Hearing Lin Chen's words, the red ghost was ecstatic. He was ready to be killed. He would never beg for mercy anyway, but if he could live, he would not want to die.

In his eyes, Lin Chen is absolutely stupid!

When the master is in front of him, he will try his best to rescue himself. At that time, he may have a chance to kill this damned guy!

Lin Chen can probably guess what the red ghost is thinking, but he doesn't care. He waves the crystal skeleton in front of him into the God prison tower.

He felt a strong sense of sleepiness from the blood vine. It was obvious that the blood vine would enter a long sleep after being swallowed.

This time, the blood vine devoured the same life as it. Lin Chen looked forward to it. When he woke up again, could the blood vine have other unexpected surprises besides becoming stronger.

After confirming the exact location where xueteng wanted to take him, Lin Chen let xueteng go to sleep, and he went there with the old woman of the Yueling family.

While the blood vine was sleeping, the old woman of the moon spirit clan was allowed to continue to use the power of the moon spirit tree, which was equivalent to that Lin Chen still had a divine king level bodyguard beside him.

The place xueteng wanted to take him was not on the ground below the blue moon, nor on the surface of the blue moon, but somewhere inside the blue moon.

At this time, the trunk of the moon spirit tree was filled with dark blue light, which gathered together and turned into an energy vortex, just like a space tunnel entrance.

Before returning to Lin Chen's body to sleep, xueteng told Lin Chen that he could reach that place by entering it.

"You wait here. Don't let anyone in!"

Lin Chen told the old woman of the moon spirit family, and soon stepped into the blue energy vortex. With the short darkness in front of him, Lin Chen came to a dark space.

This space is not big, only a dozen square meters.

The dim light came from the vines on the wall, which were filled with faint blue light.

In the middle is a stone tablet more than two meters high.

The stone tablet looks nothing special. It seems to be just an ordinary marble tablet, which is very old.

When Lin Chen saw the inscriptions on the stone tablet, he just felt his heart beat faster. He hurried into the stone tablet to check what was engraved on it.

He read the words on the stone tablet in a low voice.

"Your coming here means that I haven't come back yet. I have already died and disappeared in the boundless world. When this stone tablet is broken, there are two treasures, namely 'the heart of the moon spirit' and 'chaotic blood spirit fruit'. Under the 'heart of the moon spirit' of the true God of the void, you can become the king of gods in a few days or years. Although 'the heart of the moon spirit' is wonderful, it also has great shortcomings. That is the breakthrough it brings, which is to exhaust all potential

The price, after becoming the God King, is doomed to be just an ordinary God King forever. It is impossible to make another breakthrough.

'chaotic blood spirit fruit' can improve the realm of the void true God to a certain extent. Although the effect cannot be compared with that of the heart of the moon spirit, the victory is that there are no side effects.

You choose one to take, and the other to send to the clan leader of the contemporary Yueling clan. I have no other request. I just hope you can take good care of the Yueling clan and the Yueling tree for me before the Yin Yang ruins are destroyed.

If you find a way to the new world and take them with you, you will be like a lost dog, but you will eventually be able to save your life. "

After reading the inscription on the stone tablet, Lin Chen frowned.

"Moon spirit heart" and "chaotic blood spirit fruit" can definitely be regarded as unexpected happiness.

Especially the "heart of the moon spirit", unexpectedly, this thing really exists, and it doesn't need to hurt the life of the moon spirit tree. The other party will give it to him directly!

I thought that this time, although it made xueteng the biggest trump card, it would not bring any improvement to my own strength.

But I didn't expect that such "gifts" were waiting for me.

Normally, Lin Chen should be surprised. The problem is, in his opinion, the most important thing is to get rid of the catastrophe of the final collapse of the Yin Yang ruins.

Therefore, he is looking forward to getting more information about transcending reincarnation here.

And want to know where the elder went, how he went, and how he could become a transcendent reincarnator!

As a result, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

He read the words on the stone tablet again, and finally his eyes stayed on the three words "Hongmeng boundary". "The Hongmeng realm should be where the elder went. Unfortunately, he didn't say how to go there! Now it seems that if you want to get the answer, you must find the existence beyond reincarnation.

Lin Chen sighed.

He guessed that the reason why the elder didn't leave the information he wanted was that the other party felt that if he failed, then others would be more unlikely to succeed.

If you want to live, it is better to find a way to the new world, that is, the great wilderness, than to go to the Hongmeng world. It is more reliable.

"That's all. In any case, this time I came here, I finally got a great harvest! And, at least, I know that the place that the elder went to is called the Hongmeng realm."

Lin Chen clapped his palm and hit the stone tablet in front of him.

The stone tablet looks ordinary, but it is extremely hard. However, it is not difficult for Linchen and other strong people to break it.

Click click——

Cracks appeared on the stone tablet, like some mechanism was activated. With a bang, it suddenly turned into powder.

At the location of the stone tablet, the space suddenly became distorted. Soon, two objects flew out of the distorted space.

One of them looks like a dark blue heart, the size of an apple, which is still trembling slightly at this time. It looks both magical and somewhat frightening;

The other looks like blood colored ginseng. It is transparent all over. There is a blood like liquid flowing slowly in it, filled with bursts of strong bloody smell.

"This is the heart of the moon spirit."

Lin Chen looked at the heart like treasure, whispered, and then looked at another treasure like ginseng: "this is' chaotic blood spirit fruit '!"

He could judge it so easily, not from the name, but from the "heart of the moon spirit", which felt a very similar breath to the moon spirit tree.

Lin Chen reaches out his hand and grabs the treasure he is more interested in.

But it is not "the heart of the moon spirit" but "chaotic blood spirit fruit". "It's a good thing to be a God King and a strong man quickly, but it's meaningless if I can only stop being an ordinary God King in the end. Depending on myself, I can become a God King sooner or later! For me now, I'm still a fool

Zhuan Xue lingguo 'is more practical! " Lin Chen's eyes were burning and he thought in his heart. He didn't know how much this "chaotic blood soul fruit" could improve his realm!

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