The head of the Yueling clan didn't wait long outside the Yueling tree. He saw Lin Chen coming out from the energy vortex in front of him.

He looked at Lin Chen and was curious about what he saw when he entered.

However, if Lin Chen did not take the initiative to explain, he would not ask.

Lin Chen didn't hide it. He told the other party what he had seen before. Then he took out the "heart of the moon spirit".

"Are you willing to eat it? After eating it, you will soon become the God King. However, if you want to improve, it is basically impossible."

Lin Chen looked at the old woman and asked patiently.


There are thousands of wishes in the old woman's heart. Unlike Lin Chen, he is confident that he can become the king of God by himself in the future. In today's state, he has stayed for a very long time. He knows that at this stage, his potential will be basically exhausted. If there is no miracle

There will never be a day when you will become the king of God.

For him, the "moon spirit heart" in Lin Chen's hand is a miracle he has been waiting for for for a long time. How could he be unwilling!

Lin Chen said with a smile, "just be willing. After you become the God King, you will take your people to live in the Earth City and help me guard the Earth City."

He specially sent a powerful God King to help protect his family. Lin Chen thought that he could not find a second person when he looked at the whole town demon army?

When the old woman accepted the "heart of the moon spirit", Lin Chen said, "let's go to the village of the moon spirit clan. Next, I will make a breakthrough with the help of 'chaotic blood spirit fruit', and I need to stay here for a while.

By the way, there should be new intruders when I am closed. The probability is the void God of our demon army. In short, do not attack them without my orders. "


After following the old woman, Lin Chen came to the village of Yueling clan.

The houses in the Yueling village are not as simple as those in ordinary mountain villages. Instead, they are magnificent palaces with unique beauty. For a time, Lin Chen was reminded of the Moon Palace where Chang'e lived in the Chinese legend.

The scenery reflected in his eyes was indeed as beautiful as looking at an ancient scroll of aestheticism.

But this kind of isolated place, short-term life, or as tourism, naturally has no problem. If you want to live for a long time, I'm afraid no one can stand it.

No wonder the old woman told him that the people of the Yueling clan wanted to go out and see the outside world.

There are not many members of the Yueling clan, more than 200 in total.

The Yueling clan leader took Lin Chen to the palace in the center, and then gave orders. Soon all the Yueling clan members gathered here and looked at Lin Chen curiously.

Lin Chen saw the familiar faces in these people.

The two little guys named Xiaowan and Xiaoxi, as well as their master, the heroic looking short haired Yueling clan.

"It seems that the fairyland we have experienced before is based on the people and things that exist in reality. It is almost as true as nine and false as one. Although these two little guys are young, their breath is not weak at all.

It's normal to think about it.

Although the life level of the people of the Yueling clan cannot be compared with that of the blood vine, they are also very special. How can they be so weak that they can sprain their feet! "

While Lin Chen was thinking, on the other side, the Yueling clan leader had told the Yueling clan about the situation.

The people of the Yueling clan knew that such a day would come. In other words, all the people were looking forward to it.

They easily accepted Lin Chen as their "master". What they cared more about was when Lin Chen would take them outside to have a look.

"In the outside world, there is a country that belongs to me. When I get back there, you can all live outside if you want."

Lin Chen's simple words made the people of the Yueling clan very happy.

Many of their clansmen are not young, but their monotonous life makes their minds very simple, just like a group of suffocated children who want to go out early.

Unfortunately, even if you leave here and return to the outside, you will not be able to reach the Dragon Kingdom immediately.

Otherwise, Lin Chen didn't mind. He took them to the global city first, and then closed the gate.

Next, Lin Chen was warmly received by the Yueling people. After tasting the unique food of the Yueling people, he went to the place arranged for him by the Yueling clan leader and officially began his retreat!

In a twinkling of an eye, a few days passed.

In the ancient jungle, several dark shadows kept jumping, and finally stopped beside a dilapidated building.

Among them, there is a figure that Lin Chen is familiar with. It was Lin Chen who killed a golden winged bat dragon when he ran to the Dragon kingdom to find trouble.

The golden winged bat dragon felt very upset. He had been here for some time, but he didn't find anything. The blue moon above looked strange and seemed to hide some secrets.

The problem was that he could not reach the surface of the blue moon with all his means, which made him feel a strong sense of frustration.

"Well, what do you find?"

He looked at his companions and asked in a deep voice.

These people, like him, belong to the void true God of the demon army, and have been guided by his master. Now they follow his orders.

Several people shook their heads at the speech.

In fact, you don't need to ask. You can guess that there is no gain by looking at their faces.

One of the elders said suspiciously:

"It's also strange! I didn't find anything. Why didn't I meet any of the aborigines and demons in the Yin market world who came in one step ahead of us? Where did they go?"

"That's true! I'm all ready. If I encounter an evil demon outside the world, I will inevitably have a fight. As a result, I can't find a shadow."

"Is it possible that no evil spirits from outside world have come here?" "It's impossible! If there were no evil spirits outside the boundary, those God kings in the Yin market would not come to us. Moreover, not only did we not encounter any evil spirits outside the boundary, we even came in here before me,

I haven't met any of them. There must be something strange in it! "

"That's right! The Earth City Lord came here to cultivate the cave earlier than us. At present, there is no sign of him. Is there any crisis hidden in it? They have already had an accident?"

"I wish that that guy had fallen here long ago!" The golden winged bat dragon's eyes brightened, but on second thought, when he got the chance to cultivate the cave, he would find a chance to clean up the guy himself, which was obviously much happier than the other party fell into the crisis here.

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