Sky tower.


Generally, no one will come here. At this time, Irina and Lin Chen are standing here. The wind is strong. Their hair is flying and their clothes are hunting.

"Shall we wait here for the demon to come?" Irina said strangely.

She has finally determined that Lin Chen has not made any preparations. She really plans to welcome the arrival of the shadow demon in this way. To tell the truth, she has some doubts that Lin Chen is crazy.

"Yes." Lin Chen answered and asked, "can't he not find us?"

Irina is completely speechless. She hopes that the demon will never find her, but Lin Chen is afraid that the other party will not find her.

"Don't worry. Besides being good at killing people, the most powerful killer organization is the intelligence system. Although the shadow demon arrived this afternoon, it is estimated that someone from the 'phantom' came a few days ago. If nothing happens, I am under their surveillance every day." Irina explained.

To tell the truth, she's really nervous now. She doesn't think Lin Chen can win the movie devil at all, but Lin Chen is kind to her. She can't run away alone now.

"It has come." Lin Chen suddenly said.

"What has come?" Irina was puzzled. Then she heard the cold voice behind her.

"Elena, what should I say about you? You are so stupid that even adults dare to disobey!"

Irina suddenly turned around and saw a handsome young blonde with a dignified face: "Alva!"

"It's me." Alva said coldly, "now go with me to see adults. You dare to disobey him. That is betraying the organization. You know the consequences of betraying the organization!"

Lin Chen was standing next to Irina, but from beginning to end, he didn't bother to look at Lin Chen, as if Lin Chen was just air.

"Consequences?" Irina disdained to sneer. "What else can there be? That old guy wants me to be his woman. Why do you say so grandly?"

She said sarcastically: "Alva, you are really the most heartfelt dog of the shadow devil. Didn't you also pursue me in those years? In the end, because you found that the shadow devil took a fancy to me, you were so scared that you didn't even dare to say more to me. It's useless to be a man like you!"

Irina winked at Lin Chen while mocking him. She asked him to make a surprise attack while Alva was unprepared. To her annoyance, Lin Chen didn't move at all. Instead, she listened to them with great interest.

Alva heard Irina's mockery, and his face was ugly. Then he snorted coldly: "don't sow dissension here. I Alva was willing to be the most loyal servant of the Lord. This was my choice! The Lord treated me well. With his help, I had stepped into the holy class last month. What if I could be a cow or a horse for him!"

"Step into holy class!"

Irina's face changed greatly. Alva is the most talented young man in the phantom organization. At the age of 23, she entered the semi holy level. Unexpectedly, she entered the Holy Level in the past five years. She is really a demon!

Among them, it is inevitable that the shadow devil taught him. No wonder, he would be loyal to the shadow devil!

Originally, she thought that the shadow demon didn't come, only came to Alva, so she was definitely not Lin Chen's opponent. Now it seems that the result is unpredictable.

She guessed that Lin Chen might be a saint level master, but in fact, she didn't believe her guess. After all, Lin Chen was too young!

Alva saw the panic expression on Irina's face and smiled with satisfaction. Suddenly, his eyes were cold, pointed to Lin Chen and said:

"I'm a little curious. Who is this guy? Isn't it the man you're looking for in China? Your taste is too bad. You even have a crush on a Chinese white face. When did you have a hobby of collecting garbage?"

"Who do you say is garbage?" Lin Chen was disappointed because he was not a shadow demon. He was still so rampant, and his eyes became cold.

Alva and Irina spoke English. Lin Chen didn't understand a few words before. However, he spent some time learning when he was bored a while ago. In less than two days, he had no problem with basic listening and speaking.

The inborn strong never forget what they have seen, and their learning ability is unmatched by ordinary people.

The reason for learning English is to read some western classics. Although he is a traditional Chinese medicine, he is also interested in some theoretical systems of Western medicine. There is no Chinese version of those academic things, and some words have a bad taste.

"I am talking about you. In my eyes, you are rubbish!" Alva didn't expect Lin Chen would dare to answer back, so he directly replied in Chinese.

"Oh, you are rubbish? You really know yourself!" Lin Chen said with a surprised look.

Alva's face was cold: "boy, don't talk to me. You are such a rubbish. I can crush you with a little thumb!"

"Really?" Lin Chen smiled and suddenly said, "no wonder Elena said you were the shadow devil's dog. It was a dog barking. No wonder I didn't understand it. Well, I won't talk to you anymore. Where is the shadow devil? Tell me about it, and then I'll find him myself."

"Hahaha! Idiot, you said you were going to find Lord yingmo? What kind of thing are you, and you are qualified to find Lord yingmo? I don't know what the heaven and earth are!"

Alva had heard Lin Chen's words at the beginning, and his face became angry. When he heard his words behind him, he seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world, and burst out laughing. His eyes seemed to be looking at a neuropathy.

With that, he didn't bother to talk any more. He ran away and appeared in front of Lin Chen. He slapped Lin Chen on the head!

Suddenly, there was a muffled noise in the air, and his hands were incredibly fast, bringing a gust of wind!

The power of this palm was amazing. Alva had a cold and murderous intention in his eyes. He was not interested in pestering this mole ant at all, and planned to slap it to death!

He was a saint level master. To ordinary people, he was like a superman. How could he be proud of such a small man talking in front of him!

"Be careful, Lin Chen!" Irina exclaimed.

At the critical moment, Lin Chen also took the palm, and his two palms collided in mid air.


It was like two cars colliding.



Then there was the sound of broken bones, accompanied by a scream!

"Lin Chen!" Irina cried out subconsciously. Her face was a little flustered. She thought that Lin Chen's palm was broken. However, when she saw the situation, she was stunned.

Lin Chen still stood still, while Alva, who was originally arrogant, stepped back several steps. His palm twisted into a strange angle and became blue and purple. It was so swollen!

Obviously, it wasn't Lin Chen who broke his hand bone just now, but he!

"No way! Who are you? How can you be better than me? It's impossible!" Alva was scared to death.

He has always been conceited. When he entered the saint level at the age of 28, he felt that he was the top genius in the world. However, Lin Chen smashed his self-confidence!

Lin Chen obviously looks much younger than him, but it was a fight that ruined his palm!

"There's nothing impossible. It's just that you're rubbish. As I said just now, you're rubbish." Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders and said casually, but his eyes were cold and murderous.

This man wanted to kill him just now. He will never be soft on anyone who wants to kill him!

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