Xushanhu, qiutianxiong and yanshiwei are waiting outside the airport.

"Well, OK, if they want to check, let them check. I want to see what they can find out!" Xu Shanhu sneered and hung up.

Seeing that Qiu Tianxiong and yanshiwei were both looking at themselves in doubt, he smiled and explained:

"The people of the Viper group sold us to the police. Just now, the police went to raid my place. However, I destroyed all the relevant evidence as early as yesterday. They can't find out anything!"

At last, Xu Shanhu looked very proud.

Qiutianxiong and yanshiwei also know something about the Viper group. They nodded at Wen Yan and didn't ask anything. It's all a small matter. The person they want to pick up today is the most important.

At this time, they saw a thin old foreigner coming out with a young man.

Qiu Tianxiong's face was very happy. He hurried to meet him. At the same time, he said with a smile, "Mr. Adolf, you have come here. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xushanhu and yanshiwei naturally know that this person is the one they want to pick up, that is, the movie demon Qiu Tianxiong said.

However, they were somewhat suspicious at this time. The old man looked like a lethargic man. He felt that he could not even beat an ordinary adult. He didn't look like a strong man anyway!

Seeing Qiu Tianxiong's wrinkled face, the old man smiled faintly and said in a very pure Chinese language: "ha ha, Qiu Tianxiong, long time no see."

Qiutianxiong calls him sir, but he directly calls him qiutianxiong's name. The level between the two is high and low!

Qiu Tianxiong nodded and said with a smile, "yes, several years have passed in a flash. However, I will never forget the power of Mr. Adolf. As far as I know, you were listed in the list of world gods a while ago. It's really amazing!"

There was awe in his tone. Obviously, his praise was sincere.

Xushanhu and yanshiwei are more suspicious when they see Qiu Tianxiong's respectful appearance.

If Xu Shanhu hadn't determined that Qiu Tianxiong himself was a born strong man and wouldn't deceive himself, he would have thought that the two men were acting!

This old man doesn't look like a strong man who needs to be well entertained!

Yanshiwei could not help but said, "Mr. Qiu, is this the strong man you said? Hehe, how strong can he be? You won't be fooling me, will you?"

He was also looking forward to making friends with the so-called super strong, and then asked him to help kill Lin Chen. At this time, he felt cheated and was very unhappy.

"Bold! You dare to insult the shadow devil. You are looking for death!" The young man behind the old man suddenly stared with a cold voice.

As a child of the seven top aristocratic families, yanshiwei was arrogant. How could he tolerate the other party's arrogance? He immediately angrily said, "who do you think is looking for death? How dare you talk to me like this? Believe it or not, I will kill you first?"

The shadow demon glanced at yanshiwei and asked Qiu Tianxiong, "who is he?"

Qiutianxiong was also shocked by yanshiwei, secretly scolded him for not knowing what to do, and then introduced the identities of xiayanshiwei and xushanhu to the movie devil.

"Oh? Are you from the Yan family, the seven aristocratic families?" The demon smiled.

"Hum! What? Are you afraid?"

Yanshiwei said proudly, "I don't think you are a strong man. I guess I can't even catch my fist. I'm just trying to deceive people. I don't have a door to deceive me. Do you really think I haven't seen an expert?"

Xu Shanhu didn't speak, but his eyes were suspicious.

"Sir, he dares to insult you. Please allow me to kill him now!" The young man behind the shadow devil looked at Yan Shiwei with cold eyes.

However, the shadow demon waved his hand and joked with Yan Shiwei: "if it was the master of your Yan family here, I would pay more attention to it. As for you, a little boy, you dare to be rampant in front of me. If it wasn't for your Yan Family's face, you would be dead now!"

Yanshiwei was about to lose his temper when he heard the sneer, but then he saw the shadow demon who had stood in front of him and disappeared out of thin air!

"Ah? What is it?"

Yanshiwei was startled. He stared wide and looked around, but he still couldn't find the shadow devil. He was so scared that his scalp became numb, "are you... Are you a man or a ghost? How can you disappear!"

