Zhang Yan was so crazy that he rushed to Zhuhao's brain and said, "Grass Mud Horse, I didn't treat you badly. You are so stupid! Why don't you die!"

After scolding, he remembered that it was not very good to say so, so the conversation turned and he scolded:

"You've got dog shit in your eyes, haven't you? Even brother Chen's women dare to offend! Who's brother Chen's woman? That's my sister-in-law Zhang Yan! What kind of thing are you, and dare to make an idea about your sister-in-law? Eat shit! I'll kill you! I'm so righteous that you and brother Chen are a lump of dog shit!"

Everyone was speechless and scolded the flatterer. You are the leader of the small Sabre sect, not a member of the night Dynasty. How can brother Chen's woman become your sister-in-law?

This is basically trying to please brother Chen and Elena. It's so shameless!

Irina's face was a little red, but she didn't make a sound, but secretly glanced at Lin Chen.

Zhang Yan, brother Chen, didn't stop, and I'll beat you to death. I didn't care that Zhuhao was his cousin. It was very dark. After a while, Zhuhao's face became a red and swollen pig's head!

There is no way. Zhang Yan is really afraid. Lin Chen also gives him two chopsticks in his thigh!

"All right, stop." Seeing that Zhuhao was almost concussed, Lin Chen said faintly.

Although Zhu Hao owes a lot to clean up, he will not be killed alive.

Of course, the death penalty is excusable, but the life penalty is unavoidable.

Zhang Yan stopped and looked at Lin Chen with a flattering face.

"By the way, you and I remember what you just said. If I were brother Chen, what would you do?" Lin Chen smiled and looked at Zhuhao.

"Hee hee, I remember. He just said that if you were brother Chen, he would take off his clothes and climb around xuanhuju." Irina was very cooperative at this time.

Zhu Hao's face is bitter. If he takes off his clothes and climbs around xuanhuju, how can he still work in Yuehai city in the future?

He really would rather be knocked unconscious!

However, he also knew that he had no choice now. He was the boss of the night Dynasty. He was not as strong as human beings. It was good that he didn't sink himself into the sea.

Zhang Yan stared: "are you deaf? Didn't you hear what sister-in-law said?"

Anyway, losing face is better than losing life. Zhang Yan doesn't want to see his cousin really killed.

"I, I will go now!" Zhuhao bit his teeth and wanted to take off his clothes.

Zhang Yan was so angry that he didn't go anywhere. Why didn't he find this guy so stupid before? He kicked him in the ass and scolded: "asshole, you fart! Get out! Do you want to dirty my sister-in-law's eyes?"

Zhang Yan was kicked into the mud by a dog. Then he realized that it was not suitable to take off here, so he climbed and ran out. "I am taking off outside. I must have finished climbing!"

Brother hyena glanced at a subordinate behind him, pointed his chin outward, and the subordinate immediately followed out, apparently to supervise.

Lin Chen looks at Zhang Jing again. Zhang Jing thinks Lin Chen is going to take revenge on her. Her face changes greatly, and she says in horror: "Lin Chen, I, I......"

"You go." Lin Chen said.

Zhang Jing was stunned and said suspiciously, "are you willing to let me go?"

"Anyway, we used to be colleagues. I never meant to take revenge or trouble you. It's just that you're looking for trouble. This is the last time I don't care. Don't have another time." Lin Chen said faintly.

Zhang Jing was stunned.

When you think about it carefully, it seems that this is true. Whether it was last time in the clothing store or today, it was she who was looking for Lin Chen's trouble, and Lin Chen was a little too lazy to pay attention to her.

But this discovery made her more difficult to accept.

She finally realized that Lin Chen had become out of reach. They were people from two worlds. She didn't even have the qualification to let others know!

It was all her own ridiculous conjecture that some people had planned on her and courted her!

Zhang Jing finally went out of her mind.

Brother hyena saw that Lin Chen had finished handling the matter, so he came forward and asked, "brother Chen, how do you deal with it next? Or, throw it into the sea?"

While talking, his cold eyes swept over Xu Shanhu, yingmo and qiutianxiong on the ground.

Xu Shanhu was startled and begged for mercy: "brother Chen, don't, will you spare my life? I can be an ox or a horse for you in the future!"

The shadow devil's face also changed greatly: "you said it. If I say who wanted to kill an Xueyao, you won't kill me!"

Qiu Tianxiong could not speak, but his eyes were frightened.

The more you enjoy the drunken people in the world, the more you are afraid of death. The three of them are like this.

"All the other members of the iron mountain sect will go back to their hometown. Wherever they come from, they can go back. Yuehai city is not where they stay."

At the same time, Lin Chen scanned the faces of the iron mountain gang. They all lowered their heads and dared not have any objection.

Lin Chen looked at Xu Shanhu again and said, "as for these three people, just give them to the police."

"Police?" Everyone was a little stunned.

Brother hyena doubted that he had heard wrong and said, "brother Chen, did you say you would give it to the police?"

"No?" Lin Chen asked back.

Brother hyena shook his head and said, "yes, of course. Since brother Chen said he would give it to the police, I will call the police now!"

Anyway, throwing it into the sea and throwing it to the police is also a way to deal with it. Of course, brother hyena doesn't care. However, as the boss of his own night Dynasty, Lin Chen wants to take the initiative to hand over people to the police. He is like a good citizen, which makes him feel a little confused.

The rest of the bosses also looked strange, but did not dare to speak.

Xu Shanhu and his wife all looked ugly at the news, but it was better than being killed.

"There's no need to call the police. There's a policeman right here. I still know him." Lin Chen smiled, then went to the window and jumped out again. Stepping on the lake, she ran to a wooden house not far away.


Han Shuang didn't expect to meet Lin Chen here, and Lin Chen was still so powerful. The previous scene was directly printed in her mind, which was very shocking.

At the same time, he was relieved to see that the old man was abandoned by Lin Chen and then taken away. Obviously, he would not come back. In this way, he would have escaped a disaster.

But the reaction of the body still didn't stop. The strange feeling was driving her crazy.

She is sober, but this is the most deadly, because her shame is still there.

But that feeling was out of control. In the end, Han Shuang didn't know why. Even she was confused, or she deliberately asked herself to forget something and reached out somewhere.

By this time, her body had probably recovered some strength.

Although the feet are still handcuffed, the hands can move.

Han Shuang closed her eyes. With the movement of her hands, a person's voice and shadow suddenly appeared in her mind. It was difficult to control. She called out his name.

The cry became more and more urgent. Just then, a man suddenly jumped in from the window

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