trapped in a cage. It has sharp teeth and sharp claws, but it can't play at all. It can only wait for death.

"No! It's impossible! How is it possible? How can it grow to this point?"

The red ghost was in complete despair. Looking at the blood vine twining around him like a big snake, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. An incredible guess came to his mind.

This blood vine has grown to the level of God King!

But how could this be possible!

Even his parasitic master, Lin Chen, is just a middle true God, but the parasitic blood vine has become a God King?

It doesn't make sense at all!

However, such a thing that does not conform to common sense has actually happened in front of us.

He looked at Lin Chen and said reluctantly, "if you have the ability, defeat me by yourself! With the help of the blood vine, what is your real ability? In my opinion, you don't dare to fight with me!"

Lin Chen didn't like it, shrugged and said, "you're right! I'm just a spectator. When did you say I had real skills?

However, it's better to have no skill than no brain. You are such a fool. You are regarded as a chess piece by the old Gorgon monster, but you still think that people are sincere to you.

Anyway, you will die at his hands sooner or later. In that case, if you die at my hands first, what's the difference? "

"Fart! You dare to insult my master. I will kill you!"

The red ghost roared, and his ugly face became more ferocious. He struggled to rush towards Lin Chen, but he couldn't get rid of the blood vine. He was like a worm on a spider's web. He couldn't take half a step at all.

Lin Chen frowned, not angered by the red ghost's words, but on the contrary, he appreciated the blood and love of the red ghost!

However, appreciation is the only way to appreciate it. Now the blood vine is the biggest card in his hand. It is inevitable to swallow the blood vine in the red ghost. He will not be a little soft hearted because of appreciation.

No matter how red ghost scolded and roared, Lin Chen just looked at him with cold eyes and silence.

It's like looking at the trapped animals struggling madly in their cages. The outcome of this battle is already doomed. The vitality of the red ghost is far beyond that of the same level of human cultivators, and even far beyond that of most of the same level of special lives. However, the devouring speed of the blood vine is too frightening. As time goes by, only half a day of Kung Fu has passed. The red ghost

The smell on the body has completely faded.

The blood vine is like a python that keeps shrinking its body. It tightly entangles the red ghost and wants to strangle him completely.


Finally, when the strength was exhausted to a certain extent, the red ghost could no longer carry it. With a loud noise, his body exploded into a blood mist.

In the blood mist, there was a scarlet blood light, like a small snake, running towards the distance.

That is the origin of the blood vine in the red ghost!

The blood light was caught by the blood vine and swallowed up completely before it was out of a few meters!

So far, the war was completely over.

"It's over at last. I didn't expect that this guy would fall into my hands so quickly. Moreover, from the beginning to the end, I don't have to do anything. I'm completely a spectator and have no sense of participation at all!"

Standing aside, Lin Chen looked at the scene and whispered. It seemed that he was complaining that he had no sense of participation, but his face was a very bright smile.

He has determined the fighting power of sanguineous rattan, which is undoubtedly the God King level!

Let the blood vine hide in your own body and take it by surprise. The threat to others is definitely more terrible than the ordinary God King. Even the strong God King can't be better if he is entangled by the blood vine!

"Eh... What is that?"

Lin Chen saw that the blood mist generated by the explosion of the red ghost's body did not dissipate, but condensed together and finally turned into a red crystal skull.

There was a deep red flame burning in the skull.

But after careful induction, it is not a flame, but a special form of material mixed with blood and soul energy, which is filled with amazing bloody gas and powerful soul energy.

Lin Chen is obviously on this, sensing the smell of the red ghost!

"Interesting. Is your body such a skeleton?"

Lin Chen realized something, looked at the crystal skull and said in some surprise.

He knew that the red ghost was a special life, but he didn't expect that the "flame" in the skull was obviously the real soul origin of the red ghost.

Normally, once the blood vine in the body is forcibly swallowed, the host will undoubtedly die. Unexpectedly, this guy is so special that he is still alive!

Although the state was very bad and the breath was dispirited, at least it didn't end up in a panic attack!

"If you want to kill me, you can kill me! My master will certainly avenge me! He will!"

Inside the skull, there was a voice full of resentment. It was the voice of the red ghost. Although he hasn't fallen yet, his breath gives people the feeling that his realm has fallen sharply, and he has directly fallen to the level of the next true God. In addition, he is in an extremely weak state. At present, he doesn't need blood rattan to fight. Lin Chen can beat him with one palm

Form and spirit are destroyed!

Seeing this guy, he dared to provoke his master. Xueteng was so angry that he immediately wanted to wrap up the skull and crush it. However, Lin Chen waved to stop him.

Lin Chen flashed to the crystal skull, felt the resentment from it, and smiled coldly: "you are so convinced that the old blood vine monster will avenge your disciple? Now that your blood vine has been swallowed up, it has no value to him for a long time, and he will care about your life or death? Since you are so convinced, I won't kill you first! Then, you can see his attitude with your own eyes!"

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