Not only did he suspect, but even Xu Shanhu, who had seen a lot of storms, was stunned at this time. He suspected that the hell was going on.

Otherwise, how can a person disappear out of thin air!

Suddenly, Yan Shiwei's skinny hands were clasped around his neck. Yan Shiwei screamed, "ah!!"

The ghost, who had disappeared, was standing beside him with a smile. "How, do you still think I am a liar?"

"No, no, no! You are not a liar! Of course you are not a liar!"

Yanshiwei's legs trembled with fear. He was born in a top-level family. He has seen a lot of experts. He knows a little about the inborn strong, but he has never seen such a means to disappear out of thin air!

With this skill, who can beat the old man? Who does he want to kill? That man will die!

Yanshiwei immediately made a decision in his heart, smiled incomparably and said respectfully, "Mr. Adolf, I just had eyes for Taishan. I hope you won't be surprised!"

"If I take offense, you are already a dead man!"

The shadow devil said a few words lightly, and then loosened his hand. The Yan Family's children still have some value to make friends with.

"Ha ha! Mr. Adolf, it's a great honor to meet you. I'm xushanhu, the boss of the iron mountain sect. I've prepared wine and food for you in xuanhu residence. I hope you can give me a face!"

Xu Shanhu reacted without a trace of doubt and was too excited.

"Wine and food? No, I have something to deal with." The shadow demon answered lightly.

Xu Shanhu smiled awkwardly. Obviously, people don't think much of him as the boss of the iron mountain sect.

His status is far inferior to that of Yan Shiwei. People are too lazy to make friends!

At this time, Qiu Tianxiong on the side opened his mouth and said with a smile: "ha ha! Mr. Adolf, Xu Shanhu has prepared several top Chinese beauties for you. Those beauties are waiting for you in xuanhu residence. Don't you really go and have a look?"

"Oh? Top Chinese beauty?" The shadow devil's eyes lit up.

Xu Shanhu also immediately responded. He secretly scolded the old man for being a lecher, and nodded repeatedly on his face:

"Yes, Mr. Adolf, I have prepared some top local beauties for you. I wonder if they have the honor to meet you?"

"Yes, I haven't had lunch yet, so I'll go there."

The demon simply agreed, and turned to look at the young man behind him and said, "Alva, now go and fetch Irina's watch to see me. If you dare disobey me, I will let her know the consequences."

"Yes, my Lord!"

The young man nodded respectfully, and then his body almost turned into an illusion and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xushanhu and yanshiwei are even more awed by the shadow demon. Even an attendant is so enigmatic. The strength of the shadow demon itself is simply unimaginable!

Xu Shanhu then smiled and said, "by the way, Mr. Adolf, tonight is just the day when the leaders of the major guilds in Yuehai city have dinner. Would you like to meet the leaders here?"

"Boss? Hehe, where do you have so-called boss in China? Compared with the European and American Mafia, Daoguo Shankou group, laohongmen, East Asia Dragon hall and so on, they are just a family. What is the need to know?"

The shadow devil hissed loudly without any disguise. This is the so-called boss of the underworld in mainland China. He can't see it.

Xushanhu looked embarrassed.

The shadow demon said lightly: "I know what you are trying to do. Don't worry. As long as the woman you are looking for is satisfactory to me, I will naturally help you. As long as I am willing to help you, then in the underground world of Yuehai City, those who follow you will prosper and those who go against you will die! In my eyes, you are just a group of mole ants."

Xushanhu immediately showed a happy face and said with a busy smile, "don't worry, I will find you the top woman!"

He laughed in his heart. With the help of a strong man here, the night Dynasty was nothing!

Tonight, we will take the night Dynasty to establish our prestige!

With qiutianxiong's help, he had already won. Now, he has made friends with a strong man with such strange means as the shadow demon. He has no chance of failure at all!

After today, Yuehai city will be the world of his iron mountain Gang!

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