"Can we, the two of us, each ask a question?"

Tao yao realizes that the guy in front of her is extremely difficult to deal with. If the other party doesn't mean to fight, she naturally doesn't want to fight with the other party.

As for answering the other side's questions, there is nothing to be done, but it is somewhat less to ask only one question.


The blue faced man shook his head in a non-negotiable tone.

Tao yao looks at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded. He knew that there was a great disparity between the two sides, and there was no possibility of bargaining with each other.

"OK! You can ask."

Tao yao looks at the green faced man and tells Lin Chen to think about what to ask later. Don't waste the only question.

Lin Chen was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, tao yao didn't even think about it, so he gave himself the opportunity to ask questions. He was a little grateful. He didn't hesitate to think about it immediately.

"You didn't think of this way to cultivate your soul?" The green faced man inquired.

Tao yao shook his head. "Sister Liu thought of it."

"Do you mean the willow tree in the mountain, which has only a wisp of vitality?" Said the green faced man.

Tao yao was startled. The other party asked this, which meant that he had searched the whole longfu mountain. His dialogue with Lin Chen was estimated to have been all heard by the other party.

At present, there should be a certain degree of temptation in the inquiry. If you lie, the other party may not turn his face directly.

"Yes!" Tao yao nodded.

"Tell me about her."


Tao yao briefly told the story of the Dragon talisman, and the young man showed a sudden look and laughed: "after a long time, this willow was the little girl who wanted to control the origin of chaos, but was suppressed in turn? What a pity! She could come up with this method to cultivate her soul. Her talent was stronger than I expected. I knew it would have been so. If she had kept it in those days

She, perhaps today's she, can bring greater surprise. "

Tao yao's eyelids jumped.

The other party's words revealed a meaning, that is, as long as the other party makes a move, even if it is the source of chaos, it will not hurt the Dragon Fu Emperor!

This tone is understated, but it is completely overbearing!

Next, the green faced man asked many more questions, basically about the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor. Obviously, he was very interested in the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor.

Seeing that the other party seemed to have finished asking, Tao Yao said tentatively, "senior, you have great powers. Can you save sister Liu?"

According to the current situation of the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor, even the top divine kings such as the God King of the wasteland are powerless. The original outcome is destined to be the complete annihilation of vitality with the passage of time.

Tao yao realized that the young man in front of him seemed to have unimaginable power, and he could not help but look forward to it.

The green faced man narrowed his eyes and joked, "is this your question?"

Tao yao was surprised. Lin Chen, who was immersed in thinking, immediately looked up at this side.

The young man said that the two of them could only ask one question, and Tao Yao was already asking questions just now.

"That doesn't count! I just said that later." Tao yao shook his head quickly.

The green faced man said, "I can save her! If that was your question just now, I will save her! Now answer again, is that your question?"

Tao yao was frozen in place.

Whether that was a question or not, the other person actually answered himself.

The key now is that if you answer yes, you will save sister Liu for convenience. If you answer no, you will not save sister Liu for convenience!

Tao yao can see that Lin Chen obviously wants to ask the green faced man what is extremely important, but it should be noted that for her, the Dragon Fu Emperor is just like her own sister.

If there is a chance to revive the Dragon talisman, she will seize this opportunity anyway.

Even if she had to pay for her life, she would enjoy it!

Lin Chen frowned, then relaxed, looked at the green faced man and said with a smile, "please don't make fun of us. You asked so many questions about the Dragon Fu Emperor just now. If you guessed right, you would have appreciated her very much and had planned to save her. Since you have made a decision in your mind, tao yao and I will not affect her anyway


"You are not only cunning, but also clever."

The green faced man looked at Lin Chen. "I was going to save her as you guessed."

Lin Chen and tao yao are smiling at each other.

The young man said: "but I can change my mind! Although I admire her a little, I still can't help feeling amazing.

Now, I have changed my mind. Whether to save her or not depends on your answer! You can give me an answer now, just answer yes or no! "

Lin Chen pulled at the corner of his mouth and felt the urge to punch the other side.

This guy is obviously old and disrespectful. He likes to play with people's hearts. It's so hateful!

"Yes!" Lin Chen doesn't have a good airway.

He looked at the stunned tao yao and said, "I really have something important to ask, but your sister is more important to you."

Tao Yao said softly, "thank you." Lin Chen didn't have a good way: "did you shut up for too long and make your head dull and stupid? It was you who answered his questions. The opportunity to ask questions should also be yours. Thank you! If you really thank me

Then, why don't you write off the account I owe you? "

Tao yao bit his teeth, and his heart was moved. He became an impulse to give this guy a punch: "you can't imagine! Not only can you write it off, but I'll also calculate your interest!"

However, seeing Lin Chen's loss at the bottom of his eyes, he couldn't help but be stunned again. He immediately understood that this opportunity to ask questions was really very important to Lin Chen.

However, he still did not want to make a choice from his own point of view.

Lin Chen looked at the green faced man and said, "you can start saving the Dragon Fu Emperor now? Don't be so mean!"

The young man turned black and said, "you are realistic enough. Now you don't even shout at your elders? I was going to give you an additional chance to ask questions when you performed to my satisfaction." "..." Lin Chen's expression was frozen, and then he looked like a dog leg laughing. "What did you say, sir? I admire you for being such a big man! You don't know. I felt that at the moment I saw you


"Shut up! Ask questions!"

The big man with a green face interrupted him with a cold look on his face.

Then, he laughed in his heart. What he wanted to ask was how to prevent the destruction of Yin Yang ruins!

I will answer him, but even if he gets the answer, it is completely meaningless.

Doomed to no harvest!

Only because, to prevent the destruction of Yin Yang ruins, the prerequisite is to go to the Hongmeng realm. Then, he listened to Lin Chen, who couldn't wait to ask, "how can I go to Hongmeng?"

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