Returning to his senses, he saw tao yao looking at him in doubt. Lin Chen said:

"That is to say, the Heavenly Emperor of dragon talisman believes that if in the immortal realm, instead of breaking through to the supreme realm according to the existing path, he tries to continue to cultivate his soul, and finally, he can reach a higher realm above the divine king?"

Tao Yao said, "it's better to say that sister Liu thinks there is such a possibility than that. She told me that this possibility did not let me try, but let me choose for myself.

Maybe you can try to cultivate a separate body and move forward in another direction. Maybe you will have unexpected surprises in the future.

However, she also warned me that it was only a guess after all. Maybe the end of the road was not a surprise at all, but a disaster. "

Lin Chen understood now.

The Dragon Fu Emperor told Tao Yao that there might be another way, but in the end, it was up to Tao Yao to choose which way to go.

Tao yao obviously made a risky choice.

It can only be said that tao yao is different from ye Yi and Su Xi ran, who are not very interested in becoming stronger. Tao yao is a pure monk.

The true cultivators are eager to become stronger and have the spirit of adventure, which is vividly reflected in tao yao.

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "it's not only dangerous, but also difficult. Maybe this road can really go on, but it will eventually lead to great danger because of the wrong way."

This sounds like a fog. Tao yao knows what he means.

Today's monastic system is a road that has been explored by countless strong people in countless times.

Today's cultivators, without exception, practice according to the existing system, step by step, and decide which step they can finally take according to their different talents and opportunities.

Among them, the existence of rare demons, coupled with amazing opportunities, can reach the end - the God King and the strong.

However, tao yao now plans to start in the immortal realm and try to open up a new road with a separate body.

Even if this new path really exists, she may not be able to find out the correct cultivation method, or move forward in the right direction. Once she gets into a fork in the road, the worst result is to die.

It should be noted that separation is linked with the soul of the self. Once there is a big problem in the practice of separation, the self will be affected and may even lose his soul.

Therefore, Lin Chen would say that Tao Yao's choice was not only difficult, but also dangerous. "I've thought about what you said. Sister Liu thinks that the one she met at the beginning probably has the strength above the divine king. That's why she later decided that she still had room to improve and wanted to take risks

Controlling the origin of chaos is suppressed.

Sister Liu said that if she was suppressed, it would mean that the existence of that person did not depend on the origin of chaos to have the strength above the God King.

She can be sure that the end point of the existing monastic system is the God King and the strong. Therefore, if there is a strong one above the God King, then the other side is definitely not following the path of the cultivator system! If you want to reach the God King, you need to open up a new road! Although it is full of thorns, and may even lead to falling, it will not break or stand! A cultivator should have a Tao that is not afraid of death and never stops

Heart, isn't it? "

Tao yao looked straight into Lin Chen's eyes, and his tone was very firm. His eyes were like a rock that could not be repelled.

Lin Chen wanted to persuade her not to take too much risks, but he was speechless by these words.

Tao yao is much older than him. Although he has a childish side, he has his own will in his heart and doesn't need his advice at all.

A low voice, like the low roar of a beast, suddenly sounded behind tao yao and Lin Chen:

"Not afraid of death, never stop. Well said."

Lin Chen and tao yao suddenly turn around.

Their hearts beat wildly and their nerves tensed. They looked like ordinary people who were pointed at their brains by guns. They broke out cold sweat all over and felt like being strangled by death.

How is it possible that someone does not know when to appear behind him, but he is completely unaware of it?

Tao yao, in particular, was shocked.

There are countless talismans in the longfu mountain. Each talisman is like her eye. Even if the divine king comes, he should be detected at the first time.

When he saw the six armed, green faced man standing behind him, Lin Chen was not too surprised.

He guessed at the moment of turning around that the guy who could appear behind him and tao yao silently must be this guy!

He took a step, stood in front of tao yao, and said warily, "are you coming for Tao Yao?"

Tao yao doesn't think he needs Lin Chen's protection, but he feels sweet when he sees Lin Chen's subconscious move.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

She stared at the green faced man warily, and understood that the other party was the man Lin Chen had mentioned earlier.

"I'm not interested in answering your questions."

The tone of the young man's understatement made tao yao's expression sink. She could hear that the other party really didn't pay attention to him and Lin Chen.

The feeling was as if in his eyes, he and Lin Chen were just suckling children. He was not interested in answering the children's questions.

Shua! Shua! Shua——

Phantoms are flying here. They are talismans of energy.

Hundreds of talismans surrounded the blue faced man, blooming with dazzling brilliance. However, before these talismans exerted their due power, the blue faced man whispered: "break!"

There was a terrible wave that made Lin Chen and tao yao palpitating. With him as the center, hundreds of talismans, like clouds torn by the wind, disappeared in an instant.

Tao yao's pretty face turned pale. He stepped back and vomited a mouthful of blood.

The mature version of Tao Yao on the altar also turned pale, with blood gushing from the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, her means are very powerful. When these hundreds of Taoist talismans are torn up at the same time, her separate body and this Buddha are backfired at the same time.

"You really came for tao yao!"

Lin Chen hurriedly helps tao yao and looks at the young man with a suspicious look in his eyes.

If the other party comes for tao yao, it will be really troublesome.

Not surprisingly, he and Tao Yao can't defeat a strong man who transcends reincarnation. Even if he hides in the blue world, I'm afraid it won't help!

"I came for her, but not to kill her..."

The green faced man was stunned when he finished his answer. He felt that he was surrounded by Lin Chen.

The boy's words were just a repetition of his previous inquiry, but this time he changed from an inquiry to an affirmative tone, and he answered subconsciously.

"You are a cunning boy." Instead of getting angry, the green faced man laughed, "well, if you answer my question honestly, I won't hurt you, and I will answer one of your questions. But remember, just answer one question! So before asking a question, think about what you want to ask."

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